#26 archon quest spoilers


The Archon Quest Made Me Lose My Mind (2.6 Archon Quest Spoilers…)!

Poor Dainsleif! Poor Halfdan! Poor Black Serpent Knights! Poor Hilichurls! This quest did its absolute best to destroy my soul. When I tell you that there were tears in my eyes at Halfdan’s sacrifice, I am not lying to you.

What is with Hoyoverse giving characters back their friends only to rip them away again in one way or another?! Why couldn’t they let Dain at least have a friend to come back and visit?!! The more I learn about Dain, the more I just want him to be happy. 500 years of the worst physical pain anyone can go through, dedicating his life to stopping the Abyss Order, the only slight relief he ever felt was being in that upside-down city… It’s enough for me to wish we could just invite him to our Serenitea Pot and give him a new home.

He can even decorate it to look like Khaenri'ah! I don’t care!

I’m also unsure if the Hilichurls are immortal or if they can actually be killed. Do they just go back to the Abyss once they’re “killed” and just climb their way back out or what?

I’m so curious.
