#1960s movies

The Born Losers (1967)by T.C. Frank

The Born Losers (1967)

by T.C. Frank

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Orgy at Lil’s Place (1963)by Jerald Intrator

Orgy at Lil’s Place (1963)

by Jerald Intrator

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Sharon Tate, photographed in her Paris hotel suite by Jean-Claude Deutsch in October of 1968. The cast on her leg is the result of an accidental injury she sustained when she fell out of bed.

“Now it seems there may not be tomorrow. But despite the horror and the sorrow, I love our world. I want us all to live.”

— Ginger and Rosa (2012)

“I don’t want to die. I want to grow up and do things.”

— Ginger and Rosa (2012)

Z (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-GavrasZ (1969) Directed by Costa-Gavras

Z(1969) Directed by Costa-Gavras

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