
Wonka: You STOLE Fizzy Lifting Drinks!!

Hannibal, drifting around on the ceiling: And if you are wrong, Will?


at the press of a button burt will send you his bees

e-seal:girldick-defined: beginners-mind:




This is her gfm, the article doxed her despite begging to stay anonymous, misquoted and used her quotes to craft a narrative that smeared her, and the author contacted her family and employer. They’re ruining her life and career for the sake of a tabloid article.

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attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn: attenti:schylermr: deadbiwrites:your-local-bnha-writer:hannahkishi:cartoongamingmasterreborn:










Anti anxiety.


So mesmerized

The cat

Hey my followers with anxiety here’s some things that might help.

this for my followers with anxiety i hope this helps

I did the breathing exercises and immediately got a smudge lightheaded before feeling 1000x better.

Didn’t even realize I was anxious


Reblogging because I might need that, and perhaps you too

the list of things you can hear see etc really helped me overcome my panic attacs… it serves as a gateway into mindfullness and whatsoever so it really was a great improvement in my life.
I want to add  this breathing technique 

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can someone make me a fake jk rowling tweet that just says “Hagrid can selfsuck”

yes dear


Mary Oliver, “Flare.”Devotions









Who’s having some realizations about their early childhood right now ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

yeah i did exactly this. this is how children interpret panic attacks and such, so if your kid tells you they have stomach aches, especially sudden, around certain times of days, certain places, or certain events, they are likely having panic attacks

Kid me after being bullied all day by classmates and teachers: My stomach hurts.

Mother and teachers: You’re a big lazy faker that will never amount to anything.

Adult me: So it was panic attacks…


This is so fucking wild because when I got a “stomach ache” (for instance, my uncle’s wedding) my mum would say “You’re clearly anxious. Don’t worry, I’ll be here the whole time, if you want to leave just say so. There’s no shame in being nervous.”

But when my panic attacks got more visible in secondary school and led to me missing classes, it was all “It’s in your head. At least try to get a grip. You’re getting hysterical over nothing!”

This post got a rash of notes today and I haven’t looked at the chatter on it in forever…and as much as I wish so many people didn’t relate to it, it is always helpful to know you’re not alone.

And now, we all agree and know that it’s our responsibility to listen to kids and notice this stuff for THEM, now and… better, right? ❤️❤️



















Over the past few months I have asked a male architect for ideas & drafts for the renovation of the farmhouse, and at every turn I am stunned by his utter disregard for any cleaning-related concerns. For example, he is very into the idea of having in the living-room a big, non-openable window near the ceiling—which, granted, looks pretty, like having a piece of blue sky when you raise your eyes, but immediately I’m like, with a high ceiling, how will I clean this? You can’t open it so you have to clean both sides separately, and you can’t easily reach either side. I’ll need a tool with an absurdly long telescopic handle. He says, a stepladder. I’m like, but I’ll need to carry it by myself to the living-room and the front of the house every time. “So?” So a very tall stepladder is heavy? And it will be hard not to get dirty water dripping down the wall. He reacts like he can’t believe he is being asked to bring the concept of dirty soap water into his grand designs, like these are base, trifling considerations, when to me it’s a crucial factor in the decision to add this decorative window.

Similarly we both agree on leaving most of the wood beams exposed because they’re old and beautiful, but when I ask if we ought to insulate in such a way as to cover every other one, so the remaining ones are farther apart and it’s harder for spiders to use them as ready-made anchors for their webs, he just looks disgusted, like “I am talking about Architecture and you bring up spiderwebs.” At this point I start to entertain the idea that men make horrible architects. You design someone’s house to give them a nice, convenient space to live in, not to make their life more difficult. A man who has never used a sponge in his life should not be allowed to graduate from architect school and that’s the end of it.

Related reading: 

All of Frank Lloyd Wright’s houses had leaky roofs and were basically uninhabitable

Why You Hate Contemporary Architecture

My mom is an architect and I can confirm . Male architects are overwhelmingly pretentious douches that half ass their projects

Im currently studying interior design and have been involved in the field in and off for a long time. I can’t even begin to tell you how many people live in ‘architecturally designed’ houses where the male architect was more interested in winning awards so he could upgrade his Maserati than designing something humans can actually live in.

Whenever I see fancy architecture, my first thought is nearly always “this is gonna be a bitch to heat”, closely followed by “that staircase looks terribly unsafe”.

I don’t understand why so many fancy architects don’t seem to consider, that people would have to live in that house. If you are an architect and people don’t actually want to live and spend time in your house, aren’t you a failed architect?

I live in a country where it rains 265 days of the year, and it irritates me immensely how many modern buildings locally have clearly been designed by architects who either don’t know this, or don’t care. Why would you ever design a flat-roofed building in this climate? There are so many new buildings here that look fine when it’s sunny, but are grey and depressing when it rains. And so many slightly less new buildings which are streaked with rust and mold because they’ve been rained on constantly for the last ten years, and the architect never considered what that would do to them.

Architects need to look to traditional building techniques. Houses in England have steep roofs for a reason. Houses in Israel have flat roofs for a reason.

I’ve seen what English weather does to a flat roof!

Best architectural disaster remains the French Library Bibliothèque nationale François Mitterrand

The building is slowly sinking into the ground

Because the architect didn’t take into account THE WEIGHT OF THE FUCKING BOOKS

My high school was an all glass cube wall place designed by a famous architect but the custom ordered and shaped glass was from a defunct company and less than 5 years later there were wooden planks replacing the glass floor tiles and wall panels in several places from normal ware and tear as well as a hurricane. The school was expensive to clean and teachers had to put up curtains in all the rooms or everyone in the hallways could just see into the classroom and people in the hallway would stare in like classrooms were fish aquariums.

If architecture doesn’t consider the consequences of a space being used and maintained over time it is ultimately more hubris than art.

My college has some acceptable 1950’s architecture, but the town around it is more fascinating

I disagree with the article wanting to abolish the skyscraper entirely, though, as there are many good art deco skyscrapers

Oh, thank God, a post where I can bitch about brutalism. Because fuck that shit. Where’s the joy? Where’s the adaptation to climate? Where’s the fucking comfort?


Read the second article lierdumoa posted above because it is the most delicious tea ever. I haven’t read such a good article in a while.

Oh, I did. The author gave ZERO fucks. The sarcasm, the burns. All very well-deserved. Also some awesome pictures of the Alhambra.

“Capitalism eats culture, and it makes ugly places. Money has no taste.”

My college library was regularly featured in architecture books as a peak example of its style. It also was designed as a single column with an open well in the center.



And if someone sneezed on the fouth floor, you could say bless you on the first.

Because what you want in a LIBRARY is a gigantic goddamn echo chamber that ran the entire length of the building.

Kind of like the houses built as part of the Make It Right campaign in New Orleans. Homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in the Lower Nineth Ward were replaced by buildings designed by “world class architects”. Seven of them have been demolished so far because they were so poorly constructed they’re just fucking rotting.

Hell, one I saw technically didn’t have a roof! “The concept was a space with an open deck on top.” In a city were it rains about 75% of the year!

Like the shotgun houses in the Lower Ninth, that were on raised platforms a foot or so above the ground (you can see them in Princess and the Frog, this is the style of house Tiana lives in), we’re actually perfect for the area and lasted a long time despite being cheaply built for a reason you stupid mother fuckers.

Also, Walmart story. You may have noticed how all Walmart have a flat roof. So, a friend of mine worked at the Walmart in Erie, PA, which gets lake effects and some days during the winter they’ll just get a few feet of snow overnight. This is regular and predictable. Do you know what a few feet of snow does to a flat roof? Yeah, so almost every year the roof caved in on the Erie Walmart doing massive amounts of damage, and every time Walmart replaced it with another flat roof, because that’s the corporate design and national uniformity is a big part of Walmart’s brand…..

cinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live decinematv:DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1989) | DIR. PETER WEIR I went to the woods because I wanted to live de



I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. To put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I had come to die, discover that I had not lived.

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Hi folks, I’ve posted almost everything I got in hand (there are still some, but not many of them), which means I need MORE submissions from you! Please submit your cock pics / cum vids :)

I don’t wanna set many rules but there’s this thing that I think is important. I need to see the whole thing to rate. So please don’t send me some super close-up pics or vids, otherwise I don’t know how to rate it! Also, I rate loads and rods, and I want to focus on that, so please submit only your cum and/or your cock. Thank you all for following and all the submissions! I appreciate your submissions, keep them cummin’!

Kik: Hugecummoholic
E-mail: [email protected]

You may submit as many time as you want, and the ratings may be different.

I know I might post them a bit slowly, but I hope you like how it goes so far. Happy weekend. :)

p.s. I put my cock pics here tagged with hugecummoholic… I’m still thinking if I should put the vids up here too. Message me if you have any thoughts, thanks! 

hugecummoholic: RATING: 8.5 I like its shape, an it looks like a perfect tool for sex. Go from behinhugecummoholic: RATING: 8.5 I like its shape, an it looks like a perfect tool for sex. Go from behin



I like its shape, an it looks like a perfect tool for sex. Go from behind and make it all in!. :p

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#submission    #rate 8    
hugecummoholic: RATING: 8 The colour tells me that it’s swollen, full of blood and sperm! I rarely f



The colour tells me that it’s swollen, full of blood and sperm! I rarely find thick loads sexy, but this one however, got me.

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#submission    #rate 8    

Thanks for your submissions! Hope you like how it works here so far. I know the update is kinda slow, I’m sorry about that and please be patient, thanks!

lacrossejocks: Send away bros!


Send away bros!

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ratemymeat:3 Stars