#13 reasons imagine


Another reason I feel like Zach wanted to hide the relationship was so the athletes wouldn’t be able to harm or make fun of Hannah, he already knew how manipulative they were and knowing his financial status he probably had to keep ties with Bryce. But on the inside we know he felt sorry for hurting Hannah.

I think the reason Hannah freaked out with Clay was because she knew she didn’t have an intimate connection with him or an attraction to him, it was more of a friendship attraction and she must’ve feared losing him after everything and everyone else she lost. There’s a difference between the attraction Hannah had to Zach and the attraction she had to Clay. Zach was more like her Nicholas Sparks crush and Clay was more like the lifetime friend that will always be there. Then again so many theories.

Who else shipped Zach and Hannah. I mean Zach is so freaking cute and Hannah was perfect for him.Who else shipped Zach and Hannah. I mean Zach is so freaking cute and Hannah was perfect for him.Who else shipped Zach and Hannah. I mean Zach is so freaking cute and Hannah was perfect for him.

Who else shipped Zach and Hannah.
I mean Zach is so freaking cute and Hannah was perfect for him.

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Honestly crying over how cute they were. They should’ve lasted. Zach had something that was pure for Hannah.

Clay when he found out that Hannah had sex with Zach all summer, but freaked out the first time with Clay.

Everybody when they found out about Zach and Hannah

Spoiler/trigger warning.

Bullies are real. It doesn’t matter what age. Bullying can take someone’s potential and crush their whole soul. You can see how Tyler fell apart right after being assaulted.

Why is Bryce such a jerk “gotta go play nurse” it’s called being a kind hearted friend.
Ugh. & Zach makes my ovaries explode the way he got all shy and said “I don’t know”

I love Zach Dempsey I do, he was sweet and gentle with Hannah but imagine how she must’ve felt when he took her virginity and got intimate with her all summer, to be told back into the school year that he wants to hide the realtionship. Imagine going from being entangled in someone’s arms all summer, to them not wanting to be seen around you

When Bryce put a bloody underwear with Hannah’s name on it and tried to pull it off as a joke, he got what he deserved, being shoved by Zach. Even though Zach is so hot when he’s upset, he was really hurt that Bryce would sink that low. My poor baby.

When I see hannah baker, I feel different, really different. A pain suddenly comes to my heart from somewhere Idk. İt is really fucking annoying but it worths for her. I really love her.
