color-palettes: Insincere Curses - Submitted by SeesawSiya #ffff01 #fb5002 #8d0b77 #a141af #4a3ab7 #


Insincere Curses - Submitted by SeesawSiya

#ffff01 #fb5002 #8d0b77 #a141af #4a3ab7 #37c7ff

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I so do not feel good but I keep desperately trying to draw and nothing looks good or feels good and I know I should just Not and nap or something but I’m just sitting in vague panic mode like all I can do for myself is draw and fill out towers of paperwork


anyway zdob si zdub are the kings of eurovision for making it to the grand final in three different decades - legends only

melanthae:i wish we could have watched together. SARAH BRIGHTMAN as BLIND MAG melanthae:i wish we could have watched together. SARAH BRIGHTMAN as BLIND MAG 


i wish we could have watched together. 


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so I did a thing… tag yourself I’m mainly chaotic evil

Odds various 2022 Eurovision songs will end up in reISH:

Give That Wolf A Banana - like a 75% chance it will at least be mentioned

Fulenn - “she dances with the devil, so what?” - about 40% this will find its way to Devi, Tess, or Banshee

Hope - a few lines? Like 90% chance.

Spaceman - might ping on the radar of things for Edgar. Like 40%chance

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Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)

Original character drawings I did recently for the world I share with a friend.  :)

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Look a gay little angstshipping doodle isn’t it shocking I know I’m utterly startled

#angstshipping    #yugioh dm    #yugioh    #ryou bakura    #malik ishtar    #marik ishtar    #ygo dm    #lyx doodles    



hi. if you’re a young person or teenager who happens to be following me: write it down! keep a secret diary, a notepad, a blog your parents don’t have access to. write it down. keep a record somehow.

when i was a little kid and both my dad & i were being actively abused by my mom, he was familiar enough w her gaslighting that he instructed me at elementary school age to write down all the horrible things she did/said to me. it would be useful in court when custody was being argued and it would be useful to ME, years later, when my mom would try and convince me none of it happened. i had the proof, often word for word, that it did–and there was no hope in convincing my mom but a lot of hope in convincing myself and holding my stance against her. it was pivotal to advocating for myself and my feelings and eventually leaving her in my dust!

write it down!!! it’s so frustrating to have to deal with this bullshit, whether your parents are outright abusive or just fucking toxic/dysfunctional assholes. but you can do something for yourself and your mental health and that something is writing it down.



Rating: Not Cute.

Giving Barbies UV Printed faces, half print sack dresses, poorly chosen colour lips and polypropylene hair is in fact fashion doll cruelty. Dolls having these things in fact gives them a lower quality of life and shortens their life span significantly.

Look at that and tell me this is how a happy and healthy Barbie Princess looks like?


No! An healthy Barbie Princess needs a dress full of layers, frills and ornaments! Plastic tops may looks sturdy but are in fact limiting the posibilities of changing clothes wich are an important part of Barbie’s life! Also stiff fabrics completly forbid the possibility to twirl and parade! She can’t attract a mate without dancing in a proper attire! IT IS CRUEL! I don’t care if you want something cheap!

This is how a happy and healthy Barbie Princess should looks like!


When I was young, Barbies like that were pretty much the norm, it’s sad how nowaday people only think of profit!



Every now and again I think of this Sarah tweet and just stare into the middle distance.

[id: Tweet by @Remember_Sarah, which reads:

“I wonder what I could do if I didn’t structure my entire life around avoiding getting yelled at”. end id.]

sashosasho:Sam Ryder reacts after UK gets its first “douze points” in the final of Eurovision 2022sashosasho:Sam Ryder reacts after UK gets its first “douze points” in the final of Eurovision 2022


Sam Ryder reacts after UK gets its first “douze points” in the final of Eurovision 2022

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soulist-aurora:Artwork for albumby Hajin Baesoulist-aurora:Artwork for albumby Hajin Bae


Artwork for album
by Hajin Bae

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