#06x11 appointment in samarra


every time i think i’m being too mean to g*mble i watch one of her episodes and no, i’m not actually. i thought maybe s*nger was to blame for 06x11 but his only prior cowritten ep is 03x04 sin city where dean bonds with a demon and questions his humanity. good solid dean ep and as much as i’d love to heap all the praise on carver it was carver’s first episode so. your move s*ra

i went into 06x11 with the attitude of “people like this episode i’ll try to give it a chance” and i came out of it so angry. that’s not dean. that’s not dean.

he said in 04x15 that he wished he’d gone with tessa…he doesn’t need to be taught that people should die when the universe prescribes it. he himself is alive because of choices other people made for him. and i think a lot of the time he wishes they hadn’t.


06x11 as “dean learns a valuable lesson about life and death” as if he doesn’t know?????? as if he needs to be taught???? fuck you. Fuck you

the attitude is so patronizing like “dean needs to be taught his actions have consequences” as if he doesn’t fucking know. he carries the weight of every single decision he’s ever made with him. that’s who he is. it’s a disservice to the character to suggest he somehow doesn’t know.

06x11 as “dean learns a valuable lesson about life and death” as if he doesn’t know?????? as if he needs to be taught???? fuck you. Fuck you

actually no, fuck this episode. death says to dean, “you throw away your life because you’ve come to assume it’ll bounce right back into your lap.” no, he throws away his life because it doesn’t matter to him. and it’s unbelievably fucking shitty to suggest otherwise.

i think edlund should get a couple of free crimes in general but especially for bela, crowley, and balthazar who he introduced as intriguing and fun characters and who got brought back as living breathing hate crimes. i’ll give you three guesses as to who wrote them first after edlund.

okay according to the show’s own rules as established in 06x11 death needs to touch people for them to die and be reaped. the show went out of its way in 15x19 to show us that death was dead. so i am saying again that it makes no sense for dean to die in 15x20 when there was no death to kill him.

okay the only question is who to kill first for this g*mble or s*nger

it’s fun for me when dean says “i’m no germ freak” and he is so obviously lying. the bunker has (1) right and it’s for being an upgrade from a motel

dragging my ass kicking and screaming through s6 because every episode gets me one step closer to tmwwbk. and the death of the campbells. and robbie thompson. and GARTH. and CHARLIE. how is s7 the light at the end of the tunnel dear god…
