#15x20 carry on


okay according to the show’s own rules as established in 06x11 death needs to touch people for them to die and be reaped. the show went out of its way in 15x19 to show us that death was dead. so i am saying again that it makes no sense for dean to die in 15x20 when there was no death to kill him.

just like the tulpa, anything can be canon in supernatural’s universe if you just bait a group of people into watching your show long enough to believe it

you know what i’m gladthey killed Dean off because the onlyway i would have accepted a heterosexual ending for him is if by some twist of spn-magic he ran into Cassie at that pie fest and they ended up getting back together

Dean gets out of the impala on the bridge and leans against the railing, staring off into the distance

The camera zooms in on his face so that we can see the moment he registers a familiar presence behind him

Dean smiles like someone who finally figured out they were in reciprocated love with someone they’ve spent a decade fighting and dying for and says “Hey Cas”

Due to the specific angling of the shot, we can see part of the bridge in the background while still framing Dean’s face in the foreground

The bottom half of someone wearing brown shoes, dark slacks, and a familiar khaki trench coat comes into view

As Dean turns around we hear Castiel say “Hello Dean” for one last time as the scene cuts to black and the credits roll

The End

the supernatural cast and writers every time they promise the series finale will leave us “satisfied”

it’s gonna take 15 years for me to accept that that was the series finale

Are the SPN writers really trying to convince me that Dean “I’m not leaving purgatory without you even if I die” Winchester just ACCEPTED Cas was gone and MOVED ON???? Have the writers MET Dean????

Supernatural is going to trend again tonight, that’s a certainty. But will it trend for being the greatest love story ever told, or the biggest letdown in fandom history? Tonight decides.

Supernatural season 5 was the culmination of Sam & Dean’s original story arcs. Through the whole episode we keep having brother dialogues like:

S5 Dean: “Family is great, I want a family, I wish we’d had a different childhood, kids & a dog & a white picket fence please”

S5 Sam: “family sucks glad I got out of that one I just want to hunt forever”

And those sentiments are reflected in Sam’s supernatural sacrifice (throwing himself into the pit) and Dean’s immediate retreat to normal life (returning to Lisa, retiring from hunting).

Watching 15x20 with this in mind, really nails home the point that the writers did NOT understand the complexity of the characters they were dealing with. Dean was not a hunter who only liked pie and cars and wanted to die in action, and Sam was not a Boy Scout who would ever be able to move on from Dean’s death to start a family (not with his soul in tact anyway) and just abandon the world when monsters still exist.

i just really needed dean to realize that he mattered and that life could be more than the box he was taught to fit inside and too much of me is broken by the fact that we didn’t really get that and that in the end it didn’t matter that dean broke out of the box because he died before he got to experience that

i just really needed a conclusion that confirmed life was still worth living and fighting for and that’s not how i interpreted what we got

i just want to know how long it’s going to take before this stops breaking me and once it does will it even matter am i also fated to end this journey the same way i started because i don’t WANT that i can’t DO that i can’t imagine dean finding that ending satisfying and i can’t understand people who do

Dean gets out of the car on the bridge because Cas is standing in the middle.

Cas: “Hello Dean.”

Dean, smiling, like the world’s weight has finally lifted off his shoulders: “Been waiting long?”

Cas: “I waited a thousand years for you, Dean. This was nothing.”

Dean walks forward, he’s just a foot away from Cas now.

Dean: “Cas, I–I was so scared.”

Cas: “Death is scary.”

Dean: “Not of dying. Of losing you. Cas, I need to tell–”

Cas: “It’s okay, Dean. You don’t have to say it. I know.”

Dean: “No, Cas, you don’t know. You can’t know because I never said it, hell, I never even prayed it.” (he comes closer, grabs one of Cas’s hands) “You died and I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t imagine a world without you. We defeated God and I didn’t even care. Nothing mattered. Dying didn’t even matter. Because I finally realized that all I wanted, all I needed, was you.”



SPN fans when the finale made a big stinking deal about Jenny The Vampire returning:

let me break down for you how useless and unneeded this cameo was:

1) she was just another damsel-in-distress in season 1 episode 20

2) her entire story is that she is captured by vampires, has to watch them kill her boyfriend, then is forcibly turned by one of the vampires, and then helps the vampire who turned her escape

3) the way she’s turned is incredibly problematic: a female vampire forces a blood-filled kiss on her while her male vampire mate looms predatorily over them watching and stroking Jenny’s head

4) the boys never even learned her name (in fact her name is never spoken once the entire episode)

The writers of 15x19 and 15x20 were so single-mindedly focused on killing Dean that they disregardedandoverturned anything that could have stood in the way of getting the conclusion they wanted, and here’s how you can tell:

FIRSTthe SPN writers depowered God–the BIG BAD–in the episode BEFORE the finale. they just took him out. super easy, barely an inconvenience. why?

Because they had to de-power God in order for Dean to die because we all know Chuck never would have let that happen (maybe to Sam but certainly not to Dean)

BUTthey couldn’t just let God be defeated, because they set up all those Horrible Consequences™ of the world going out of balance and stuff

Of course Jack was the logical choice to replace Chuck as the new god at the end of 15x19

BUTJack loves Sam & Dean AND Cas, he would neverallow bad things to happen to his fathers, he literally woke Cas up from the Empty because Dean was sad, he brought Sam back from death, he would want the three of them to live their lives out in peace and happiness TOGETHER

Suddenly the writers have written themselves back to square one: with a god that won’t kill Dean

So what do they do?

The SPN writers had to figure out a way to removeJack from the story in order for Dean to die so they came up with some contrived “I’m gonna be hands off” nonsense and let him poof away and just assumed that one line would be enough to explain his absence at Dean’s demise

Then they spent 25 MINUTES on a Dean’s Perfect Day ™ experience – monsters and vamp!mimes and pie – like they were worried we wouldn’t feel enough when they killed him, like we were in some kind of K-Drama world.

And then they killed Dean.

That was their big master plan. That was the ONLY THING they accomplished in the last episode. And they didn’t even make it good.

He didn’t even die how he wanted, guns blazing, knives swinging, throat ripped out, a Hunter’s Death. He died because someone else made that barn. He had no freedom in life and none in his own death.

Dean’s death was especially pathetic because the writers never understood Dean. He talked a big talk about wanting to die on a hunt, because that was all he thought he DESERVED. That was the fate he ASSUMED was coming. That was CHUCK’S FATE FOR HIM. That was the fate he imagined for himself based on 40 years of Chuck pulling every single string in his life. Dean didn’t know he could want something else, and he was just finally getting around to figuring out how much morehe deserved. And they killed him.

And that’s why they killed him.

Because Dean Winchester was on the verge of figuring out he deserved more than Supernatural. That there was more to him than what the gods of his show would allow. That he deserved happiness, and being, and saying, and LIFE.

And the writers couldn’t let that happen.

Because they needed Dean to die.

That was the only way they could win.

Jensen literally told us not to get our hopes up for this finale and we just laughed.
