#camren timeline


When: 21 May 2013

What: Lauren knows what Camila will and won’t eat.

Fifth Harmony do The Magic Box interview with Popdust, where they pick random questions to answer out of a lucky dip. This interview was uploaded on 21 May 2013. The entire thing is great.

3:44 Camila claims that she doesn’t refuse to eat anything. Lauren calls her out immediately.

1:18 Camila picks the question “What or who are you unreasonably obsessed with?”

When: 10 May 2013

What: Camila slaps Lauren for not thinking that orangutans are cute.

Fifth Harmony answer Twitter questions via their official YouTube channel. They answer the question, “What’s your favourite animal?” which was uploaded on 10 May 2013.

0:52 Camila likes little monkeys and orangutans. Lauren tells her that orangutans are not very cute. Camila slaps her.

When: 19 March 2013

What: Lauren and Camila share a one line harmony during “Lego House”, and it sounds really nice.

Fifth Harmony record some covers in LA at the start of 2013 whilst they work on their first EP. Although this cover of Ed Sheeran’s “Lego House” was uploaded to YouTube on 19 March 2013, it looks as though it was recorded on the same day as their Lana Del Rey cover which was uploaded a week or so prior.

1:29 Lauren starts the second verse, with Camila joining in on the harmony.

0:22, 1:52 

When: 18 February 2015

What: Lauren and Camila high five after demonstrating their scientific knowledge.

Fifth Harmony travelled to Australia in February 2015 to promote their album, Reflection. They’re interviewed for Scoopla on 18 February 2015.

10:16 Lauren and Camila demonstrate their knowledge of structural adaptations in polar bears. And then they high five.

Loose transcript

Interviewer: Did you know that polar bears have black skin? It’s just their fur that’s white.


Camila: Well, because black absorbs more heat.

Lauren: I know, it’s adaptation because they live in the snow, so their fur has to be white so that they can blend in to avoid predators (and to prey on other animals)

Camila: And [black skin], because black absorbs more heat.

Interviewer: See, scientists at the back of the room. Very good.

<Lauren and Camila high five>

2:57 Lauren laughs at Camila’s response to why she didn’t know who the Spice Girls were.

4:08 Lauren says the men in Australia are attractive. Camila emphasises that it’s the people that are attractive, to which Lauren counters “No, it’s the men”.

11:08 Camila recounts the time a fan came out to Fifth Harmony.

12:43 Camila thinks Lauren’s answer is “ironic”, and they have a short offline exchange.

When: 27 June 2014

What: Camila wishes Lauren a happy 18th birthday.

Lauren turns 18 whilst Fifth Harmony are in Cincinnati, OH for their “5th Times a Charm” tour. Camila posts a birthday message to Lauren on her Instagram and shares that post on Twitter. Lauren’s mother, Clara, also has a message to share in response.



Lauren replies to Camila’s message on Twitter



Clara has an objection to this birthday message



Several days later on Lauren’s Instagram



 When: 8 September 2015

What: Camila thinks it would be worth it to marry her celebrity crush even if her family didn’t approve.

YouTuber, Tyler Layne plays the ‘Worth It’ challenge with Fifth Harmony. He has them answer whether they find a certain challenging situation to be “Worth it” or “Not worth it”. The interview was uploaded to YouTube on 8 September 2015.

2:24 Tyler poses the challenge of having the opportunity to marry your celebrity crush, but without the approval of your family. Camila is the only one who finds the situation to be “Worth it”.

Loose transcript

Tyler: You get to marry your celebrity crush…

<Camila immediately shows her “Worth it” paddle>

Tyler: … but your family doesn’t approve of it and doesn’t go to the wedding.

<Camila raises her “Worth it” paddle in the air>

Tyler: Who would it be?

Camila: I can’t say.

Tyler: You can’t say?

Camila: I can’t say. But it’s important.

<Normani, Lauren, and Ally all show their “Not worth it” paddles>

Normani: Not worth it.

Camila: What?! Oh my god! Wait, am I the only one that was just like, “Absolutely.”, with no hesitation? I literally was just like <raises her “Worth it” paddle in the air>. Wait, I want to make sure I heard this correctly…

Normani: Your family would not go to the wedding.

<Camila raises her “Worth it” paddle again>

Camila: But it’s real love. I would do that even if it wasn’t my celebrity crush. Like if it was just somebody that I-

Lauren: Well [Tyler] just said it’s your celebrity crush. I’m not down for that.

Camila: Oh, you’re assuming that you won’t be in love with your celebrity crush.

Lauren: Well it’s just my celebrity crush. It has no basis on feelings at the moment. It’s just like, you wouldn’t marry your celebrity crush just because it’s your celebrity crush.

Camila: Oh, the thing is is that I would be in love with my celebrity crush.

Lauren: I’m not in love with mine.

NBTS tour interludes

Poetry. ☀️✨

9 April - 23 October 2018

0:00 Opening

Are you there?
Is anybody listening?
I can’t hear you.
So I guess that leaves one question: are you ready?

0:44 Never Be The Same

I felt the ground shaking.
I felt my heart breaking.
The fire of a thousand suns.
The darkness of a starless sky.
So much pain I could cry.
So much love I could die.
Running. Breathless.
Running after a new dream.
I’ve never felt so alive.
These are the moments that make life worth living.
When you’re not just existing.
And it feels almost like there’s no way this is real.
And if I’m dreaming please don’t wake me up.
Because in that moment you just know, you’ll never be the same.

1:53 Bad Things

Somebody once told me, “It’s who you think about when you’re in front of the ocean. That’s who you’re in love with.”
Who are you thinking about? Do they know?
And could you tell them?
Somebody you wanna be good to.
Somebody you wanna be bad for.
Somebody who you want so badly, you don’t care about the consequences.
Are you thinking of their face?

3:04 Into it

<Camila vocalising>

3:44 Sangria Wine

The darkness of a starless sky.
So much pain I could cry.
So much love I could die.
And if I’m dreaming please don’t wake me up.
Because in that moment you just know, you’ll never be the same.

4:15 She Loves Control

I want it. I need it.
I want it. I need it.
I want it. I need it. I love it.
I want it. I need it. I crave it.

I want it. I need it. I love it.

5:29 Can’t Help Falling In Love /  Consequences

(Reputation tour version)

And I choose you.
In a hundred lifetimes.
In a hundred worlds.
In any version of reality.
I find you.
And I choose you.

(NBTS tour version)

I know I’m dreaming, but even here in my mind
It feels so real.

5:51 Scar Tissue

<visual plays during the performance>


When: 8 March 2013

What: Lauren picks a Lana Del Rey song. Camila is like “Obviously.”

Whilst recording their first EP in LA in early 2013, Fifth Harmony perform a number of song covers for their YouTube channel. Uploaded on 8 March 2013, in this video Lauren introduces their cover of Lana Del Rey’s “American” and confirms that it was her song choice.

When: 21 November 2012

What: The girls answer a fan question about who their celebrity crushes are. Camila’s celebrity crush is Lauren.

Fifth Harmony make it to The X Factor Top 10. As part of the broadcast, the girls answer fan questions in a Verizon sponsored segment called “Text, Tweet and Telephone”.

1:10 When asked the question “Who are your celebrity crushes?”, Camila answers, “Mine’s Lauren”.

Camila repeats this answer on the official Fifth Harmony Twitter account.



When: 3 September 2012

What: Lauren posts a selfie with Camila, captioned “Camzzi”

After filming bootcamp at the end of July 2012, Lauren and Camila return home. On 3 September, Lauren posts an Instagram selfie with Camila and the caption “Camzzi”. They’re having lunch at Scotty’s Landing in Miami FL. They’ll go back to The X Factor on 14 September to film the judge’s houses segment.





Preview for a timeline post that’s currently in my drafts

Preview for a timeline post that’s currently in my drafts

Post link

When: 26 February 2013

What: Camila reaches for Lauren mid-song as Fifth Harmony cover “Thinkin Bout You”

After being signed on 17 January 2013, the members of Fifth Harmony move to LA to begin recording. The first video to be uploaded to the official Fifth Harmony YouTube channel is an acoustic cover of Frank Ocean’s “Thinkin Bout You”, which was uploaded on 23 February.

0:48 During Dinah’s solo on the chorus and just before Lauren’s verse, Camila reaches behind Ally towards Lauren.

0:58 Lauren looks over at a smirking Camila.

When: 17 March 2014

What: Camila scares Lauren during an interview

Lauren and Normani are featured in the second episode of a Vevo-presented Tour Diaries series for Fifth Harmony’s “The Worst Kept Secret Tour”. The tour itself ran from 2 February - 24 March in 2014, with the episode being uploaded to YouTube on 17 March.

2:20 Lauren is being interviewed about Fifth Harmony’s wardrobe when Camila interrupts the interview to scare her.

I haven’t been updating because life got in the way. I may decide to update again in the future if something happens to inspire me to come back to old Camren moments.

Looking forward to new music in 2019 from Lauren AND Camila <looking pointedly at the anon who asked me if this is really just a Lauren timeline blog ROFL you sassy>

When: 14 November 2014

What: Camila ad-libs an online dating profile for Lauren

Fifth Harmony ad-lib online dating profiles for each other in a segment for PopCrush uploaded on 14 November 2014. This is an interesting insight into what each member thinks is appropriate to include or mention in a dating profile.

2:12 Camila loves balls?

3:22 Camila makes up an online dating profile for Lauren.

Loose transcript

Camila: <in an English accent> Alright, so Lauren’s dating profile, so the profile picture would be of her going <does an impression of Lauren posing for a photo>. On her biography it would say: “Loves to read. Bob Marley records are the way to my heart.”

Lauren: Although I already have a couple.

Camila: “Love vinyls. If you’re interesting enough, I’ll write about you in my journal.”

Lauren: True… although I don’t know if men like to hear that.

Camila: It’s a challenge!


Camila: Oh! “Lots of sass, lots of class…”

Normani: “Not trash”

Ally: “And lots of… ” ok haha!

Dinah: <at Lauren> You’re a piece of trash!

Camila: “Lana Del Rey for life. XOXO Lauren Jergi”. Lern Jergi! “Love, Lern Jergi”

When: 31 May 2017

What: Camila gives advice on secretly being in love with your friend, trying to make long distance relationships work, what to do when your girlfriend is afraid of coming out, and more.

Camila goes live from London on Dan Wootton’s Facebook on 31 May 2017 to answer dilemmas and problems submitted by fans. She provides really in-depth answers.

Some highlights

2:14 How do you re-fall in love with singing and songwriting and music again after being in a dark place?

3:51 How do you learn to let go of someone who is not necessarily good for you anymore?

10:32 We, as the fandom, need to know what the whispers in “I Have Questions” officially are, and when will we get the next single?

12:44 My girlfriend wants our relationship a secret because she’s afraid of coming out. Can you give me insights or advice on what to do?

13:55 I’m secretly in love with a friend and I’m too scared to do anything about it.

15:26 I am in love with someone but we are long distance. How can we make our relationship not die?

Loose transcripts

How do you re-fall in love with singing and songwriting and music again after being in a dark place?

For a while I was in such a dark place that I feel like I didn’t know how to confront my emotions and that’s kind of why I stopped songwriting. After stopping for like 6 months, honestly it was hard to pick it back up and write again. My thing is it’s always easy for me to do melodies. I can always do melodies but I feel like lyrics can only flow out of me if I’m actually going through something at the time because then I don’t run out of ideas, because I’m kind of just talking. I’m just feeling. It was definitely hard to pick it back up until “I Have Questions” happened, which felt like the first time that I really started to open up again about what I was going through. So basically from that song on, music just became my saviour. It was really helping me reconnect with myself again and it was really helping me talk about what I was going through instead of keeping it in. And that’s what got me through it. Music is the most therapeutic thing, in my opinion. Or any form of art or self-expression can make you re-fall in love with your passion, with life, with everything.

How do you learn to let go of someone who is not necessarily good for you anymore?

I think it depends on what kind of relationship it is. I’ve been in a situation where it was a romantic relationship where the person was not good for me anymore, as in, I knew that it wasn’t going to last. But it was so much fun and so amazing at the time that I was like ok, this is worth this memory, this is worth the kind of passionate “thing”, even though I know that this is not gonna last for a long time. So in that case I kind of knew what I was getting into, but sometimes you have to decide if it’s worth it or not in a romantic situation.

In a friendship situation and just people that are toxic: I definitely feel like the best thing to do is just be like “Honestly, I need to take care of myself”, because once you’re in a toxic relationship with somebody like that it can really start to scar you for a long time. And you know there are people that try to just kind of put you down or people that have this negative energy that’s just meant to drown you. Those are the kind of people that I feel like you have to cut off as soon as possible because it starts to affect the way that you see yourself and you start to see yourself through that person’s eyes - which is really unhealthy because it can definitely take a long time to recover from that. So as hard as it is, whilst causing the least damage as possible, try to just be honest with the person and just be like “Hey, I really need to take care of myself in this situation, but I wish you the best.” And peace out. Don’t say “peace out”.

We, as the fandom, need to know what the whispers in “I Have Questions” officially are, and when will we get the next single?

The whispers in “I Have Questions” are:

“How do I fix it?”
“Can we talk?”
“Is it my fault?”
“I’m afraid of you”
“Do you miss me?”

I definitely have a song that I really want you guys to hear and that I really want to come out soon. But obviously a single is a big discussion between the label and whatever other boring stuff. There’s one song in particular that I’m really excited about - my favourites kind of change - but there’s one song that’s called “I’ll Never Be The Same” that I’m really excited about, that I feel describes “The Loving”. And that was actually about, tying into the first question, a boy that was not good for me. But I got a good song out of it.

My girlfriend wants our relationship a secret because she’s afraid of coming out. Can you give me insights or advice on what to do?

I feel- I mean that’s such a personal thing. I think that she’ll be ready to do that when she’s ready to do that, and I don’t think that you can push somebody because you never know what they’re going through. You don’t know what the relationship is like with her family. You don’t know how comfortable she is with it herself, maybe it’s new to her. I think that it’s important to just make sure that she feels supported, and just be like “Hey, I love you”. And hopefully she has a good support system that makes her feel accepted and loved. But I think that everybody probably comes out at their own time. All you can do is just make her feel supported and loved, and when she’s ready, she will do it. But I’ve learned that with stuff like that, in the meantime, all you can do is just love them. So yeah, just love her.

I’m secretly in love with a friend and I’m too scared to do anything about it.

I wonder if they know… because I feel when I like somebody it’s written all over my face. Honestly, life is too short and I’ve learned to not take that stuff too seriously because sometimes you never know. This person, you might be in love with them and you think that they’re so amazing, but you don’t really know what it’s like to be in a relationship with that person. What if you’re in a relationship with that person and it turns out they’re not the right fit for you? Don’t make it too much of a big deal because you really don’t know until you know. Don’t take it too seriously, you’re going to have so many people that you fall in love with during your lifetime, so many people that you have crushes on. And life is just about trying stuff, and being like “Hey, I like you” and just putting yourself out there. And if they like you too then be like “Ok, great”. And if they don’t, you’re going to find somebody you never know when. It could be the next day, it could be the next year. Everything happens when it’s supposed to though. But never let fear keep you from jumping into something that could be beautiful. So just take the jump, just do it. Say it. Let them know.

I am in love with someone but we are long distance. How can we make our relationship not die?

I know that long distance is probably hard, but I feel like there’s something romantic about it because you’re not seeing each other for a lot of the time. But when you do see each other, there’s so much anticipation built up and so much fantasising and so much stuff in your head, that when you do see them you guys are probably so excited to see each other and it makes your time that much more valuable. I feel like when you’re away from something and then you get just a little taste of it, it just makes you savour that so much more. In the meantime, just be very romantic, and remember that the biggest sexual organ is the brain. Oh my god, was that bad? Just saying sweet stuff to somebody and just cultivating that emotional side of it is really the most important thing. And you can still do that long distance even if it’s hard. And if it’s not meant to be, then it won’t be meant to be.

Lauren goes through her Instagram hashtag on the hunt for memes featuring her face. Video was uploaded by Harper’s Bazaar on 31 October 2018.

0:06 If you ever wanted to know how Lauren would react to nudes sent from her bae, here it is

1:40 “I’m trying to look for memes” as she scrolls through a feed that’s 50% Camren

#camren timeline    #lern jergi    #camzzi    #2018 camren    