#31 negative confessions


So after getting 56 submissions I shut everything off

I understand that we all build up our own expectations and ideas about games before they are released, and even before information comes out. I know that there is a section of the Dragon Age fandom that does not want a heavily Solas-related storyline in Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, either because they dislike him as a character, like him a lot and don’t want to have to kill him, or for other reasons. I also know that the DA:D title reveal has reignited some of these worries.

We are all entitled to feel different ways about things. But I would like to ask people to consider how that negativity will impact other fans, and how those feelings can be framed in a way that does not seem designed to ruin the excitement of others.

Some of the negative confessions from the name reveal have been nuanced and thoughtful. Some of them have been brief but respectful. Some of them have been extremely hostile, towards the devs and towards other fans. Please be considerate.

On a personal note, not related to confessions, I think that despairing over something as simple as a game’s name is almost always a mistake, especially when it comes to deciding that it confirms everything that you don’t want to experience. We can all make informed guesses about DA:D’s plot, but that is still what they are – guesses. Talking yourself into dreading something that you were once looking forward to is a choice that you are allowed to make, but is that what you really want?

Thank you for reading.

