#2014 camren


When: 27 June 2014

What: Camila wishes Lauren a happy 18th birthday.

Lauren turns 18 whilst Fifth Harmony are in Cincinnati, OH for their “5th Times a Charm” tour. Camila posts a birthday message to Lauren on her Instagram and shares that post on Twitter. Lauren’s mother, Clara, also has a message to share in response.



Lauren replies to Camila’s message on Twitter



Clara has an objection to this birthday message



Several days later on Lauren’s Instagram



When: 17 March 2014

What: Camila scares Lauren during an interview

Lauren and Normani are featured in the second episode of a Vevo-presented Tour Diaries series for Fifth Harmony’s “The Worst Kept Secret Tour”. The tour itself ran from 2 February - 24 March in 2014, with the episode being uploaded to YouTube on 17 March.

2:20 Lauren is being interviewed about Fifth Harmony’s wardrobe when Camila interrupts the interview to scare her.

When: 14 November 2014

What: Camila ad-libs an online dating profile for Lauren

Fifth Harmony ad-lib online dating profiles for each other in a segment for PopCrush uploaded on 14 November 2014. This is an interesting insight into what each member thinks is appropriate to include or mention in a dating profile.

2:12 Camila loves balls?

3:22 Camila makes up an online dating profile for Lauren.

Loose transcript

Camila: <in an English accent> Alright, so Lauren’s dating profile, so the profile picture would be of her going <does an impression of Lauren posing for a photo>. On her biography it would say: “Loves to read. Bob Marley records are the way to my heart.”

Lauren: Although I already have a couple.

Camila: “Love vinyls. If you’re interesting enough, I’ll write about you in my journal.”

Lauren: True… although I don’t know if men like to hear that.

Camila: It’s a challenge!


Camila: Oh! “Lots of sass, lots of class…”

Normani: “Not trash”

Ally: “And lots of… ” ok haha!

Dinah: <at Lauren> You’re a piece of trash!

Camila: “Lana Del Rey for life. XOXO Lauren Jergi”. Lern Jergi! “Love, Lern Jergi”
