#dragon age confessions



During the pandemic-lockdown, my work hours were severely reduced. I was fortunate to be living with my sister and my sister-in law at thetime because my college was close. And with
classes being cancelled as well, I decided to take up the guitar again in order to pass the time. The first thing I did immediately was focus on learning to play the tavern music. The music is not only
beautiful its very easy to learn. And because of that I became passionate for music again and amthinking of adding it as a second minor at my college. My next goal is to learn the lute.


I don’t understand this rhetoric about saving Solas in the next game. Its going to be a completely different protagonist. Our Lavellans are not coming back and the the developers would never do that due to the backlash it would cause. And we’re likely not going to get a Dalish companion. It would also not make sense for a non Dalish elf to ‘save’ Solas. And honesty? Like the Warden, I have no interest in seeing my Lavellan return. And it would not be fair or right for Lavellan to be the only inquisitor to have a cameo in the next game. People are setting themselves to be disappointed again and half of them will end up accusing the writers/developers are out to get them. When will the cycle stop repeating?


I think people throw around “cult” and “brainwashing” a little too eagerly regarding Solas and the elves. Like yeah, he’s clearly gonna be an antagonist in the next game and tearing down the Veil seems like A Bad Idea in a lot of ways, but I don’t think he’s lying about his goals for the sake of his own ego like a cult leader would. Hell I don’t even think he’s lying about his goals, I’d say telling the elves “Oh hey so I fucked up reality like a millennia ago and we should all be magic and immortal my bad fam who wants a do-over?” is pretty honest, but then we also don’t concretely know how his organization works outside of some elements of subterfuge in Trespasser and Tevinter Nights. Which is to say, yes he’s def positioned as a villain but that doesn’t mean he’s a cult leader or brainwashing anybody, let’s see what he’s actually telling his followers and what they have to say before we treat them as a spooky, evil cult.


Instead of giant spiders how about giant toads or frogs for a change?

Credit: Image provided by Confessor


One of the greatest things about Origins was that there were the visible ‘Persuade’ and 'Intimidate’ options. I sometimes liked to Roleplay Characters, who forced their way past higher powers and those higher powers should not imagine to act against the Character. I would love to see this brought back in the newest game. Both the options to Persuade and Intimidate and when they are crucial point in a debate, you should be able to visibly land strikes verbally against the person opposite from you. Letting Characters hear you and your opinion leave a mark. I missed that with Characters like Vivienne and it can be useful for every companion, depending on opinions.


I don’t know why, but something tells me that Leliana will turn out to be the worst divine choice in DA4, her endings are just way too perfect and we all know that Bioware doesnt let us have anything perfect for long


One day while playing Dragon Age on my laptop I started watching youtube on my tv and found these really interesting youtubes about this lady groomer grooming dogs and it conjured the funniest images in my mind of my warden and my hawke giving their mabari a bath while the companions watch.

Mod Note:After a search, I think the confessor is referring to this youtuber and after about an hour of watching these I found one that best resembles a Mabari


I was thinking that someone out there, on their very first playthrough, romanced Morrigan, refused to do the dark ritual and made Loghain sleep with Morrigan.

And by the maker, that person scares me.


I want the ability to create characters with Heterochromia in the next game


I will always find it so horribly funny that players will be so ever surprised and hurt by an unhardened Alistair breaking up with the warden once she made him king, after he repeatedly said throughout the whole game that being king is his worst nightmare and that he always hated his royal blood. 

Like when will you learn. When will you learn that your actions have consequences.


There should have been an option to kill Valta. I’m sorry, if you suddenly start glowing, that is a red flag for me. And the way she acted afterwards? Do nooooooot trust her. Not to mention she probably brought her boyfriend back from the dead with lyrium, and that’s hella sketchy. The fact that we can’t kill her only makes me think that she’ll be important at some point in the future.


This in response-confession to the confession that posted in March about wanting a more masculine male romance choice.As a gay man I have to say some of the responses from the fandom really angered me. I’m really tired of this fandom claiming to be allies then replying that the confessor forgot about The Iron Bull. Its like people here think we’re a fucking hive mind and like the same things. I’m sorry if this offends some, but Bull does nothing for me. Now I romanced Jaal in MEA and would have loved to romance Thane in ME but Bull in DAI is just NOT MY THING. And my stance actually caused me to get some harassment in the past. Some people in this fandom need to realize that gay men are NOT ALL THE SAME. We have different tastes. Perhaps the confessor just isn’t into the Bull as well. Some people in this fandom need to stop talking over us and they need to stop making it about themselves. People claim to be allies but then immediately get upset if we express ourselves. The REAL allies are those who keep their mouths shut and actually LISTEN TO US. Its NOT always about you.

Confession in response to this confession

CONFESSION:Seeing the Dragon Age Pet confessions has made me happy that I am not alone. This big lov


Seeing the Dragon Age Pet confessions has made me happy that I am not alone. This big lovable lug is Fergus. I know Fergus is a Scottish name. I know
it originates from “Fearghus”. I know it means… ‎"man-strength, virility"/etc.
I just think it sounds better as a dog’s name.

Credit:Photo Provided By Confessor

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Confession:  Almost every time I spoke critically of Anders I was asked if I had played Awakening, a

Confession:  Almost every time I spoke critically of Anders I was asked if I had played Awakening, and when I said I hadn’t I was told I had to play it in order to ‘get’ him properly, or if I played it my opinion would change. I’ve now played Awakening and honestly? No change. He still has no room for nuance in his discussion of mage rights and is very into Tevinter, both of which are the reasons I disliked him as a person. I did change my opinion on Justice though. They’re lovely; Anders corrupted them.

Post link


While I loved having a mabari in Origins and DA2, I really hope there are no ‘wild’ attacking mabari in the next game. We had them in Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age Inquisition. Its such a cheap cop out. How about something like random geese? Geese can be terrifying.


I want to see a Dragon Age version of a Javelina. They’re basically like smaller versions of the wild boar. They live in family groups and they can be mean if you come across them.

Credit: Image provided by Confessor


I’m sorry if this offends but the hat Solas wears at the winter palace looks like a wrapped Hershey’s Kiss to me. And after everything that happens and when alone, he takes it off and eats it.


While I don’t hate Orlais, I am definitely not a fan but as a fan of classical music I absolutely 100% loved the score/theme. It was just so beautiful and it perfectly captured what Orlais is. Even to this day I occasionally hum the tune. And I only hope Tevinter has an equally memorable theme that captures its essence.


I understand why Vivienne and Solas were not present during the wicked grace scene but I will always wish they had been there. Vivienne could have been participating and Solas could have been observing. I mean I really love the scenes now but they would
have really added to them.


I will never not forget how criticized I was for not creating the typical porcelain mythal vallaslin wearing Dalish elf. First I am a biopc. Second, I am sorry but for a nomadic race, the dalish are going to be out in the sun and dealing with other elements. They’re not going to have flawless skin. For a fandom that claims they support diversity and representation some in this fandom sure get upset when someone wants their elf to look different from the rest.
