#dont hate me


(Please dont mind my bad spelling tho)

You are all gonna hate me for this but here is my opinion about Draco Malfoy.

- why do people simp over him? Just cuz he is hot?!

- the “trowing wand” scene wasnt deleted for nothing. If you only watch the movies, let me explain. Harry had Draco’s wand cuz he disarmed Draco at Malfoy maner. Draco would never do that.

- also people think that you can see (in the movies) how broken Draco is, and that heis forced by his father. Nope. Draco also wanted to be a deatheather. Maybe not for 100%, but he did want to.

- why do people ship him with Harry?! I love enemy’s-to-lovers but this is just wierd. They HATE each other.

Like you can see I dont really like Draco Malfoy.

Also, these are my opinions, you can have yours and these are mine.

Have a great day!

- Stefanie

not dead!!

i LivEd biTCh

sorry for the hella long, completely unexpected hiatus, stuff happened, i went a little nuts, got in trouble… a lot… but!! i’m back!! and now i need to remember all of my passwords for shit

I moved here simply because I hated that my tags were so unorganized and then I ended up doing the same thing here.  But the main thing I miss about my old account was, because I had more followers, if I said I wanted to talk crap - at least 2 people were there for me to talk crap with.  So I hope you won’t judge me too much (and sara, jas - if I try to move back, stop me - do something, but remind me how I said I felt!)

So I have changed the name here slightly as I actually am really fond of therouguepanda so that name is staying with me; and if you wish to, please follow me over there :)


and to those judging me or rolling their eyes right now, I say….



Post link

I’m irritated by people who’d abandon ship for canon. So what? Its not canon, you cant ship it anymore?? Wtf thats some fucked up logic you have there, weak ass.

Allura basically downloaded Shiro off of the Black Lion and uploaded it into the body.
Allura’s a usb yall.

My COSMETOLOGIST niece @tsuki-bloodmoon was telling me about finding some make-up she misplaced and said “I found the Bill Nye make-up!” Me: “…..” Her: “You know? The special make-up you got me?” Me: “You mean Ben Nye?”



Sorry for never posting anything. Depression is a bitch. I’m too tired most of the time to even get on my phone. I’ll try to post more.

Since I’ve been so shitty for not keeping to the posting schedule, I have decided,,, to explain,,, myself,,,

This is a draft. The fuck up happens when I don’t want to delete anything from said draft,,, HOW IN THE HARRY POTTER MAGIC DO I CHOP DOWN 10K TO 4K?

,,,, lol
