#but this is perfect




(1k words, tagging @today-in-fic)

Part I Part IIPart IIIPart IV

Whoops some of these are oldsorry anons I lowkey didn’t realise desktop tumblr has an actual functional page for the inbox unlike the wreck that is mobile notifications (I may have also accidentally deleted a few trying to respond individually sorry). Anyway, thank you all so much!! These messages all make me ridiculously happy <3

Part V

“Mulder, I have to go,” she urged, tugging at his hand.

“Where do you have to go?” He stooped so he could see her face, her serious, icy eyes.

Her eyebrows creased, puzzling whether he was trying to be funny or was actually that stupid. Her mother often gave him the same look.

“The toilet.” She frowned at him and began shuffling from one foot to the other.



When Dana asked him to watch her four-year-old for the afternoon, he was thrilled. They were at a stage where he ate dinner at Dana’s at least once a week and accompanied them on family outings semi-regularly. He and Dana spoke, or at least emailed, every day but until now he had not spent time with Emily alone.

Today was a prime opportunity to bond.

He loved kids. And normally kids loved him back. Emily, however, had not immediately warmed to him and he was clueless how to negotiate around that. Much of their early relationship was spent with her head buried in Dana’s neck, refusing to acknowledge his questions and jokes.

He liked to think he was growing on her. Like her mother, she took genuine pleasure in bossing him about so that was what they spent most of their time together doing.

Except that was always in the safe presence of Dana. And Dana had been called last-minute to oversee a very important and delicate surgery. And Dana’s mother was visiting Big Brother Bill on the West Coast. And Mulder was, of course, of course, free to babysit on a Wednesday afternoon (because he immediately cancelled his lectures for the day, but Dana did not need to know that).

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saberghatz:“Am I Dreamin’ or is That You Harrington?”Yes my entire personality is now Billy alive, ssaberghatz:“Am I Dreamin’ or is That You Harrington?”Yes my entire personality is now Billy alive, ssaberghatz:“Am I Dreamin’ or is That You Harrington?”Yes my entire personality is now Billy alive, s


“Am I Dreamin’ or is That You Harrington?”

Yes my entire personality is now Billy alive, stuck in the upside down, who runs into Steve and the gang at this exact moment. RIP the Demobats cause if death couldn’t even get in the way of these two - then a couple flying rats don’t stand a chance

I love the idea of Steve and Billy hooking up but never becoming ‘official’ before Billy ‘died’. And of course, Steve has so many regrets, so many things he didn’t get to say.

So I can only imagine how emotional their reunite would be -


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