#1 year old

It’s been 1 year today since Futanari-fakes has been created ! Yipeee :)

It’s been 1 year today since Futanari-fakes has been created ! 
Yipeee :)

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Love is a trap a 1 an aujourd'hui ! :)

Love is a trap a 1 an aujourd'hui ! :)

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Fvck Yeah Hot Anime Boys turned one year old today, yay!!!

OMG I can’t believe I totally forgot about this. :’( Good thing I checked my e-mails today hihi :) Anyway, I just wanna say thank you so much to all my followers especially to the ones that’s always been there since the beginning, never unfollowed, and waited patiently for my replies (and are still waiting). I’m not gonna lie and say I know all of you cause I don’t and I’m not like that. Instead I’m saying I know most of you and love all of you. In fact, I’m following you (BTW, if you see aramacata in your followers list that’s me). Also, I’m so sorry for not being active on this blog for my studies are (sort of) my priorities (cause usually sometimes I’m just too lazy to do anything :/ ). I can’t promise when I’ll be posting stuff here again as of the moment; so don’t expect anything, okay? THANKS AGAIN! xx.


Today is just surreal….

Keep reading

Sweet little Ellie. Happy birthday to you darling, and congrats again to your parents. They’re right, we’re very lucky.

One year ago today, I got to go see your mom and dad, and meet you. You were so small, but just precious. I held you and whispered about how amazing your life would be as you held my finger in your little hand.

You were small, precious, and even more so now. I couldn’t be happier to know you, and couldn’t be more thankful to be in your life.

Congrats on one amazing year with your little angel, @soaringeag1eand@drfunkulus . And Happy Birthday little Ellie Bear.

Also shortly after she turned 1 she weaned herself from the bottle but still needs milk at least once overnight. I’m not happy about it but with her teething so much and getting so many teeth I give in. Ugh, I cant wait for the teething to be over.

A little update. My baby is 1 now and I swear time is flying by. I went through some baby clothes today (about 7 bags of it) to give away. It’s all clothes she doesn’t fit anymore. It makes me sad but I hope another parent can use them for their baby. 

Everyday now she is more and more like a toddler. She’s drinking milk now in stead of formula, and she takes less bottles a day (only 3 or 4 now) and only 1 bottle overnight which I’m trying to cut down to no bottles overnight. She has 4 teeth! And I’m still waiting for the day she will call me mama or mommy… 

I have a 1 year old today
