



Thanks to all the people who supported our country at the Eurovision 2022!

mikeywaysanimalprintshirt-blog: From Gerard’s recent post on mychemicalromance.com Art done by Gerarmikeywaysanimalprintshirt-blog: From Gerard’s recent post on mychemicalromance.com Art done by Gerar


From Gerard’s recent post on mychemicalromance.com

Art done by Gerard

Post link


Qormac Branwen

And here’s Qormac! My OC who is Qrow and Raven’s Dad! :)

Do not Repost.

Reblogs are better than likes, thank you!

freeindarkness:This is the Luden’s face opening mechanisms, as well as his mandible splitting~! This


This is the Luden’s face opening mechanisms, as well as his mandible splitting~! This is one of two acrylic pieces I did when I was getting closer to his finalized design~.

Post link

Note: Just re-uploading some old west scarlet and evelynn haven oneshots. Liam Scarlet belongs to @ankicacicero. <333333333

The darkness always seems to swallow everything up. Sounds, smells, and even touch. West could hardly make out his own hands, as he laid out here, floating somewhere. Or, perhaps nowhere? His body felt heavy, as if there were chains that only pulled him down. He lost the number of times he tried to endure it. To carry that weight, that burden, with him.

A protector was someone he wanted to be.

He didn’t know when everything in his life started to slip through his fingers. No matter how hard he tried to hold on, to keep that memory of her alive, it was now shrouded in red, scarlet blood. Oh, how he yearned to go back to that time. Just so he could save her this time around. To be a hero. To be the big brother she needed.

But he was too late.

West never minded fighting battles alone. He hated when people he cared about showed up or tried to help him. If they only stayed away, no one would get hurt. He could never understand why they would get involve. Sparrow and the Merry Men. Other villagers. His own sister. But, their bodies would sometimes end up covered in injuries. Bruises. Blood.

She was now gone.

His own pride got the better of him, and keeping a distance made the pain lessen. What was I training for? What was I…fighting for? His mind was always filled with questions that were left unanswered. Why do I keep losing the people I love? Why can’t they just stay? He tried to keep his mother’s smile stitched into his memory, but the darkness took that away too. Even the sounds of his father’s footsteps, once loud, had now begun to echo and die out.

He left.

There was nothing left for him. Losing Willow was too painful, and yet, that pain fueled a fire inside of him. It woken an ugly beast deep inside, that sought out revenge in the most gruesome of ways. There’s no going back. He had done things that surely would have made Willow cry. But, the minute her heart stopped beating, so did his own. While life continued, everything around him stilled. Why her?

She followed.

No matter how hard he tried, there was no escaping the wandering eyes of other travelers. His name created stories and rumors that traveled across other villages. Going into hiding should have made everyone forget about him by now, but it didn’t work. Someone remembered him. No, not just a random stranger. Her. She was far too bright, too pure for him to gather the courage to tell her the truth. I couldn’t say goodbye. Not to her. He would think about her all the time. Even when he tried to move on, to tell himself she probably started a new life, he could never forget Evelynn. Yet, their paths crossed, and she refused to leave. A pair of forest green eyes and freckles that looked like stars on her face. A smile that was always turned now formed a perfect circle from shock. He regretted not scaring her away or being more cold towards her. But he could not leave her alone in a forest that was less of a friend and more of a foe to those who didn’t know the feel of dirt beneath their feet. Those who didn’t recognize the different wild berries that each came in various colors, some edible, and some poisonous. Especially those who didn’t see a threat in men, who would gladly make themselves look like sheep and gaze at a wandering young maiden and attempt to make her scream. Wolves. He could have been one of them and yet, she trusted in him despite never fully knowing each other. She should have gone back. She would be more safe. A stubborn, but kind young woman, whose heart had broken like his did.

She cried for him.

He believed there was only one person who understood him, and she was now gone. It scared him to be proven wrong. To see someone else break down his walls, and love him regardless of the mistakes he made. She loved him. Loving all the broken pieces of him, and never running away no matter how many times she cut herself from his sharp edges. There was a twisted and dark part of him that wanted to hide her from the rest of the world. To protect Evelynn because…because I’m afraid of losing her.

He is in love with her.

Evelynn. She reminded him so much of her mother while at the same time being unlike anyone he’s met before. He had always been drawn to her. Before they make friends. Before he saved her. He came across her by accident. When he set out to look for clues of King John’s evil plans, there she was. Admiring a single red rose with such a tender and gentle look. “How beautiful” She reached out, wanting to pluck the it, only to get prickled by it’s thorns. “Ow!” The sight of blood made him to go to her. Made him question if the young and beautiful woman near him would come to dislike the very flower that hurt her. But, she didn’t. She smiled at it. “You’re right. It’s more beautiful if you bloomed here, little rose” For a mere second, he had forgotten how to breath. Regardless of the pain, she had not run or turned away from the flower in disgust. “Huh?” When she turned around, he hid. Something that that he never did. He didn’t know why he hid from her or could not explain the odd and new feeling coming from his chest. Unknowingly and secretly, she became one of the reasons he chose to work for King John. Yet, there was a part of him that was afraid of what that mysterious feeling meant.

He was a shadow.

He never meant to get too close to her. Attaching himself to others risked the possibility of losing them forever. Something that he was too much of a coward to face and sometimes, too prideful to acknowledge. Avoiding the memories of his mother’s death and his father’s abandonment had already deepened the hole in his heart. He did not want to feel anything for someone when he knew there was a chance of someone or something ripping them away from him. As a cruel, greedy prince had done and stolen his sister’s breath of air. Willow had always come to love adventure and being free. Sometimes her eyes lingered for too long at the birds that were perched on a tree branch outside her bedroom window. Her passing felt as though he would never be free from the darkness and now…now he did not mind it. Did not care as much for what could become of him. Did not mind that his eyes were slowly closing and welcoming the chains that pulled him further down into nothingness.

She was a light.

A light forced him to squeeze his eyes shut, as he tried hard not to open them. He didn’t want to open them. His body too tired and his heart too heavy with guilt to want this. Happiness. “Leave me alone” His throat dry, strained from crying out in pain for so long. “Why can’t you leave me be?” The intense light burned like a splendid flame, but never burned him. There was just warmth. A kind that enveloped him and made his body tremble in fear. “West” Her voice tickled at his ears. His favorite sound. “Stop” He begged, nearly feeling a sob start to choke him. He could not ask for this. Could not ask for her. If happiness was something that was given, he questioned if his hands were clean enough to grasp it. To deserve it. “West” His body betrayed him, as he opened his eyes to look at her. Her bare body now a glow of light, stretching a hand out to him and beckoning him to take it. She smiled at him, tenderly, lovingly. “I can’t want you. I can’t love you!” Even though he said that, deep down he knew his words held no truth. He wanted her. He was in love with her. But he was scared of what horrible tragedies could befall on her should he take her hand. A Scarlet curse. Death was always following him, loving and taking those dearest to him and leaving bodies to decay. She frowned at his words, but kept her hand out towards him. Until the darkness started taking her too. Coiling around her body like a snake ready to kill and yet, she smiled sadly at him. “I’m not afraid” But, he was. He didn’t want her to follow him into the darkness. It was not a place for her. Yet, she ran towards him, cried for him, and even one bled for him. Just as he had done for her. “NO! DON’T TAKE HER!” His body struggled to get up and break free from the chains weighing him down. Despite his fears and acceptance of his ending, he could not bare to see her fall. Not when he was still breathing and ready to catch her. There was still someone he loved. More than his own self. He could not save his mother, his sister, or even stop his father from leaving. But he could save her and this time, he was not too late. The chains broke as his hand grasped hers.

Moving Forward.

The darkness fled as the light gleamed brightly and when he opened his eyes, surrounding him was a field of flowers. Chirping sounds from birds and other animals echoed from nearby trees. All of it giving a strange, warm sensation in his chest. It felt like he could breathe it all in, and the weight on his shoulders slowly started to lift. But, Evelynn was no where to be found. Searching desperately for her, he spotted a small, but modest cabin. It looked familiar and even his legs brought him to the door. The laughter of children made his heart swell with an emotion that almost made him want to cry. “Tag! You’re it!” A young girl laughed and ran off excitedly, resembling so much of his sister. “No fair! You cheated!” Chasing after her was a young boy, who glanced back at him and instantly stood up straight. Mimicking him, which earned a soft chuckle. Seeing the child made him feel so proud, it was like staring into a mirror and seeing a bit of himself. While the child ran off after hearing his sister calling to him, a humming sound came from one room. Evelynn. “Back from your mission already? You must be hungry, wash your hands and I’ll give you something to eat!” She did not turn around just yet and West felt the back of his eyes sting. Warmth. There was only warmth here. “Huh?” She turned around and smiled at back. Oh how he loved her smile the most. “Silly! Why are you crying?” He could only sigh and kiss the palm of her hand when she caressed his cheek.

“Welcome home”

“I’m home…Evelynn
