
Russian mothers are going to put the hurt on Putin “As a courtesy to the mothers of those sold

Russian mothers are going to put the hurt on Putin

“As a courtesy to the mothers of those soldiers, we are disseminating this information over social media to at least let families know that they they’ve lost their sons and to then enable them to come to collect their bodies,” Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s vice prime minister

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Libertarian Money is your source for daily libertarian leaning entertainment. Be sure to follow to k

Libertarian Money is your source for daily libertarian leaning entertainment. Be sure to follow to keep up with all of the updates.

Repost for Liberty!

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Libertarian Money is your source for daily libertarian leaning entertainment. Be sure to follow to k

Libertarian Money is your source for daily libertarian leaning entertainment. Be sure to follow to keep up with all of the updates.

Repost for Liberty!

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Libertarian Money is your source for daily libertarian leaning entertainment. Be sure to follow to k

Libertarian Money is your source for daily libertarian leaning entertainment. Be sure to follow to keep up with all of the updates.

Repost for Liberty!

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[Image ID: a tweet thread by Nazir Afzal, @nazirafzal. The first tweet reads:

“Boris Johnson is the first sitting prime minster to be judged guilty of a crime

Sunak the first Chancellor to be fined

Carrie the first PM’s wife to be fined

Downing Street is a crime scene”

It is tagged #Partygate.

The second reads:

“Let’s be clear this is the most atrocious leadership during the worst public crisis since WW2

He made the law
We complied with the law at great personal cost - all of us
He & his Govt broke the law

Without the rule of law, there is no democracy”

The third reads:

“To those saying ‘now is not the time’ for Johnson to resign

Those of us who lost loved ones to covid & couldn’t attend funerals also believed that 'now was not the time’

But we responded to the greater good, we decided to comply with the law & we made sacrifices while he didn’t”

The third reads:

It is tagged #BorisJohnson, #RishiSunak, #TheRestOfThem, and #Partygate.

The last reads:

“I lost my brother to covid & my mum to a broken heart in the 1st lockdown
I have been asked by numerous media outlets to be interviewed about Johnson

I’ve turned them all down because I’m so angry that I don’t know what I would say

When the anger subsides, he’s still a liar”

End ID]

http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,770539,00.html While Trotskyism and permanen


While Trotskyism and permanent revolution are flawed ideologies that should be opposed by any rational Marxists, our comrade has a great analysis on the bread and circuses employed in a capitalist society to tranquilize the workers and masses in an industrialized society. This is in no way shape or form an advocacy of Trotskyism.

“Capital does not like the working man to think and is afraid….It has therefore adopted measures. … It has put up automats in each station and has filled them with disgusting candied gum. With an automatic movement of the hand the people extract from these automats pieces of sweetish gum, and they grind it with the automatic chewing of their jaws… . It looks like a religious rite, like some silent prayer to God-Capital.“

Haha leftist communist KFC man says bubble gum machine bad. Except, this same phenomenom can be seen within parasocial relationships practiced between the proletariat and figures such as instagram influencers, twitch streamers, youtubers, and aspects of pop culture. It is remarkable how coping mechanisms such as gaming and participation of social media can be seen as a modern kafkaesque religious ritual.

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Yeah, it was absolutely true. Many colleges, Ivy League and not, had quotas for Jewish attendance. This mostly became an issue in the interwar period.* While Jews had been emigrating to the US for several hundred years, since the first settlement of what is now New York, a massive wave of Eastern European Jewish emigration began in 1881 and continued in full force until (and to an extent through) World War I. In the 1920s, this ended due to racist, eugenicist influences on Congress- draconian immigration laws were enacted in 1924 to drastically limit immigration particularly of poor and “less white” people, like Jews, Italians, and Greeks, by basing the permitted immigration on numbers from 1890, when relatively few had emigrated. However, by the 1920s, colleges felt like they were facing a different problem- second-generation advancement. Jews who had arrived since 1881 had come with little to no English and relatively little education in general, but especially given the emphasis on assimilation and the “melting pot” which their children received in schools and settlement houses, the children of immigrants were far more Americanized, and their parents pushed them toward academic success. By 1915, for example, about 40% of students at Columbia were Jewish (either immigrants or first generation Americans)- ironically due to the fact that Columbia had made it easier for them to get in as public school students by basing admissions on standardized tests.

College administrators were not happy about this, so they decided to do something about it.


  • In 1922, Harvard implemented a 10% quota for Jews in order to prevent a “Jewish problem,” in the words of its president, A. Lawrence Lowell. He rationalized this by saying that he wanted to decrease potential antisemitism on campus.

  • Harvard also changed its admission system from an entrance exam (which favored studious Jews from the well-performing NYC public school system, who generally succeeded) to a system in which they accepted students from the top seventh of their class regardless of their score on the exam. This favored students in other parts of the country who had received lower quality education, and had the additional “benefit” of reducing the number of Jewish accepted students.

  • In the 1920s, Columbia basically invented the modern college application form. Why? So that they could weed out Jewish (and potentially other undesirable) applicants. Knowing that many Jews changed their names to hide their Jewishness, these forms required that past names be listed and also asked for country of origin, mother’s maiden name, and social organizations. And you know those questions about extracurriculars? Those were also invented for this purpose, as a measure of “character”- with character meaning “not Jewish.” Jews were known for being studious and “greasy,” not participating in all of the typically WASPy social concerns, and so by making “character” a requirement they were able to eliminate Jews from the pool. Nicholas Murray Butler, when discussing the more limited admission of Jews, stated that there had been no conscious effort to eliminate Jews- after evaluating the application forms, Jews were simply among “the lowest grade of applicant,” this despite the fact that so many had previously been accepted on the basis of grades.Harvard soon followed suit in using an application form, and many other colleges adopted it in the coming years.

  • While universities like Princeton had been interested in making a quota, it took Harvard and Columbia making the first move for them to implement one, along with colleges like Barnard, Yale, Duke, Rutgers, Adelphi, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, Penn State, Ohio State, Washington and Lee, the Universities of Cincinnati, Illinois, Kansas, Texas, Minnesota, Virginia, and Washington, and the Bronx campus of NYU.

  • Colgate University kept six Jews enrolled specifically in order to counter charges of antisemitic admissions.

  • Syracuse University housed Jews separately from other students and had a KKK branch on campus.

  • Sarah Lawrence College had a question on its application about whether applicants had been raised with “strict Sunday observance.”

-Even as late as 1945, Dartmouth retained a quota for its Jews, citing its status as a Christian college for Christian men.

  • If a Jew WAS accepted to an elite university, he (they were generally not coeducational yet) could expect not to be accepted into university culture. The social clubs and fraternities which made these colleges one big boys’ club did not let Jews among their number. They were often considered to lack college spirit, be physically repulsive, not drink enough, be brown-nosers, and not participate in sports enough, as well as to raise the academic standard too high. They were also considered to be below the appropriate level of social class and standing.

-At Brown University, Jewish students were barred from fraternities, but also barred from creating their own fraternity, purportedly to prevent antisemitism.

  • At the US Naval Academy at Annapolis, the page with the number two ranking cadet, who happened to be Jewish, was perforated so that those who desired could remove it without defacing the volume.

  • Even at universities which accepted small numbers of Jews, almost no Jews would be accepted as college professors. Fewer than 100 Jews were hired as faculty throughout the country, and nearly all under protest or some kind of special circumstance, with the caveat that they didn’t usually hire Jews.

  • Graduate programs admitted few Jews, using as the pretext the fact that they would never be hired as university faculty.

Despite all this, Jews continued in their quests for education, becoming 9% of college students despite being 4% of the general population. They were also nearly half of the total number of college students in New York City. They generally matriculated at City College of New York (called by some the “cheder [religious school] on the hill”) or NYU’s downtown campus (nicknamed “New York Jew”). In 1920, CCNY and Hunter College (the women’s college) had 80-90% Jewish student bodies. CCNY had been the first college to create a Jewish fraternity, ZBT, which stood for Zion Bemishpat Tipadeh, or Zion Shall Be Redeemed With Judgement. Even there, there were few Jewish faculty members- for example, there were only four at CCNY. By the 1930s, there were still only 5, and CCNY was faced with charges of antisemitism in their hiring.

There were absolutely protests of this practice. There was an outcry, for example, when Columbia implemented its application form. However, for the most part, Jews preferred not to attend colleges where they would be social outcasts and often (especially those who already lived in NY) actively chose schools like CCNY/Hunter College and NYU (and initially Columbia) as they were close to home and would provide a more Jewish-friendly environment. In general, especially in the 1930s and 40s, the US was a pretty antisemitic place (I touch on this here). For example, in a poll in the 1940s, 45% of college students said they would not want to be roommates with a Jew. The end of the practice of Jewish quotas wasn’t so much due to outcry as due to an internal examination of antisemitism in the US and the decline of the phenomenon in the postwar years. (The Civil Rights Act didn’t exist til 1964, so the practice wasn’t illegal.)

*That’s not to say there was no discrimination against Jews in colleges before this- many prominent Jews of the early 20th century, such as Oscar Straus and Bernard Baruch, later noted the difficulties they faced as Jews in university.

The US invaded Korea first by setting up a collaborationist government against the popular will of t

The US invaded Korea first by setting up a collaborationist government against the popular will of the Korean people that forcibly kept alive the horrors, tactics, and even the command of the Japanese occupation. Compare this to North Korea, which not only was given free reign by the USSR to organize their own councils and organization, but which also used land reform and state planning to end landlordism and almost quadruple industry within a few years. Had almost every building in city not been completely bombed and millions murdered, the DPRK would be at an incredible level of development today. It is also important to remember that 20% of the North Korean population were slain by the imperialist lapdogs and that most infrastructure and living areas were firebombed to ashes. It is hard for the imperialist lapdogs such as MacArthur and those who believe in western propaganda to empathize with the North Korean model of democratic centralism, when the possibility of nuking the North Korean people were considered by the US authorities all in the name of neoliberal imperialism. Liberals will praise the United States for devising security laws such as the PATRIOT Act while berating North Korea for its democratic centralism after facing brutal oppression from the imperialist Japanese and the exploitaion by the imperialist Americans.

TLDR: Asians are seen as subhumans by white liberal Americans. They nuked Japan’s civilians. Twice. Still justify both bombings to this day. They wanted to nuke Korea’s civilians. They wanted to nuke Vietnam’s civilians. And people wonder why China is so “aggressive” about protecting itself? Maybe they’ve seen a pattern in history? When will the abhorrent Western imperialism and chauvinism end?

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Hey America, are you ready?September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic hoHey America, are you ready?September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic hoHey America, are you ready?September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic ho

Hey America, are you ready?

September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating our democracy. If you haven’t yet taken the opportunity, why not register today?

If you are registered, take a minute to be #VoteReady with these resources for making sure your voice is heard. 

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Shout out to black women and men, Indigenous, Latinos, Lgbtq community and other minority groups who basically saved this country from itself with this election. Also, can some of you guys move here to Ohio…I promise Columbus is a decent place, we need to turn Ohio blue .

Roe v. Wade

Do not focus on the leak. Focus on the contents of the leak. These justices are trying to take away reproductive rights, human rights.

This does not only effect women but anyone with a uterus! This is the first step they will take before they start taking more and more rights away.

The Justices have shown that they don’t care about what the US citizens think, we need to show them that they NEED to care what we think.

So here I am again, as a US citizen, begging that when you vote, you vote for people who will fight along side us. If Roe v Wade gets overturned then it will become a state by state decision, so you want the people who care about your reproductive rights to be in law-making positions.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Votefor people who are going to protect your reproductive rights.
  • Be apart of protests, if not physically then digitally.
  • Donateto places fighting for reproductive rights.
  • Educateyourself and those around you about the importance of reproductive rights.

Here are some resources that you can look into for more information:

Planned Parenthood’s page on abortion

4 easy ways to fight for abortion rights

ACLU’s page on what you can do

Here’s a website of National Abortion Funds that you can share and donate to

Prochoice America’s website

A map of states with trigger laws that will likely ban abortion if Roe v Wade is overturned

What Else:

Know that things are not hopeless. The majority of US citizens are pro-choice, especially us younger generations. We have the ability to handle this and we will, one way or another. Stay strong, do not lose hope.

Know that as of right now Abortion is still legal in many states!!!

And so begins my degree in politics, philosophy and economics, all whilst still working full time&he

And so begins my degree in politics, philosophy and economics, all whilst still working full time… #politics #philosophy #economics #degree #openuniversity #uni #education #cresshorst #boxersofinstagram #fitfam #democracy #democratic #socialism #socialist #iifym #flexibledieting #politicalrevolution #peoplebeforeprofit #study #studying #socialsecurity #welfare #parliament

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Illuminati confirmed #illuminati #obama #politics #democracy #aliens

Illuminati confirmed #illuminati #obama #politics #democracy #aliens

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