being-alpha: Άλφα

Jesus Christ, that episode.

I’ll be at MCM Comic Con in London this Saturday! Come say Hi if you spot me, I’ll be a Loki Variant!

A/N: While everyone else was freaking out over a naked Thor, I cried my eyes out after seeing his Lo

A/N: While everyone else was freaking out over a naked Thor, I cried my eyes out after seeing his Loki tattoo. Then this happened. Enjoy, everyone!

Words: 1734
Warnings: pure fluff… and needles, I guess

With a sigh, you closed your browser. You had now saved a total of three hundred pictures to your laptop, all of which were tattoos by different artists from all over the world. You had been dying to use your own body as a canvas for years but unfortunately, never had the courage nor the money to put colour on your skin forever.

And then, you had met gods and superheroes and your life had taken a complete turn and your priorities had shifted entirely and you had fallen in love with the Norse God of Mischief. Passionate sex had led to feelings you could barely describe with words and now here you were, utterly devoted to a man who would outlive you by thousands of years.

People gave you strange looks whenever you mentioned your devotion to Loki, including the Avengers.  And while his brother Thor was celebrated as the hero, Loki was still viewed as the villainous brother who attempted to subjugate the planet all those years back. It didn’t matter how much good he did, not to them anyway. Loki always acted like he didn’t care but whenever Thor, the media, and all of his followers praised him for yet another triumph, you could see the pained expression on Loki’s face—the disappointment.

“It’s getting warmer…” You murmured, cuddling up to him. He was so nice and cool you had a feeling this summer would be a lot more bearable than the previous ones. And even though he claimed that he hated physical affection, you could tell he was enjoying being close to you.

“Loki, we’re on the news!” Thor bellowed. He came barging into the room not caring for privacy, with an excited expression on his face. Loki rolled his eyes all the while you were flinching.

“Heavens, Thor…” Loki complained. You sighed, reaching for the remote to change the program. Thor was right, he was on TV—and he was being interviewed. The reporter was beaming, praising him for his help, admiring his strength. Not with a single word did he mention Loki; nor did Thor.

Loki pressed his lips together to a thin line and swallowed. He resisted the urge to roll his eyes once more when you wrapped your arms around him tighter. And then, finally, the camera panned to Loki for a split second. After that, it was a group of squealing fans holding posters and signs and screaming Thor’s name. One of them had Mjölnir tattooed on her forearm. Huh…

“Thor and his brother…” You heard the reporter say. There was nothing else of importance. The God of Mischief sighed. You switched the program again.

“Always a pleasure to be inside this square box.” Thor said, grinning widely. Then, all of a sudden, he paused. “It almost looks strange to see a woman in your arms, brother.” He looked at you. “I don’t know how you put up with him but I’m glad he found someone who seems to like his… chaotic nature, shall we say?” He grinned once more.

Loki tensed up, still stiff even after Thor had left.

“Loki… are you alright?”

He hummed in response. You put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. At least you now finally knew what type of tattoo you were going to get.


Would it stay on your skin forever? Yes. Were you facing any hesitation at all? No. You wanted a part of Loki to be with you at all times when he was gone and this, strangely enough, appeared to mean so much more than a wedding ring.

Thousands of fans were committed to Thor, and not a single person had yet expressed their gratitude towards Loki, not to mention that it seemed he himself couldn’t quite believe he was worthy of such gratitude… let alone your love.

It was the following day already that you found yourself in the tattoo studio. They had given you a last-minute appointment after learning who you were and when you had sent your artist an e-mail with what you wanted to get, even the barrier of virtual communication was unable to hide both his confusion and probably even hostility.

In any case, though, he met you neutrally the following day. After shaking his hand, he showed you the template he had made with your pictures and, after making sure you were fine with it, got to work.

You barely registered your surroundings. The walls were full of art, the smell of sanitiser and what must have been the tattoo colours filling your nostrils, and in the background, you could hear the humming of another tattoo gun along with some rock music.

It was only then, when you sat down on the chair, that nervousness began to wash over you—not because you were second-guessing your decision but rather because this man was about to repeatedly poke your skin with a small needle.

“It’s a little too late to ask but would you prefer some numbing cream?” He asked.

You shook your head, smiling mischievously. “Seriously, dude, I fight wars with the Avengers.”

“Yeah, stupid question… So, um…” You resisted the urge to flinch when he started tattooing you. Actually… it wasn’t so bad. Well, the numerous forums you’d been on online had promised you that the inside of your arm was a piece of cake compared to, say the ribs. You were planning on getting more tattoos one day but for now, this one it was.

You couldn’t wait to see Loki’s reaction. He had no idea you were here.

“Why… why Loki? I-I mean… I know you’re technically an Avenger but… that dude’s kinda evil.”

“Evil? He’s helped Thor and the others on missions countless times by now.” You tilted your head. “People just refuse to see the good in him.”

“Suit yourself, I mean… he tried to enslave all of humanity but…”

“That was a long time ago. And it wasn’t entirely his fault if you remember Thanos.”

The tattoo artist cleared his throat. “Yeah, I guess… Still. I mean it’s your skin.”

“Exactly. So let’s just do this. This is my first tattoo, I’d like to have a good memory of getting it and not sit here for hours defending my bo-“ You stopped yourself before you could say boyfriend. He’d see soon enough, for you had asked Loki to come pick you up here a little later. Besides, Loki didn’t like to be called your boyfriend. He was much more of a… lover, he had said. It had a nice ring to it.

“Yeah, yeah… sorry. I promise your choice of tattoo won’t impact the quality of my work. You’ll love it when it’s finished.”

“I’ll take your word for it.”


You only had to take two breaks in between, drinking plenty of water and stretching your legs a bit. Once the tattoo artist had finished up and wrapped clear foil around your tattoo to protect it, you sent Loki a text.

It was odd, every single time, to remind yourself that Loki was using a phone. He never used emojis though, for some dubious reason. That almost made it hard for you to tell when he was being sarcastic or not.

“What is this place? What are you doing in a tattoo parlour?”

“I was shopping for flowers. What do you think?” Chuckling, you embraced him when he entered the tattoo shop. It was perfect timing, for just when you pressed your lips on his to greet him properly, your tattoo artist reemerged from his private backroom.

“Oh… Oh! Oh. Mr… Mr. Loki. You, um… so you’re… wow.” You winked at him. You had to admit, his fear was rather hilarious… which was exactly why you had asked Loki to come pick you up. Besides, Loki could be quite the gentleman if only he wanted to. He lovedbeing all protective over you and that included taking you home on a regular basis.

Loki tilted his head when you broke the kiss, narrowing his eyes at him with his lips parted. “And who are you?”

“I, um… I did her tattoo. It’s um… you know what, it’s on the house.”

“Oh… thanks.” You said, grinning a little. Scary boyfriend privileges…

“You were not joking then? You actually got tattooed?”

“I’ll show you when we’re back home. Come on. Thanks again!”

“Y-yeah… thanks. Bye.”

As soon as you exited the shop, you burst out laughing. “Did you see his face? I love it. Come on, Trickster.” Intertwining your fingers with his, you dragged him along, not even giving him a chance to respond until you reached the Avengers’ Tower.

You couldn’t wait to take your jacket off and show him your tattoo and it seemed, Loki was equally curious.

“Why did you decide to put ink on your body permanently?” He suddenly asked.

“It’s beautiful… to use the skin as a canvas… and to have art that means a lot to you with you at all times, to become a part of you.”


“I’ve been thinking about getting tattoos for a very long time but then all this happened and I forgot about it for a while… but I’ve been doing my research and… well, I think you’ll like it.”

Loki frowned when you beamed at him. Once you arrived in your shared room, your grin grew even wider. Excitedly, you took off your jacket, took a deep breath, and then presented your arm to him.

Loki’s lips parted, you could almost hearhis face fall when he laid his eyes upon the golden helmet and the dagger you had gotten tattooed on your arm. Then, his blue eyes, filled with utter shock, met yours.

“You… you… this is my…” You smiled at him, biting your lower lip and eagerly awaiting what he would say but instead… instead he was tearing up.

“You… this will be on your skin forever.” He choked out.

You nodded. “I love you, Loki. This is a symbol of my devotion to you. Maybe no one else around here appreciates you the way they should be… but I do.”

Loki closed his eyes for a brief moment. And instead of responding with words, he pulled you into his arms, hugging you so tightly you feared for your breath. He didn’t need to say anything more. His embrace told you more than you needed to hear.

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I watched the new Thor trailer last night and oh my Gosh, Thor has a tattoo of Loki’s horns on his back? It says “RIP Loki”! When I tell you, I was a sobbing mess! It also gave me an idea for a new Imagine so there’s that!

Now imagine Loki is actually in this movie and they finally HUG!

I’m literally in the British Film Institute’s Instagram Story. Love it!

I played the Serpent, you can tell by the trousers.Seriously though, it was such a lovely day. Met

I played the Serpent, you can tell by the trousers.

Seriously though, it was such a lovely day. Met up with friends, got to meet the lovely @sarah_grace_perry, saw @twhiddleston on the big screen again and got to see two incredibly talented actresses of the show live.

#bfi #britishfilminstitute #theessexserpent #tomhiddleston #appletv+ #clairedanes

Post link

Guess where I am

Synopsis:William Ransome is tormented by loneliness—a cruel fate you share, for as a demoness, companionship is rare. So when you hear the desolate vicar pray night after night, you emphasise with his pain. You feel it too—and you want to help him, become his and make him yours. But will he still grow to love you when he learns what you truly are?

Here’s an additional disclaimer, for “The Essex Serpent” as well as the characters of this book borrowed for this fan fiction belong to Sarah Perry.

Words: 5870
Warnings: angst, smut, demoness!Reader, slight blasphemy

He was kneeling, looking up at the massive wooden cross in the centre of the church. Tilting your head, you watched him, whispered prayers reaching your ears. Your gaze softened. William Ransome, a man of God, pastor to a people, trusted Reverend. He was a broken man. Lonely. Especially after his wife had passed away and Cora had moved back to London to explore new myths come to life.

Stepping closer, you took in his broad figure. He was tall, and handsome, even from behind. More mumbling. You smiled weakly. You had heard him. And you were going to answer his prayers.

“Father?” Formalities were important, were they not? At least for now. Where you came from, disrespecting ranks could quite literally cost you your head.

The Reverend froze but pulled himself together quickly. He stood, straightening his black priest gowns and then turned around to face you. Only someone with very keen eyesight would have been able to spot the tears swimming in his eyes. You did.

“Can I help you?” His voice was full of concern and sincerity—just like you had expected. You smiled weakly.

“I came for guidance. They sent me to you.”

He nodded understandingly. “I’ve never seen you here before.”

“Yes, well… I’m not from around here,” you responded calmly. The people of Aldwinter did not take kindly to foreigners, you knew this much. Will did not need to know that not a single soul apart from him had seen you here as of yet. That you had appeared seemingly out of thin air—to the human eye anyway.

“Are you alone? It’s not safe for a woman to travel alone in these times. Come. Sit down.”

“I’m very much used to it.”

He beckoned you over to one of the pews. The dark wood was splintered in one place as if someone had attempted to remove part of the engravings.

“What happened there?”

“A mark left by a story from the past.” A myth of a serpent, an embodiment of the devil, or so they had believed. You knew about it, of course. As if Lord Satan would bother with a small village on the coast of England.

“You seem poetic, I like that.” You smirked a little, eliciting a chuckle from the Reverend.

“Well… what is your name?”

Without any hesitation, you gave it to him. It was a simplified version of your true name which, if he was a man of God truly, would recognise. There was no need to alarm him as of yet. You would tell him when the time came. He would seewhen the time came. When he was ready… and when youwere ready.

“Will. Will Ransome.” You shook his hand then, electricity tickling your palms when your skin touched. Your soul was aching for this man. Perhaps his would ache for yours too at some point. He must have felt it too. This magnetising pull, the attraction.

You shivered when he spoke your name again, eyeing you up and down in a way you knew he would give you a chance. “What can I help you with?”

“I feel… lost. Like I don’t know where I belong. Like I don’t know who I should continue to pledge my allegiance to.”

And you were not lying. You answered to nobody and sometimes… that made you feel left out. Like you hadn’t quite found your place in this universe yet.

“You are questioning your faith?” He pried gently. You looked up at him, curious as to what you’d see in those beautiful blue eyes. There was no judgement, no reproach.

“I am questioning myself—so I came here. I have nothing to lose and yet, my journey here could result in an utter disaster.”

William frowned. “You speak in riddles.”

“So I’ve been told before. What about you, Father? Don’t you feel lost sometimes?”

“More often than you think.”

“And what do you do?”

“I pray. I ask God for guidance. We all carry a lot of baggage from our past.” Once again, he said your name. Your heart jumped. “To confess our sins helps us carry on.”

You smiled. “So you believe I would feel better if I confessed my sins?”

Your sins… there were many things you could think of. Someone like you did not live like a saint. Especially when it came to the art of love-making. You couldn’t wait for him to blush and act all shocked once you had told him about thosesins.

“Yes. I believe so.”

“You don’t even know me. I’m a complete stranger to you. Yet you are willing to help me?”

Will’s eyes met yours, freezing you in place. He was everything you had imagined him to be. Everything and so much more. Your heart would not stop fluttering for a single second either. He was here with you. He was finally here with you.

“You seem like a kind soul in need of help. I will not turn you away. Where are you staying?”

“I’m not sure yet. I only just arrived.”

“Alone?” He asked once more.

“All alone.”

The Reverend chuckled a little. “You are quite the mystery.” Then he paused, possibly contemplating whether it would be a good idea to do what he offered you next. “Join me. I made a stew. My wife used to… never mind. Something warm to eat will strengthen your body from travelling. Where are you from?” He stood, motioning for you to follow, yet you were sure he had not forgotten about taking your confession.

“Um… London.” It was a half-truth. London was one of the main gateways to where you came from.

“If you are comfortable with it, you can stay at my place. I would worry less knowing you are safe for the night. The sun is setting already.”

You smiled, butterflies awakening in your belly. “I would love that.”


Was it normal for a Reverend to offer an outsider whom he had never met before to spend the night at his house? No. Was it normal to invite them over for dinner? You smirked. No. He felt it too. You had been right to answer his prayers. Perhaps showing yourself to him was not going to result in a disaster after all.

Will’s house was clean and tidy. He told you his kids were staying with an aunt outside of Essex and so the only other soul keeping him company was the adorable little Cocker Spaniel by his side.

“He likes you,” Will said after the dog let you pet him.

“I’m good with animals I think.” And I’m good with men of God, too. You had no intentions to turn him, make him reconsider his beliefs. But it would feel nice, for a change, to be worshipped. The last time you had been with a man… a humanman… it had been way too long. Some of them were such considerate lovers, so keen on pleasuring the woman they shared the bed with.

Will was a good cook, too. His stew was based on a recipe created by his dead wife, Stella. It must have been a few years now since her passing. He’d never been the same since. Perhaps that’s why he felt lost too. After his fling with Cora—even though you were certain he’d refuse to ever call it that—he quite possibly never forgave himself for being disloyal to his wife.

“I like your house… I like the peace and quiet.”

“Well… it’s not so quiet when the children are around.”

You chuckled. “I can imagine.”

“I can show you my study if you like. Do you like to read?”

“I don’t have a lot of time to read but… I can appreciate a good book.”

Will lead you upstairs. His workspace was indeed full of books, all of which sat neatly on bookshelves towering up all the way to the ceiling.

Curious, you entered the room, fingertips brushing over the leather spines. There was a lot of natural science and a lot of theology too. You held back a scornful giggle when you spotted a dark red book titled “Demonology & The Evils That Escaped The Flood”. If only it was that simple.

“I, uh…” He swallowed. “I can take your confession if you like. It doesn’t need to be in church. We have more privacy here.” There it was. The sternness that came with him being a priest. It was quite frankly arousing. You wanted to comfort this man more than anything and yet, at the very same time, you wanted him to whisper your name while his hard cock jerked against your wet walls and filled you up with his seed.

“I’ve never done this before,” you retorted with an innocent expression on your face.

He smiled without showing his teeth, asking you to approach his desk with a movement of his hand.

“I’ll show you, it’s easy. Here, sit down.” You sat down on his cushioned chair, watching him approach you with slow steps and then lean against the desk. Your gaze was now directly on one level with his crotch.

“You can look down if that’s easier for you. Normally, in a confessional, we can’t see each other’s faces. Get everything off your chest. Everything that makes you doubt, everything you want to be freed from.”

Right now, I want to be freed from my clothes by you… You bit your lower lip, stifling your grin. “What do I say?”

“You say ‘Bless me, Father, for I have sinned’.” His smooth voice made you want to moan out loud. Who knew a vicar could be this enticing? This… sexy?

“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned…” You repeated. There was no way he was able to hear the scorn in your voice—or that the whole concept of begging for forgiveness was but a sham for men in power to enforce submission and spread fear of a creature that did not even exist.

“Tell me, child. What is it that weighs on your heart?” Your gaze remained fixed on his crotch—it took you all of your willpower not to reach out and give him a promising squeeze.

“I doubt, Father,” you played along, “my head is filled with unchaste thoughts and I… I feel this urge to just take what I want, whenever I want, regardless of the consequences.”

Will gasped for air. Clearly, he had not expected that.

“You are… an unusual woman.” You didn’t know a lot about confessions but surely, he was not supposed to say something like that. Perhaps you already had him right where you wanted him for the moment.

“I know.” Finally, you looked up, locking eyes with him. A smirk tugged at the corners of your lips when you spotted the intrigued glistening in those blue irises. Wouldn’t you like to know about those naughty thoughts, Father?

You stood again without breaking eye contact with him for even a second, approaching him until not even a piece of paper would have fit between your bodies. You had to look up at this point. Will took a sharp breath and held up his hands, knuckles brushing over what little skin of your body was revealed.

“No… we can’t do this. Listen… you are…” He laughed weakly. “You are without a doubt one of the most beautiful women I have ever had the privilege to meet but we hardly know each other.” And yet, his fingertips lingered on your bare shoulder, tracing your collarbone.

“So if we give in… is that another sin?” You mused. Will frowned, his eyebrows lifting one after the other as if irritated by your comment. Truth be told, there was no reason for him not to be.

“It’s okay, Will… I want it.”

“You’re an unmarried woman,” he continued, “it’s not right.”

“Does that matter? What about you?” Spreading your legs, you pulled him closer. “You aren’t moving away.”

“I… I don’t know what’s gotten into me… I don’t even know who you are, I…”

“Will… please…” This time, you didn’t wait for him to answer. You reached for his chin, pulling his face towards you to kiss him. “Let me taste you…” You whispered against his lips. Gone was your innocence and tenderness. It might have been part of you but you would never let it distort your true nature.

And when your mouths finally met, all the missing puzzle pieces you had been in search of for so long now seemed to fall in place with ease. It felt right. Hefelt right. Hungrily, you wrapped your arms around his neck to lock him in place, deepening the kiss when you felt him reciprocating.

Your tongue darted out to lick over his lower lip, sneakily asking for entrance. Will’s eyes fell shut, all resistance blown away like leaves in the wind and you knew then that you had won. This man was going to be yours.

“I think I don’t care if I’m sinning, Will. I will make those dirty thoughts reality…” You whispered when you broke the kiss. Grinning wickedly and watching him pant out of breath, you sank to your knees, undoing his trousers. You could already feel the bulge that had formed underneath the fabric.

Finally, you gave him a squeeze, his erection springing free and making you lick your lips. There was no point in wasting your time and letting you both wait. Greedily, you leaned forward and closed your mouth around his tip, suckling on him until he rewarded you with a few drops of precum. With your hands, you massaged his balls to increase his arousal all the while inching more and more of him into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat.

Not being human had its perks—your gag reflex worked a little different than a mortal woman’s. Soon, you were allowing him to fuck your mouth vigorously, letting him bury his fists in your hair all the while listening to his sexy grunts. Just before he got to lose control and cum, however, you pulled away and stood again. He was just as out of breath as you.

“I want you inside me, Will.” You choked out. You could tell your lips were swollen when you spoke. The fiery lust in his eyes was all you needed for confirmation. He nodded as if in trance, almost curious as to what you would do next.

When you pulled him closer by his coat, he smirked, albeit taken by surprise when you turned you both around so your butt cheeks hit the edge of the desk. Will took the lead almost instantly. Sucking in a sharp breath, he grabbed fistfuls of your skirt to pull it up, revealing a pair of tight leather trousers.

“What are you… wearing?” He choked out.

“I’m an unusual woman, remember?” You hadn’t wanted to scare him away with your choice of garments. Leather was common where you came from. No one cared about skirts or dresses or gender roles.

Will shook his head but let it slide for now. You could tell he did not quite approve of your clothing but then again, he was a vicar. Instead, he pulled them down to reveal your glistening cunt to him. You were dripping, ready for him to fill you, to let him claim you.

Then, you flipped around so you had your back to him, sticking out your behind to urge him on. As much as you wanted to see him come undone inside of you and forget about all that grief in his heart for but a few blissful seconds, you could not let him see your eyes during the height of pleasure. Not yet.

You could practically feel him frown behind you. Still, he did nothing to protest when he helped you out of your clothes, piece by piece by piece. Your corset was made of black leather too. It took him a second to undo it all until eventually, you stood before him naked.

You spread your legs even further, propping yourself up on his desk with your elbows and moaning softly. “Will…”

His response was but an animalistic grunt—so unlike a pious Reverend. Your eyes almost rolled to the back of your head when he grabbed your hips and dug his fingers into your flesh to position you properly for him. Then, he guided his hard member to your entrance, sliding it up and down your slickness. Closing your eyes, his name escaped your lips like a prayer when he finally pushed inside and sheathed himself inside your warmth inch by agonising inch.

William Ransome was made for you. His hands felt like they were all over your body even though he kept them on your hips, his breath everywhere on your skin. His gentle thrusts quickly turned into relentless fucking you would not have expected from the vicar—not during the first time you had sex anyways.

The sun had almost disappeared by now, and you could see your reflection in the glass of the window when you opened your eyes again, watching your breasts bounce and your irises glow bright yellow with those slit-like pupils you were so familiar with. Strong emotions always brought about this reaction of your body—and they didn’t say for no reason that the eyes were the gates to the soul.

The desk was rattling with every single stroke of his. Ecstatic, you grabbed his hand and guided his long fingers to your clit. Just a little bit more, just a little bit further…

He caught on to what to do quickly. Will gave your sensitive bundle of nerves a delicious treatment, his eager thrusts never easing. Circling and massaging your clit, he had you right where he wanted you within a matter of minutes when you began to tighten around him, squeezing his cock and making it all the harder for him not to cum straight away.

You could tell he was holding back, waiting for you to finish first—but with those skilled hands, it did not take you much longer. You tensed up when your orgasm washed over you, pleasure flooding your entire body as your walls twitched around him, triggering his own climax.

Will pulled you close. He buried his face in the back of your neck, growling darkly. With but a few more powerful thrusts, he stilled, coating your walls with his seed. If he was worried about getting you pregnant, he did not let it on. Not that he could, anyway. There had to be some perks to your species, after all.

Once you had both come down from your high, you took a few deep breaths and then checked your appearance in the window again. No yellow. You turned around, whining when his now softening member slid out of you again, making even more of a mess of you.

His cum was dribbling down your thighs, your juices covering his shaft that was practically glistening in the artificial light inside his study. Will remained silent—he must have still been processing what had just happened.

“We should take this to your bedroom where it’s more comfortable?” The Reverend nodded. Out of breath, he scooped you up like a bride, making you chuckle, and then brought you to his bedroom.  

Once there, he tucked you in like you were the most precious thing in the world and then left you for a moment only to return with a damp towel to help you clean up. You beamed at him.

“This, uh… I can assure you this isn’t how confessions normally go.”

“You don’t say?” Grinning wickedly, you waved him towards you, allowing him to wrap you both in his blanket once he had climbed into the bed as well. “I would offer you the spare bed in the room downstairs but…”

You chuckled. “Yeah, that offer is rather redundant now.” He paused, and, for a while, just looked at you. He looked at you with his blue eyes so full of affection, you couldn’t help but lean forward and kiss him before he extinguished the lights.

“Promise me you will tell me more about yourself tomorrow. And… I might be a vicar but for you to trust a strange man to take you to his home and then allow him to…”

“Well… I’m not like other women, am I?”

“Did God send you to me?” He murmured, stroking your cheek. You smiled. God had nothing to do with it but for now, you would let him have his peace. “He must have. It feels right to have you in my arms.”

It felt right to bein his arms. And when he fell asleep, you swore to yourself that he would never have to feel lonely again.


The next morning, you woke earlier than Will. Watching him sleep for a while, you traced his features with your fingertips until he stirred and squinted his eyes at the bright sunlight flooding the room. Still naked, you stretched and then leaned in closer to him to inhale his scent. Forest, sea, wood, old books… he smelled amazing. Like life. Like purelife.

“Good morning…” He smiled. “I was worried you might have been a dream.”

“I take it you don’t often invite strange women to your house and let them seduce you,” you said in response, grinning devilishly at him.

Will laughed. “Certainly not, no. My flock will condemn me to hell if they learn of this. Come closer.”

It would be absurd to claim you loved him. You barely knew him after all. But then again, things worked a little different for you. You had been listening to this man for a while now, heard all about his sorrows and his pain… you knew him.

And he had your heart, whether they would call it love or not.

A whimper escaped your lips when he raised an eyebrow in an almost mischievous manner and pushed his hand between your thighs. He quickly found what he was looking for. You were not about to say no to some passionate morning sex. Biting your lower lip, you attempted to turn around so he could do something about that growing erection between his own legs.

“Don’t turn away from me again, my dove.” He murmured your name sleepily. “I want to look you in the eyes when I make love to you.”

Biting your lower lip, you considered it for a moment. Was it too early? His loving gaze was warming your heart. He had held you like treasure—and you had never felt this appreciated before. He must have thought you were an angel without wings that had been sent to him.

Still, it was a wave of panic that flooded you once you grew wet for him. Burying your face in the pillow, you spread your legs further for him, hoping that he would let it go. You could hear the sheets ruffle, his delicious treatment never stopping.

You moaned when he whispered your name and turned your face towards his with his free hand, wanting to see your reactions. What you did not expect was for him to plunge himself into you with but one deep thrust, causing your eyes to fly wide open from the sudden surge of pleasure coursing through your veins.

You knew they were yellow the moment you watched his expression fall, shock distorting his beautiful features. Fuck.


“Will… don’t be scared. Let me explain.”

“Jesus Christ and Mother of God…” He squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again. You had to disappoint, it was no dream. Will withdrew entirely. He sat up straight, the blanket sliding off his chest.

The urge to pounce on him and lick every inch of his skin grew with every passing second but the horror on his face held you back.

“What… are you?” He asked slowly, calmly. You pressed your lips together to a thin line. “You are not human.” He stated the obvious. Then, suddenly, he buried his face in his hands.

“No. I am not. You…” You paused. “You are taking this a lot more composed than I thought you would.”

“What are you?” He repeated even though you were certain that a part of him already knew. Perhaps some other part was hoping he was wrong. But angels did not have cat-like yellow eyes.

“I am a… demoness. Will…” You reached for his hands, taken aback when he flinched away and practically jumped out of bed as if he had only just realised that he was still sharing the bed with you.

“This isn’t possible. I’m dreaming. I’m hallucinating. I’ve lost my mind.” You heard him say as he put on his trousers. When he finally looked up to meet your gaze, to those eyes that had now returned to their original colour, the affection you had seen sparkling in his was all but gone, replaced with disgust and hostility.

“No, I’m real. Will, I’m real. I heard you pray.” You explained weakly. “I know I’m probably not who you expected.”

“I asked Godfor help.”

“Do you think he is the only entity out there? You asked the universe for help, you sent a cry for help. And I heard you.”

“You are a creature from hell.” He choked out.

“I’m not a creature!” You snapped. “Hell doesn’t ex… it’s not… well, it’s a bit complicated for the human mind to understand the first time around. I come from a realm below you, that is correct. But I didn’t emerge from eternal hellfire. Will, let me explain it to you. As a man of God, you must think I am evil. I am not. Demons, we are… we are neutral, we don’t… See… even the devil, this creature you think punishes unfortunate souls isn’t real. Satan is a title if anything. Most demons don’t give a damn about making humans pay for their sins.”

“And you?” He spat. Your heart skipped a beat. His tone was stern. Almost hateful.

“I’m neutral. I see the good in people and I see the bad in people. And I saw the good in you…” You added sadly.

“Did you… did you feed off my energy?” He barked.

“What? No. I’m not a succubus. I enjoy intimacy like any other woman does. Will, I came because…” You paused. He wasn’t listening. Not really. The bible had taught him that you were evil and brought about pain and death and bad luck.

He… he was judgingyou. William Ransome, the kind man you knew saw the good in every living being. His eyes were filled with hatred for you, and strangely, it was not anger you felt. It was disappointment and grief. Like he had just taken your heart and broken it into a million pieces. You had been so convinced that he was different, that he would understand you. You had not done him any harm, now had you? You had spent a night full of love and passion together, and you had talked.

“Why did you invite me into your home, Will? You said I seem like a kind soul. There was something magical between us right from the moment we met. I knowyou felt it too.”

“You tricked me. You compelled me. Else… I would never have… I…” With an angry grunt, he reached for the holy water on his nightstand and sprinkled it all over you. He appeared shocked when it didn’t make you recoil in pain.

“Please… we sat in church together. Do you truly believe that some stale water will do me any harm?” The words hovered in the air for a little while. He had the books. William Ransome knew how to banish a demon. He knew what he had to do if he truly wanted you gone. Your heart ached at the mere thought of it.

Tearing up, you took a deep breath. You didn’t mean to upset him any further.

“Get back to whatever hellhole you crept out of or I willbanish you. Leave me, and leave this town.”

The first tears came rolling down your cheek then, worsening your sight. You sniffed, noticing the sudden shift of energies in the room. Whatever he had felt for you just a moment ago, it was gone for now.

With your lower lip shaking, you climbed out of bed. His eyes widened when you used black magic to put your clothes back on—like black fog they melted onto your body as if they had never been gone. You looked down, facing the wooden floor.

And then, before your heart could break entirely, you disappeared into thin air.


They had always warned you about humans. About how they were not to be trusted, unreasonable, unpredictable—believing in a book full of witchcraft but refusing to acknowledge the Wiccans and pagans who came to ask you, demons, for guidance.

But then there was you—blind to the warnings, too intrigued and madly in love with a man whose whispered prayers you had secretly been listening to. The glimmer of hope had been all but cruel, painful, that short moment of pure bliss, however… you took a deep breath. It had been worth it.

And for just a second, so you knew, Will had not felt lonely anymore either. Perhaps this was the reason why you found yourself in church again the same evening, after wandering about in the shadows, hidden from the villagers and even their pets.

You would respect his wishes and accept his belief. That you were evil, not to be trusted, brought about bad luck and death—even if it hurt. That, however, did not mean, that you could leave this silly human priest behind without saying your farewell.

Perhaps he had cooled down by now. Perhaps when you came to say goodbye, the last expression you’d remember would not be the hateful stares he had met you with only hours ago. It was wishful thinking, was it not? But then again, you had always been a rather masochistic demoness.

You didn’t know for sure he was going to be there but your heart cried tears of relief when you heard his whispers in the darkness of the church. He hadn’t lit a single candle to guide his way. There he stood, by the altar, looking down at his hands, with only the pale moonlight fighting its way through the windows lighting up his surroundings.


The Reverend froze, and you couldn’t blame him. Demons moved as quiet as a cat. Several heartbeats passed in which he remained quiet.

“I am a fool,” he said then, breaking the silence and turning around to face you. “I didn’t believe there was a serpent. And I didn’t believe that demons would still walk on Earth to this day, not anymore. I am a fool for not believing my flock. I’m supposed to protect them from evil and now, I shared my bed with…” Whatever he meant to say, he stopped himself. Whether it was because he saw the pained expression on your face or because of an entirely different reason, you could not tell.

“I was lonely,” he continued. “I admit that. You came to me and took advantage of that.”

It was only then you realised what he was holding in his hands. A small silver box with ancient engravings, found in almost every single church—one of the few tools to banish a demon and trap their soul inside forever to keep them from doing harm.

You closed your eyes for a second and you shook your head, new hot tears forming in your eyes and threatening to roll down your cheeks. And it seemed Will did not fail to notice your reaction.

Swallowing thickly, you spoke. Even though you were on the verge of falling apart. “Have you ever considered that maybe I was lonely too? That I thought, hey… maybe we can be lonely together? I didn’t care who you are, or what you are. A man of God. I believed you to be different. But I was clearly wrong about you. I watched you, you know. The man in front of you could be a murderer and you’d still find a way to understand them, find a way to forgive them. You believe they’ll get punished for their sins by your god, so you believe it’s only just to meet them without judgement. But this bright morning… I have never felt more judged in my life. Tell me, William. Do you blame the black cat that happens to cross your path for your bad luck? The cat is just trying to cross the road. I was born the way I am. I’m not evil. I don’t bring about pain or death or suffering or mischief. You are being narrow-minded and old-fashioned. You believe in a book that is about a guy who can turn water into wine. Will… please… If you are going to do this, then know that I never meant to cause you any pain.

“I know you might not believe me.” You laughed bitterly. “I barely believe myself. But I have grown to love you in a way that goes beyond the human concept of affection. We might have spent only one night together but for me, that was enough to realise that I want you to be mine. I have watched you for so long, I emphasised with you. Yes, Will. I love you. A demoness loves you. Unconditionally.”

Slowly, to not startle him, you approached him, waiting for him to make a move. He was shaking. His hands were trembling so much the silver box was rattling, the irritating sound echoing through the church. You looked back up—and realised that he too was crying. With a loud clatter, the box fell to the ground and you breathed out. He couldn’t do it.

“And even if we part now, know that I will always look out for you.” Your smile was weak, stained by your tears. Holding back a sob, you stood on your toes to kiss him—to taste his lips just one last time before returning to a life of loneliness and pain… and watching him daily, making sure he was okay.

Your second sob escaped your lips before you had a chance to stop it. Will was reciprocating the kiss and when he pulled you into his arms, unwilling to let you go, it almost felt like he meant to mend your heart again from how he had wronged you.

“I’m a vicar,” he murmured when he broke away, “how can this be right?”

“Does it feelright?”

“Yes,” he admitted.

“And that’s what scares you.” Your voice was but a mere whisper against his lips. Will nodded.

“Stay,” he suddenly said. “For now. And we’ll…” He took a deep breath. “We’ll figure something out. I don’t want you to leave. I have been praying for a miracle and maybe…” He didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t have to.

You smiled. Yes. You’d figure something out.


A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Now… what do you think, do we need a Part II? Because I think we do! ;-)

I swear, that William Ransome Imagine I’m writing right now… it’s turning into a proper Oneshot and it’s so much fun to write! I spent the whole weekend recovering and watching The Essex Serpent and I swear to the gods, the characters calling Tom’s character “Father” hits different. Just. You. Wait. For. This. Oneshot.

I am soooo excited for tomorrow! I haven’t been watching any clips for The Essex Serpent yet, I only know the official Trailer and the clip that came out before that so it’ll all be a surprise to me (apart from me having read the book of course)! I hope I’ll be feeling better tomorrow so I can get started on a new Will Imagine, in time for the first The Essex Serpent weekend! ♥

We gotta talk about Multiverse of Madness now! I meant to post this way earlier but my family came to visit me in London and we were out and about all day long and now that they’re gone again I managed to get sick. Gah. But here we go!

First of all! They were not lying when they said it would be horror. Those were a couple of pretty intense deaths but I did enjoy that horror aspect, surprisingly!

I love how Wanda was a real badass and she certainly wasn’t the villain to me. I understood her. I am far away from even wanting children yet but I’d do anything for them too… and I refuse to believe that she’s dead. I mean… we never saw her corpse. Even Lizzy said that she doesn’t think Wanda is dead and seriously, her journey as the Scarlet Witch has only just begun!

The proper introduction of the multiverse was really well done! I like the idea of dreams being glimpses into the other versions of yourself as well. That means that every time I dream of being with Loki, a version of me IS with Loki, right? I like that. That also means that this one time I dreamed that Tom is my boyfriend, he actually is, somewhere else in the multiverse? Yes? Cool. Thank you.

I haven’t seen X-Men or Fantastic Four, ever, so I wasn’t really freaking out when they came on screen but it was still a nice surprise! Even though it was a shame they all got killed off so shortly after being introduced! Speaking of which, now that we know that Loki isn’t in this one… it’s gotta be Love and Thunder, even if it’s just a cameo! Listen… maybe we finally get that hug.

I don’t read reviews but from what I’ve heard, quite a few people disliked this movie. I definitely didn’t, I loved it and I love Wanda’s character development! ♥


A detailed post will follow and as always, there will be keep reading tags and spoilers tagged in all of my posts as well!

I’m 5k words into “Heart of Fire” … Looks like it’s gonna be another super long oneshot that’s gonna turn into half a novella… I won’t complain if you guys won’t complain.

I’ll be back full force very soon, promise!
