#2015 camren


When: 18 February 2015

What: Lauren and Camila high five after demonstrating their scientific knowledge.

Fifth Harmony travelled to Australia in February 2015 to promote their album, Reflection. They’re interviewed for Scoopla on 18 February 2015.

10:16 Lauren and Camila demonstrate their knowledge of structural adaptations in polar bears. And then they high five.

Loose transcript

Interviewer: Did you know that polar bears have black skin? It’s just their fur that’s white.


Camila: Well, because black absorbs more heat.

Lauren: I know, it’s adaptation because they live in the snow, so their fur has to be white so that they can blend in to avoid predators (and to prey on other animals)

Camila: And [black skin], because black absorbs more heat.

Interviewer: See, scientists at the back of the room. Very good.

<Lauren and Camila high five>

2:57 Lauren laughs at Camila’s response to why she didn’t know who the Spice Girls were.

4:08 Lauren says the men in Australia are attractive. Camila emphasises that it’s the people that are attractive, to which Lauren counters “No, it’s the men”.

11:08 Camila recounts the time a fan came out to Fifth Harmony.

12:43 Camila thinks Lauren’s answer is “ironic”, and they have a short offline exchange.

 When: 8 September 2015

What: Camila thinks it would be worth it to marry her celebrity crush even if her family didn’t approve.

YouTuber, Tyler Layne plays the ‘Worth It’ challenge with Fifth Harmony. He has them answer whether they find a certain challenging situation to be “Worth it” or “Not worth it”. The interview was uploaded to YouTube on 8 September 2015.

2:24 Tyler poses the challenge of having the opportunity to marry your celebrity crush, but without the approval of your family. Camila is the only one who finds the situation to be “Worth it”.

Loose transcript

Tyler: You get to marry your celebrity crush…

<Camila immediately shows her “Worth it” paddle>

Tyler: … but your family doesn’t approve of it and doesn’t go to the wedding.

<Camila raises her “Worth it” paddle in the air>

Tyler: Who would it be?

Camila: I can’t say.

Tyler: You can’t say?

Camila: I can’t say. But it’s important.

<Normani, Lauren, and Ally all show their “Not worth it” paddles>

Normani: Not worth it.

Camila: What?! Oh my god! Wait, am I the only one that was just like, “Absolutely.”, with no hesitation? I literally was just like <raises her “Worth it” paddle in the air>. Wait, I want to make sure I heard this correctly…

Normani: Your family would not go to the wedding.

<Camila raises her “Worth it” paddle again>

Camila: But it’s real love. I would do that even if it wasn’t my celebrity crush. Like if it was just somebody that I-

Lauren: Well [Tyler] just said it’s your celebrity crush. I’m not down for that.

Camila: Oh, you’re assuming that you won’t be in love with your celebrity crush.

Lauren: Well it’s just my celebrity crush. It has no basis on feelings at the moment. It’s just like, you wouldn’t marry your celebrity crush just because it’s your celebrity crush.

Camila: Oh, the thing is is that I would be in love with my celebrity crush.

Lauren: I’m not in love with mine.
