qilliananderson: Gillian Anderson photographed by Marissa Mooney for The Wrap 2019.qilliananderson: Gillian Anderson photographed by Marissa Mooney for The Wrap 2019.qilliananderson: Gillian Anderson photographed by Marissa Mooney for The Wrap 2019.qilliananderson: Gillian Anderson photographed by Marissa Mooney for The Wrap 2019.qilliananderson: Gillian Anderson photographed by Marissa Mooney for The Wrap 2019.


Gillian Anderson photographed by Marissa Mooney for The Wrap 2019.

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It’s time…

… for cookies!

It’s November which means cookie giveaway! If you love cookies (and Christmas) as much as I do, like, reblog or comment and you might win some!

OnNovember 16, I will pick 3 winners.

As always, you also get an exclusive fanfic cookie

To give you an idea what the cookies look like:

And this year, FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME, there will be these cookies too:

Yes, Mulder and Scully! Also, aliens, UFOs, foxes… and more.

I ship internationally, so everyone is welcome to join.

Let’s spread some joy and eat some cookies!

Disclosure: this giveaway isn’t associated with Tumblr, and any information traded is with me (baronessblixen) and not with Tumblr.

I forgot to say that this for my followers

Talk about being late to the party…I’ve been out of the loop a little and I have no idea what promptlists are going around this fine fictober season, so I just gave it a shot with the actual date. Tagging @today-in-fic

It’s been 30 seconds since she left the house and it has already fallen into a dark obscure fog behind her. An all embracing shadow. The same shadow that seems to be clouding their days, minds and thoughts for so long. Unbearably long…Looking in the rearview mirror she doesn’t recognize the once familiar shapes anymore, only a closed door and the last of her belongings in the back seat.

It’s been 30 minutes and she is driving. Driving away from their past, from their present, from their future. Driving away from him. Into an empty space where once were dreams of a life far from darkness and pain. 

It’s been 30 days with unanswered calls, worried texts, frustrating feelings of guilt. She needed to leave to keep herself from withering away. She needed to lose him to not lose herself.

It’s been 30 weeks when her phone lights up one night…”I cannot forgive you”

#fictober    #xf fanfic    


Day 23

Mulder isn’t picking up, and Scully is tired of calling. Takes place right before season 10. Angsty. Inspired by the Adele song, Hello & a conversation with a friend very late last night.


Dedicated to the lyrics anon. I love when anyone sends me prompts.


“You’ve reached the voicemail of Fox Mulder. After the tone, please leave your message.”

Scully let out a disappointed sigh as she hung up her phone. She stared at the sleek interface.

‘A fancy phone for a fancy girl,’ Mulder had said to her the day she showed him. She wanted to kiss him then. Instead, she snapped his picture, and assigned it to his contact card.

And now, she found herself in her apartment, staring at her phone, and watching as the screen dimmed, and then shut itself off. She put the phone on the couch, and let out a heavy sigh.




(1k words, tagging @today-in-fic)

Part I Part IIPart IIIPart IV

Whoops some of these are oldsorry anons I lowkey didn’t realise desktop tumblr has an actual functional page for the inbox unlike the wreck that is mobile notifications (I may have also accidentally deleted a few trying to respond individually sorry). Anyway, thank you all so much!! These messages all make me ridiculously happy <3

Part V

“Mulder, I have to go,” she urged, tugging at his hand.

“Where do you have to go?” He stooped so he could see her face, her serious, icy eyes.

Her eyebrows creased, puzzling whether he was trying to be funny or was actually that stupid. Her mother often gave him the same look.

“The toilet.” She frowned at him and began shuffling from one foot to the other.



When Dana asked him to watch her four-year-old for the afternoon, he was thrilled. They were at a stage where he ate dinner at Dana’s at least once a week and accompanied them on family outings semi-regularly. He and Dana spoke, or at least emailed, every day but until now he had not spent time with Emily alone.

Today was a prime opportunity to bond.

He loved kids. And normally kids loved him back. Emily, however, had not immediately warmed to him and he was clueless how to negotiate around that. Much of their early relationship was spent with her head buried in Dana’s neck, refusing to acknowledge his questions and jokes.

He liked to think he was growing on her. Like her mother, she took genuine pleasure in bossing him about so that was what they spent most of their time together doing.

Except that was always in the safe presence of Dana. And Dana had been called last-minute to oversee a very important and delicate surgery. And Dana’s mother was visiting Big Brother Bill on the West Coast. And Mulder was, of course, of course, free to babysit on a Wednesday afternoon (because he immediately cancelled his lectures for the day, but Dana did not need to know that).

Keep reading


In honor of the Je Souhaite anniversary, here’s a lil’ post Caddyshacksmut for ya. This is one chapter in a larger work, I’ll link below.

Je Souhaite


“I don’t know if you noticed, but I never made the world a happier place.”

“Well… I’m fairly happy. That’s something,” she replies honestly.

They relax on his couch, another grueling case finished, Caddyshack insisting upon them in the background. When he tells her he used his final wish to set the jinni free, it doesn’t surprise her at all, but she does laugh at the cheesiness of this whole thing. He puts his arm around her and pulls her in close, kissing the top of her head.

“Give me a break, all right? It was the right thing to do.”

Of course he’d use his final wish to set her free. It was such a Mulder thing to do. Her, on the other hand…

“I can think of a few things I’d have asked for,” she admits.

“Like what?”

She knows Mulder blew his first two wishes trying to achieve world peace. And she can’t be selfish when it comes to these things, especially after the little speech she gave him earlier about not attempting to fix the world’s problems with a single wish. But thoughts of her infertility, thoughts of all the terrible things that have happened to them both can’t help but invade her mind. To be able to erase so much with a simple wish… the thought is tempting, however unrealistic.

She’s starting to believe some way, somehow, none of it was even real at all, anyway. It happens to her occasionally.


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all-dog-breeds:Izzy helping me shop


Izzy helping me shop

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#birthmark    #eyelashes    
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#velvet    #blue velvet    #deluxe    
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pastel 10549 - #e4c1f6

f o r e v e r f r x s h - q’d xx

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