Mutuals and Friends. Please tag the Jacksepticeye stuff you post. I quit watching him ages ago and each time he teases you all I see so many of you upset that it leads to nothing. I can’t stand to see y'all get so hyped up and then the Anger and Bitterness when he does nothing with it.




thinking bout owls


this owl looks like it’s been cornered at a party & trapped in an uncomfortable conversation

this owl is a cat that stole a pair of wings

the world is big and this owl is tiny

this is a baby barn owl and yes they really do waddle around like that!


by popular demand: more photos of adorable baby barn owls!


love them motherfrickers

May I offer this very proud Boi and his Stick?


It’s that time of the year again were I write one of these to remind old and new shoppers to be careful where and on what they spend their money on this holiday season.

Regardless of what you celebrate or don’t celebrate it’s always nice to give a gift to either yourself or someone you care about, but it’d be a huge bummer to later find out what you got them was actual bootleg or stolen art.

To start I always tell those that are interested in buying from an artist to go check out their social media and see where exactly do they sell their work. That is always the best way to make sure you get your art from the actual artist. Try to find a direct link as well. Most are in bios, pinned posts, or other posts were they promote their store/website. 

My Stores:

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#redbubble    #holiday shopping    #shopping    #jacksepticeye    #art theft    #stolen art    #bootleg    #unus annus    #memento mori    #markiplier    



My friend @joestarluxeand I are going through those chapter books published by Tokyopop that summarize DiC versions of Sailor Moon episodes (you can find them on Miss Dream) for a laugh. There is SO. MUCH. BRAND. NAME-DROPPING. It’s actually so hilarious. Especially when you consider how badly they’re trying to Americanize a Japanese anime, lmao.

Special mention goes to the first picture, which name-drops 4 brands in1 paragraph.


She just stands at the door and cries lmao

This reads like the “My Immortal” of Sailor Moon..

My COSMETOLOGIST niece @tsuki-bloodmoon was telling me about finding some make-up she misplaced and said “I found the Bill Nye make-up!” Me: “…..” Her: “You know? The special make-up you got me?” Me: “You mean Ben Nye?”




And I made another!!! :D

But also, to anyone planning to make their own there’s something you must know…

No matter how good you are at sewing, wayfarers, at their core design, are fundamentally cursed when they don’t have their hood or cloak

Bonus doodle below

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“Hey uhh Logan?”


“Errm.. You might wana..”

“Where are you getting these?!?!?”

“Oh now the entire bottle!! Hshshshs!!”

Logan ignoring the ever worrying size of his WineJuice glass. Then we see these…

“No.. Come on.. Are you serious?!?

”.. Oh for the love of….Crofters!!“

"No.. NOPE! I’m done.. Like what are you going to fill that with? And even if you could fill it with Wine.. Remus would already be skinny dipping inside it!!”

@thatsthat24 Sir?!?!?! We all know Logan’s the “Wine Juice Mom” of the group.. But now I’m just waiting for him to make more crazy glass sizes appear!!!


Anniversary Post

It has been one year since Unus Annus died, and Unus Annus was the only reason I started to create merch and keychains. I mean I spent over 4 months trying to finish a full tarot deck lol. Which is now done and for people to buy and enjoy :3 My favorite tho will always be the classic playing card deck. And I’m creating this just to show you what I’ve done X3 There are both card decks and phone grips still up on my shop too if anyone would like to order one. The link to them will be down below :3

Also imma show some of my favorite card designs from the regular deck and tarot deck below too lol

Link to shop

And yes that is a pee sauna soda heh heh

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You were red and you liked me ‘cause I was blue

You touched me and suddenly I was a lilac sky

And you decided purple just wasn’t for you

pickled0ctopus:Don’t cry. You’re perfect.


Don’t cry. You’re perfect.

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jackrmoriarty: sundown on a cold mountain


sundown on a cold mountain

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