

HEY!! to celebrate 1 fucking thousand of you guys following me, I’m doing an event.

I don’t wanna get too sappy or anything, but last year I was going thru a horrible time and I just really wanted to have a community where I could post fanfic and. have a good time, and I got all that and more. It means a lot to me actually, so really, thank you, especially all my moots.

Send me a character from the below options, a setting (also from the below options), and your choice of one sentence starter, and I’ll write you a drabble!

» Anons feel free to enter.

» “Drabble” is more of a suggestion, and if it becomes longer than that… so be it.

» I promise every request will be done, but I can’t promise they will be posted in time for the event to end.

» I will not take multiples of the same setting+starter because of repetitiveness, but enter as many times as your heart desires.


SIDE NOTE: I will also write kitty, dadvi, or mer Levi… any Levi really. Feel free to add that in your request if you want.



All links go to a tumblr post (and they are all my preferences, if you couldn’t tell haha).


dissociation-centered hurt/comfort

MORE hurt/comfort


softer smut


: (my birthday!)

the tag for this event will be #1k.event - if you don’t want to be spammed/participate, block this tag.

|main masterlist|

updated 06/10/22
