#2018 election


Watching the results come in last night, it was pretty clear increased turnout was factor in many of the elections. O’Rourke didn’t win, but he came within about 2 points (which was pretty surprising). Democrats also picked up 12 seats in the Texas House - significantly cutting into the Republican majority.

Total voter turnout for the 2018 midterm elections was: 8,323,954. That’s almost as much as the 2016 turnout (8,969,226) and more than 2012 (7,993,851) - both of which were Presidential election years. And it was almost twice as much as turnout as in previous midterm elections in 2010 and 2014 (Source).  

You can see a breakdown of the statewide races by county here.

You can see turnout by county here.

We’re breaking early voting records in Texas ahead of the 2018 General Election (Texas Tribune). There was even a line at my usual early voting location on Saturday morning.

Through 6 days, there has been a 183% increase over 2014 early vote turnout in the 15 largest counties:

Through 4 days, Republicans had an advantage in early voting numbers, and most of those voting have been older (although there has been an increase in younger voters as well). 

One thing we don’t know yet (obviously) is whether or not these early vote numbers are reducing election day turnout. 

You can view the early vote turnout numbers here.

EDIT: correcting a math error.

Democrats have finally found a way to win the midterms!

Democrats have finally found a way to win the midterms!

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Christine Hallquist, former CEO, enters Vermont Gubernatorial Race  “My wish is that everybody

Christine Hallquist, former CEO, enters Vermont Gubernatorial Race 

“My wish is that everybody just overlooks [my being transgender] and looks at the policies and my resume,” Hallquist said to Vermont Public Radio about her run to become Governor of Vermont. While, she wants Vermonters to focus on her policy positions, her run for office is a trailblazer because she is the first transgender American to run for Governor of any state.

Learn more her choice to transition publicly as CEO of Vermont Electric Co-op https://logo.to/2GRhc9r

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