That’s right anything.

That’s right anything.

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it’s good to be in love

it really does suit you, just like everything

Jester tries for one last convert, Caleb cuddles a cat, and Essek tries to be happy Caleb is in love.

shrugsinchinese: BRO?????


please I cant stop thinking about these two being friends


From leading the Mighty Nein through the Shadowshire to being led by them in Aeor…

A piece I made for @hanaraad!





when you get so high you start getting scared

why does this cat look like a guy

i think a witch turned him into a frog and then another witch turned him into a cat

walter white


Essek is the Mighty Nein’s poor little meow meow send tweet


Listen this dynamic tho

c-kiddo:he probably has a dark academia blogmodern au Essek, requested by  @leo-nid-as 


he probably has a dark academia blog

modern au Essek, requested by  @leo-nid-as 

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shrugsinchinese: Honestly Caleb, what did you expectshrugsinchinese: Honestly Caleb, what did you expect


Honestly Caleb, what did you expect

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Don’t think about Caleb lecturing a hall of students with a tiny baby strapped to his chest, occasionally pausing to adjust them to a more comfortable position.

Don’t think about all the speculation about which of his revolving door of lovers got knocked up (the prevailing theory is the purple Tiefling who disappeared after only a month; the slightly pointed ears, pale hair and lack of horns do nothing to deter this theory).

Don’t think about Caleb tucking his chin and whispering in Zemnian with a awestruck expression, before returning to the lesson at hand.

Don’t think about soft new parent Caleb.

Do think about a few years later Essek shuffling around the living room with a toddler standing on his feet, dancing.

Do think about the jumbled baby talk, a mishmash of Zemnian and Undercommon, that outside of Caleb and Essek only Beau can consistently understand.

Do think about Essek very patiently teaching a two year old how to garden, coming into the house a mess of dirt and grass stains but with bunches of flowers to share.

Do think about Essek as a Dad to a child who will never doubt that they are loved.

Of course Soltryce offers paternity leave, but consider, baby’s nap time coincides with his midday lecture and they sleep better while being held and are soothed listening to Caleb speak. Might as well get that lecture in.


Give me more Shadowgast Baby !



ah shit im sorry man, my schedule for the week is all booked

Cant relate here is my schedule

prismantis:Do you want to know that it doesn’t hurt me?Do you want to hear about the deal that I’m


Do you want to know that it doesn’t hurt me?
Do you want to hear about the deal that I’m making?

(snippet of one of many pieces for an upcoming shadowgast fic bc i cannot be contained)

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Wizards on the mind


it’s been a week so have some semi-angsty imogen/laudna. i imagine this is certainly post e23, laudna went down in some fight or another and needs a moment to catch her breath. imogen is still furious but god, laudna went down, you know? she’s scared. angry, yeah, but laudna can’t die if imogen is still so angry


POV local dad tries to figure out his shiny new sending stone


mighty nein origins caleb: look at all this tragedy

me: wulf’s haaaaair :ˆ((((

mr-reblogbutton:I really hope that Percy and Keyleth are as ride or die as this as friends without tmr-reblogbutton:I really hope that Percy and Keyleth are as ride or die as this as friends without t


I really hope that Percy and Keyleth are as ride or die as this as friends without tmi boundaries

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#critical role    #keyleth    #percy de rolo    #percahlia    