#west scarlet

toja-art: Evelynn: West:West and Eve ❤️toja-art: Evelynn: West:West and Eve ❤️




West and Eve ❤️

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toja-art:WIP ️️️ Ohhh the stubble details look really good!!!!!!!! ;W; I like how its subtle too, bu


WIP ️️️

Ohhh the stubble details look really good!!!!!!!! ;W; I like how its subtle too, but still manly XD Thank you @ankicacicero​ for drawing them in such a tender/romantic moment!

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Note: Another re-uploaded oneshot! Hope you guys enjoy. Liam Scarlet and Milky belong to @ankicacicero. <33333333333

Light from the sun slipped between the tree leaves, hitting various spots on the forest ground. Some critters and creatures that inhabited the Enchanted Forest had already woken from their sleep. Birds that perched from the tree branches chirped. A wandering faun lifted it’s head to view its surroundings, looking for any potential dangers before leaning down to take a bite from a berry. The snapping sound of a branch alerted the faun, who pranced away out of fear. “Looks like I scared the poor thing away” said a cloaked figure, who had been walking alone through the path of grass and dirt. It was a familiar route that he had taken on numerous accounts. Leading him to the one destination he longed for. Home. For West Scarlet, the life of a hero was a busy one. Fighting bandits, listening in for any rumors, and of course, the thrill of fighting alongside his comrades. Sparrow Hood and the Merry Men. If anyone had asked West that his story would have this much thrill and action, he would not believe them at first. After all, most heroes don’t become saviors without losing their way once or twice. Still, all destined heroes need a break and some well earned beauty sleep. The bags under his eyes were a clear indication of the long nights spent taking down villains and spying on the nobility. Certainly, he was looking forward to the comfort of his bed and to wrap his arms around the light of his life. Evelynn, his wife.

A small, humble cottage sat off in the distance. A wooden fence was built to keep any wandering creatures from entering inside. Evelynn had taken upon herself to care for a vast array of vegetation. Planting all sorts of wild flowers, fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Vines from the grapes coiled around the fence like a garden snake. Puffs of smoke had escaped from the chimney on top of the roof. Pushing the wooden gate open, West walked on a pavement of rocks. He was quick to spot Rouge, Hope’s pet cat, who had closed her eyes and enjoying a cat nap. Where Rouge was, Milky was sure to be found as well. The younger kitten, who differed from Rouge by having such high energy and curiosity that it sometimes caused the kitten to get in trouble. Milky had not noticed West right away as she was paying more attention towards a butterfly. She tried to catch the flying bug with its tiny paws. Though Milky failed, her head turned to West as she let out the tiniest of meows. Ears twitched from hearing the sound of West’s heavy footsteps against the stoned path. Seeing West had caused Milky to meow. It was such a small cry that it oddly reminded West of that of a baby chick, which seemed fitting by the way Milky followed behind him. “Hello, Milky. Have you been guarding the house for me?” West cracked a grin after hearing Milky let out another meow. The two made their way towards the front entrance door of the house. West stared at the wooden frame for a good minute. How long had it been since he last saw his children and his wife, Evelynn? The mere thought made him feel a mixture of guilt and nerves. ‘I just hope the little ones haven’t forgotten about me’ West pondered to himself. Reaching for the door handle, he halted. An odd string had stuck out from the edge of the door. “This is…” West held the string in his hand. A grin formed across his face. He knew who had been responsible for setting up the trap. Opening the door, a chair went flying towards him. His body responded quickly by moving to the side. The grin was still present on his face. “Intruder!” Shouted a young, high-pitched voice. A young girl at the mere age of five was staring back at him with those blue eyes that were so much like his. “Hope, is papa really the intruder?” He asked playfully. Hope giggled as she ran towards West and hugged one of his legs. Clinging onto it like she was a sloth. Hope’s giggle only grew louder when West lifted the leg that Hope held onto. “You almost got me, princess” Hope made a face after hearing the last part. “I’m not a princess!” She cried out, her lower lip dropping. Reaching for her, West held Hope in his arms. Not wanting to let go for another second. Hope Scarlet was the first born in the Scarlet family. Her outer appearance and love for heroics was so similar to that of West’s late sister, Willow. It was almost uncanny. “Then, how about my little hero?” Suddenly, West peppered kisses all over Hope’s cheek. Causing her to break out into another fit of giggles and laughter. Hope was still not old enough to truly understand just how much of a hero she had already become. In so many ways, the birth of baby Hope had saved him from a story and life filled with darkness and anger. Though West wanted to keep that dark past behind him, he knew there would come a day where his children will start to ask questions. And that he was not yet prepared for. “Where’s your brother?” West pushed away that thought somewhere in the back of his mind. Wanting to turn his attention towards someone else. “There!” Hope pointed towards her younger brother using a wooden sword. The very one that her fathered had carved out last time before he had set out on his mission.

West stared at his young son, who had been wearing a diaper and crawling on the floor. Not quite old enough yet to start walking, but just seeing Liam move towards him made West feel proud. Liam showed signs of baring physical features that resembled his mother. Freckles dotted his nose like they were tiny stars. His eyes, however, were a deep blue like his father’s. “There’s our little rebel! Were you following after your sister?” Picking up his son, Liam relaxed in West’s arms for a second before looking at his sister. Holding one hand out to her, Liam started to cry. It was as if Liam wanted Hope to hold him instead. “It’s ok! It’s ok! Don’t cry!” Hope gently patted her brother’s head. The gesture soothed Liam’s cries. “Hope? Did you wash your hands yet? Your snack is ready-…” Ah, there it was. The voice that West adored the most. It held such a warmth and softness to it. Every time he came home and looked into those forest colored eyes, West felt as though he was falling in love with Evelynn again. “West!” She wept. Her arms wrapped around his neck as Evelynn whispered the words he missed hearing. Whispering how she missed him and then, asking about his messy appearance. “Are you alright? Did you get hurt?” Pulling back from the hug, Evelynn looked into his eyes and cupped his cheek. “Don’t worry about me. I’m fine, but what about you?” He prayed that no harm had been done to her while he was away. Though West knew his wife was strong, he would kill anyone that would try to harm her and their children. “How could I not worry? I love you” Evelynn stood up on her toes to press her lips against his. West gladly returned it and for a second, West and Evelynn nearly forgot that both Hope and Liam were sitting in their father’s arms. “EWWW! YUCK!” Hope stuck out her tongue with disgust. Reacting as if she ate something awful and was about to throw up. Liam, on the other hand, let out a loud laugh from seeing his sister react in such a way. Both West and Evelynn looked to each other with mischievous expressions. “Looks like someone is about to get attacked by the kissing monster!” Both West and Evelynn planted kisses on Hope’s cheeks and down to her stomach. Her ticklishness nearly resulted in West getting kicked in the face by Hope, but he set his daughter done before she could do that. “Stop!!! I don’t like to be tickled!” She squealed out in-between her laughs and raced towards the kitchen. “Guess she won’t like the tickle monster either” West let out a chuckle. “No, I suppose not” Evelynn laughed with him. It was not long until Liam started to cry again and needed to be in the arms of his mother. “There, there” She cooed. Trying to calm Liam, who rested his head over Evelynn’s shoulder. With one hand, he grabbed a fist of her hair and held onto it as if it were a teddy bear or a blanket. West had taken a seat in the kitchen. Removing his shoes, West made sure to mask any sign of discomfort or pain. His feet had been sore from the long journey, but West could not complain. The destiny of a hero carried the weight of saving innocent lives from danger and yet, the adventure brought out the kid inside West. He almost had forgotten this very dream of his and just how much he wanted to fulfill his own destiny as a Scarlet hero. “How was your mission? Did we lose any of the Merry Men?” Evelynn’s motherly side extended beyond her own family. Worrying about the other Merry Men due to their impulsive behaviors. “No. A bit injuries here and there, but nothing too minor. They will live just fine, but pray tell my love, what of my injuries?” He teased. One of his brows lifted. There had been a slight cut on his cheek but not deep enough to form a scar or spillage of blood. Evelynn rolled her eyes. “Well that can’t do! My poor hero” She knew West wanted her love and dotting affection. And so she tended to him. A kiss against his cheek that coated him better than any medicine. Meanwhile, Hope was indulging in her plate of food. Macaroni and pieces of broccoli were covered in melted cheese. She hummed out with delight, but did not seem to be too fond by the vegetables in her bowl. Using the fork, the vegetables were pushed off to the corner. Hope was indeed a picky eater. “You look more tired than I do, Eve” West noticed the bags that were under Evelynn’s green eyes. Strands of her hair poked out. ‘She looks like an adorable porcupine. Would probably kill me if I said it out loud’ West thought to himself while taking a sip of his coffee that Evelynn had brewed for him. “I’m not that tired, but I just have not been able to find the time to run a few errands. We are out of flour and milk along with a few other things that I have written down, but can’t seem to remember” Evelynn let out a small sigh as she set Liam in his own baby-proof chair. “I think you are forgetting one thing on that list” Placing his hand on top of hers, West caressed the surface softly and in slow motions. “You are forgetting to get some rest. Why not leave the kids with me? Perhaps go for a relaxing walk?” he suggested. “Well, I did want to pay a visit to my mother, but are you sure you will be alright with the children? They have been so full of energy as usual, especially our Liam” Evelynn’s brows furrowed slightly, eyes filled with concern as she glanced at their son, who had made a mess of his own face with food. A green mush had stained his own chubby cheeks. Sweet peas. “We will be just fine. How hard can taking care of the young ones be?” West gave a reassuring smile before planting a kiss on Evelynn’s forehead. “Alright, but do send me a letter if things get too hectic!” Ah yes, a letter. West’s pet hawk was always used to carry messages between the pair. Particularly, during the scarlet hero’s missions. “Don’t you worry about a thing! Hope, Liam, wave mama bye” Hope gave a wave, but looked a tad confused. “Where is mama going?” She asked while watching her mother leave the kitchen to get her things. “Mama will be back. She is just going to bring back a few things for you and your brother” He stated. By the time Evelynn left, West had finished cleaning up Hope and Liam. “Now then, I guess it is time for your naps” Truth be told, West was in need of one himself. Thinking that he can find the time to close his eyes, West made haste to put Hope and Liam in their beds. Hope and Liam, however, were very much awake. As West laid himself on the couch and closed his eyes, Hope climbed herself out of bed. Even Liam crawled towards the bars of his crib, letting out sounds that were not tangible. Squealing and screaming in a high-pitched sound at the sight of his sister. “Let’s go play with papa, Liam. I’ll get you out” Freeing Liam from the crib had been an easy task for the older scarlet sibling. On the days when their mother was busy cleaning or cooking, Hope would help Liam get out of his crib so the two could play. The scarlet siblings were always glued to each other’s sides. Playing together, eating together, and sleeping together. To Hope, she dreamed of the day where they could go on an adventure together. For now, little Liam and her still had some growing to do, and their stories were yet to start.

A pillow and a space to sleep in was exactly what West needed. Not only did the pillow support the back of his head, but West could feel himself get pulled in. Further and further into deep slumber just from the softness and fresh smell of the pillow. Evelynn must have cleaned it the day before as she did enjoy making fabrics, sewing, and stuffing things like pillows with wool. Sheep roamed her father’s farm and when it came time to shave all of their wool, most of it would be used to make sweaters or given away. Though West had his eyes closed and was taking slow, steady in takes of breath, he was still partially awake. Listening closely, he could hear the sound of tiny footsteps. Pitter, pattering against the wooden floors. “Papa…wake UP!” Without warning, Hope had climbed onto of her father’s stomach and jumped on it with her two feet. Treating West as if he was a trampoline and had no bones or organs in him. West let out a loud groan before starting a small coughing fit. While Hope jumped down and landed back on the floor with her two feet, her father did not. Rolling off from the couch and face planting on to the floor. Out of the two scarlets, West’s landing was not so graceful. “Ok” He let out a groan in pain. “I’m up” Seeing how Liam was sitting on the floor, West had guessed that Hope carried her younger brother. Somehow, the thought of her doing that was a bit concerning for the scarlet father. Hope was still a child and Liam was but an infant, and yet, the two seemed perfectly fine. And a tad bored. “Let’s play papa!” Hope grinned, showing her small teeth. Those she was missing or lost had started to grow and be replaced with new teeth. West was in a bind. He was stuck between wanting to get some sleep and wanting to play with his children. “Hmm, how about we play the nap game?” West pretended to lay on the floor and closed his eyes. He could hear Hope inch closer and opened his eyes to peak. She too had laid on the floor right next to him, but did not close her eyes. Instead, she was holding her cat plushie in her hands. “The nap game sounds boring. I don’t know how to play” Hope truthfully told. That was something innocent about children. They were capable of being completely honesty, while at the same time having moments of being cheeky. “To win the game you have to count sheep. One…two…three…” West started to count and paused to wait for Hope to continue. “Can we count cats instead?” She asked. “Alright. One cat…two…three..” Hope soon followed suit. “Four…five…um…six…” No matter how many cats they counted, Hope could not fall asleep like her father. So, she got up and trotted over towards the kitchen. West had kept his eyes closed and thought that Hope went to play elsewhere. ‘Maybe I can get some sleep now’ West thought to himself before letting out a small exhale. Trying to will himself back into deep slumber. Little did West know that Hope had another idea in mind. One that involved a set of markers that came in array of colors. Reds, blues, greens, and shades of yellow. Making her way back, Hope popped off the cap from a bright green marker. Tip toeing closer to her sleeping father, Hope slowly started to draw all over West’s face. She began by drawing a wide circle around his eyes. Followed by another circle on his other eye in an attempt to give West a pair of green glasses. She then took a blue marker and doodled a flower on one side of his cheeks. Seeing West let out a small grunt made Hope let out a giggle. Unaware of how West’s lip was slowly curling into a smile. He had been secretly awake. West could feel the tip of a marker begin to rub beneath his nose. Hope had been scribbling a mustache, which curled at the tips. “Gotcha!” West suddenly tickled Hope. Startling and causing her to burst out in a fit of giggles at the same time. “Stop it papa! That tickles!” Hope cried out in between her laughter. West listened to his daughter’s protests and stopped. Pulling himself up and off from the floor, he turned to grin at Hope. “Guess the nap game wasn’t any fun, huh?” His grin widened at the sight of Hope shaking her head no. “Ok, how about I go wash my face and we can play the ‘Hope’s Grand Adventure’ game?” Hope instantly jumped with excitement. She had given the game that very name for its story and rules. One that involved a wooden sword and imagination to bring a game of pretend to life. “Ok!” Hope raced towards her room. Most likely to get her treasured toy wooden sword. After all, she could not play the role of a hero without it. Meanwhile, West walked over to a nearby mirror and gazed into his reflection. He truly looked like a walking, talking piece of art. “What do you think of the makeover your sister gave me, Liam?” He turned to ask, but Liam could only reply by letting out coos and giggles. “What was that? You think papa needs to wash his face? I think so too. Let’s go do that” He joked then planting a kiss on the top of Liam’s head.

By the time West had washed up and returned with Liam in his arms, Hope was dressed to play the part in their game. Her wooden sword, a long red cape that Evelynn had stitched for her, and a pair of boots that were a size too big for her small feet. “You’re late, papa! What if we got attacked by monsters or thieves or a monster that is a thief?” Her brows furrowed, a visible look of disappointment was itched over her face. “I’m pretty sure there are no monster thieves out in the enchanted forest” Though West was joking, he knew of the dangers that lived and existed in the fairy tale world. But, he would be there for his family. Now and always. “What if there was one?” The bottom of Hope’s lip quivered, which tugged at West’s heart. His daughter was brave, but there were moments where she too got scared. A hero was allowed to be scared or to ask for help, and likewise to give that same help to others. “If there was, papa is here. No one will hurt you. Not a monster. Not a thief. And not a monster thief either” He reassured. Hope looked to her toes, wiggling them as if she was hesitant to say something back. “What about dragons?” she asked in a low voice. West thought for a second and looked to Liam. “Wait right here, Hope” Picking up Liam, West disappeared from the room for a good couple of minutes. Hope, who was sitting patiently, started to lose that very sense of calm and quiet. She was growing more and more curious, especially when she heard it. The sound of an exaggerated growling, followed by the sound of Liam giggling. Getting off from the couch, Hope peaked and saw the dragons! One far too large and crawled on all fours. The large dragon had a partner with him. A tiny baby dragon, who happened to be Liam. “GRRR I’m a big scary dragon!” West pretended to growl. A part of him felt reluctant to wear a dragon onesie, but he wanted to make up the missing family time that he could not spend with his children. “No you’re not” Hope laughed. “You’re papa!” She walked over to him without any hesitation or fear. “No I’m the big scary dragon! GRRR I’m going to get you! So, will my little dragon too!” Liam, however, blew a raspberry with his lips and had drooling all over his costume. West knew it would need cleaning later. “You’re silly, papa! You’re not a dragon!” Hope playfully tugged at the fake dragon tail. Instead of feeling the roughness of scales, Hope felt the soft plush that was stuffed inside. But, West pretended not to hear her words. Instead he continued to let out roars and deep gr’s. He went as far to knock down a box of crayons that was already on the floor. “No one can stop the mighty, evil dragon! No one except for…” West paused and looked to Hope, who beamed a smile. “ME! Hope the hero!” She jumped in place and started to run towards West. Jabbing her wooden sword on his stomach and back. The pain, somehow, felt real since West was still recovering from his own injuries. “AHH! She has slain me! Help me little baby dragon!” Liam, however, let out a laugh and went as far as to point at him. A cheeky baby indeed. “I will protect you, Liam! Don’t worry! Hope the hero is here!” Hope stood in front of her brother, carefully looking over her shoulder so not to step all over his tiny, fragile fingers. Liam looked to his sister for a second before returning to chewing and slobbering all over his fake dragon tail. To West, it was hard to tell whether Liam did it out of a need for food or to sooth his gums as he had been going through the process of teething. “EWW! Stinky!” Hope suddenly cried out. Her nose wrinkling as she moved away from Liam. “Stinky?” West walked over to Liam and picked him up. Bringing his face close to Liam’s bottom, his own nose wrinkled from the horrid smell. “Liam, what did you eat?” The only response West got from Liam was a giggle followed by the sounds of pooping. West’s eyes widened from both the sound and the smell. “Oh no” He murmured beneath his breath. Then, it happened again. Another sound of Liam letting out last night’s meal onto his diaper, which surely doubled in size now. “Hahaha, he did a poopy!” Hope peaked from the couch and continued to hold her nose. Pitching it so the awful smell would not enter her nostrils. West wondered just how many times Liam needed to be diaper changed by Evelynn. “Ok mister, lets get you changed” Making their way Liam’s room, Hope tagged along from behind. Watching as West struggled to find the diapers and baby wipes. “Here papa!” After scavenging for the diapers, West turned to see that Hope easily found it. “Thank you, Hope. You’re being a very helpful big sister!” West complimented. Hope’s cheeks flushed pink from embarrassment as she looked down to her toes to mask away her smile. “I help mommy too!” She told her father. “I see. Your mother must have needed a lot of help taking care of little stinker over here” West removed the dragon onesie and diaper. The smell worsened. “Oh hex…please be more kinder to your mother with the pooping, Liam. Your mother is truly a warrior” West murmured again. He wondered of what other challenges Evelynn had to go through alone, especially with parenting Hope and Liam while he was out on missions. It took a couple of tries before West finally secured the diaper on Liam. Truth be told West struggled with putting diapers when Hope was Liam’s age. It took the help and guidance from Evelynn in showing how it was done. Making Liam’s diaper change a success. Then there came a sound. A rumbling sort that was awfully familiar. Glancing to Hope, he heard it again. It had been her stomach! “Hope, are you hungry?” He asked. Hope replied with a simple nod. Even her brother, Liam, was busy sucking on his thumb. ‘Oh boy. Looks like the real challenge begins’ West thought to himself. “Alright. Let’s get you two to the kitchen! A hero can’t fight bad guys on an empty stomach” West grinned as he gently held Liam in his arms.

Preparing meals required a lot of time and decision-making. What to prepare and what ingredients to use. There had been a time where all West used and ate as a child was but loafs of warm bread and assorted cheese. Both of which he gave the larger portions to his late, younger sister Willow. His diet only expanded to other foods by the time West started taking up small jobs to support himself and his sister. Be it finding lost cats or taking down lone bandits. At that time, facing villains was dangerous, especially for a child who had been forced to grow up way too quickly. Still, West was never quite the cook and Willow made sure to remind him of that. Pretending and exaggerating as if she would choke on a piece of food or make a lost of disgust. In fact, Willow never bothered to fake a smile either. A pickiness that Hope had shared, while her brother considered food as his new toy to fling around or mash with his small hands. “So, what are you two feeling like eating? We got” West grabbed two small glass contained filled with baby food. “…mashed sweet peas and carrots! Mmmm!” He forced himself to hum out a tune of delight. Both did not sound appetizing, but West tried to make it believable. He wanted to make it believable. Sadly, Hope was not convinced and Liam looked far more interested on chewing his hand. “How about…some mashed potatoes! We are going to cook it the scarlet way!” Intrigued and excited from hearing the word scarlet, Hope watched with curious eyes as West got out the essential items. Bowls, peelers, potatoes, milk, and so forth. Luckily there were not that many ingredients or steps needed to prepare this simple dish. “So we cut it like this” West showed with a single potato in one hand and the peeler in the other. His sharp movements were not graceful, but he did manage to remove the skin from the potato. Slowly. Mimicking her father, Hope tried to do the same, but frowned at the complexity of peeling. “Here let me help” While West was helping Hope, he failed to notice that Liam had his eyes on something else. Something more shiny, long, and pointed. Glistening from the sun’s rays, which had poked through the open window in the kitchen. Flinging his hands, Liam tried to reach for it, but failed easily. The distance was too large of an obstacle, and what made things worse was that West picked him up. “What’s the matter Liam? Does someone want to fly?” West held Liam up with both arms and pretended to make bird sounds. Trying to make Liam believe that he was truly flying. Liam’s expression, however, soured. :WAHHHHHH!” He suddenly started to cry. “Oh no. Don’t cry! Shhh, it’s ok Liam. What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” West tried to sooth Liam, but did not expect what happened next. One of Liam’s tiny hands dug into his father’s scalp and he pulled harshly on the strands of his black hair. His cries turned into high-pitching sounds as he kept tugging, while West struggled to remove Liam’s hands from his hair. “Hey! Liam! What are you- ow! That is not nice!” By the time West got Liam’s hold on his hair removed, he swore that his young son had pulled out a few strands as well. “You mister are getting a time out” In the living room, which was connected next to the kitchen, kept a large crib used for Liam to play or sleep in. Both of which Liam had no intention of doing. Returning back to the kitchen, West found Hope busy jabbing a spoon into the bowl of mashed potatoes. “Liam is crying” Hope noted. West tried his best not to show any sign of frustration or tiredness, but his younger daughter was right. Liam was still crying and screaming his poor lungs out. “Yes, he is. But it is not nice to hurt papa or anyone else. Like you and your mother” Truth be told, West was not going to punish Liam for so long. When in reality, he hoped Liam would turn his attention towards playing with his plush toys or take a quick nap. “I don’t think you should have done that, papa” Hope said. West raised a brow, feeling confused and slightly uneased by her words. “Why do you say that?” He asked. Hope down from her chair and walked slowly towards the open hallway. “Because” She pointed towards her brother’s crib. “Liam got out” West jumped from his seat and ran to the empty crib. There were his toys and his blanket, but Liam was nowhere to be found. “Where’d he go?!” He nearly shouted. The sound of giggling came from behind him. Turning around, both West and Hope spotted Liam crawling towards the kitchen. “How did he-…” There were no other words. West could not wrap his mind around the madness that was currently taking place. “I taught him!” Hope’s eyes sparkled with pride. To which West looked back with a stern expression. “You and I are going to have a talk later about that” West scolded.

“Liam! No!” West watched as he climbed on top of a chair and reached for a small kitchen knife. “Don’t even think about touching that!” West rushed to grab Liam, whose fingers were inches away from the knife. “You can’t play with that! It’s too dangerous for you” He scolded while holding Liam, who had been wearing only his diapers. “But he plays with them all the time” Hope told him. “What?!” Hope’s eyes widened with disbelief when he looked to his daughter and then, heard the sound of Liam giggling again. Looking back, West was now holding an empty diaper and Liam was gone! “Wha-” Startled, West watched as Liam crawled around completely bare. He was oddly agile for a baby, which only confused and surprised West more by the minute. Suddenly, Liam sat next to his mother’s vast array of kitchen knives. “Liam, don’t you dare-” Without warning, he threw each of the knives at his father. Pinning him against the painted walls of the kitchen. Instead of hitting West directly, each knife landed on his sides, slicing through his fabric and keeping him stuck to the wall. Some near his legs and his arms. The last one, however, landed just above his head. Cutting only a few strands of his hair, falling slowly over his face. When West got out, parts of his clothes were ripped. Including his poor, fake dragon tail which remained impaled to the wall. “Ok, that is enough play time, Liam!” But, Liam disappeared yet again. The only sign of him still being in the room was the sound of his giggling. Oddly enough, it gave West the feeling of being mocked or taunted by his own son. He only hoped that Liam’s rebellious behavior would not follow later into his teenage years. “Where did he go?” West walked around the kitchen, failing to notice that Liam was crawling around the spaces behind him. “Do you see your brother anywhere?” He asked Hope. Then, it hit him. A ball of mashed potatoes landing right on the back of his head. Whipping around, West spotted Liam sitting on the kitchen table. The bowl of mashed potatoes was now between his legs, shielding his own bareness. Liam wore such a widened grin, it would have given the Cheshire Cat competition. “There he is!” Hope pointed, but she was too late in warning her father. West could hardly reply back as he got hit again by another ball of mashed potatoes. This time landing on his face, making a complete mess and temporarily blinding him. Liam kept throwing the food, which had splattered all over the kitchen floors and some flinging as far out into the hallway. West, who was trying to removed the food from his eyes, nearly slipped on some of the mashed potatoes that were on the floor. Hope, on the other hand, ducked and crawled to her father. She was now playing a new game. A rescue mission to save West from the attack of mushy food and Liam’s wrath.


The walk back home was ever pleasant for Evelynn, who had just visited her mother. The two had gone shopping together at the food market, while catching up on their daily lives and new hexciting news about Hope and Liam’s growth as children. Such as, Liam showing signs of slowly going from crawling to walking or Hope learning a new word with each passing day. By the time the sun had started to set, Evelynn needed to bid her mother goodbye and promised to meet with her again soon. She had to get back home and prepare dinner for her own family, especially now that West was back from his mission. Evelynn not only missed her dear husband, but she was hexcited to spend some more family time with their children. It had been so long since the four of them had dinner together. Taking a short detour back, Evelynn breathed in the fresh, clean air and the smell of nature itself. Her body felt so relaxed by the sight of wild plants and sounds of the small animals that inhabited the enchanted forest. “I wonder what I should cook tonight” Evelynn said to herself. Humming a soft tune, Evelynn treaded through the forest and spotted her home in the distance. She nearly skipped with hexcitment from wanting to see her loved ones. “I hope West did not have a hard time with the children” She said aloud. Rouge, who had woken from her cat nap, jumped from the window and walked towards Evelynn. She meowed and rubbed against her legs. “Hello Rouge, did you miss me?” Evelynn scratched the space behind Rouge’s ears. Earning her the sound of purrs from Rouge. Making their way towards the front door, Evelynn noticed that it was already open. Though she knew West had to be home with the children, it was still strange. “I’m…” Evelynn’s jaw dropped as a gasp slipped out between her lips. Dropping her bags, she saw the house had been completely turned upside down. Markers were drawn all over the picture frames, which were luckily covered by glass. Toys were scattered all over the floor and even a weird substance had been stained the wooden floors. It looked a lot like mashed potatoes. “…home. Oh dear. Hope?” Evelynn opened one of the nearby closets she had put in place and grabbed Hope’s bat, which she used to play ball. Inching closer to the living room, Evelynn felt every muscle in her body tense up. “Liam?” She called to him, but heard no reply. “Huh?” Peering inside, her children were no where to be found. That is, not until something felt flying out. Nearly hitting Evelynn and landing just beside her right arm. “A…a knife? Oh no. LIAM!” Her brows furrowed angrily. She knew it was not a good idea to leave West along with the children, but Evelynn scolded herself too. “I knew I should have told West about Liam and the knives” She mumbled to herself while walking towards the kitchen. She gasped at the sight. Mashed potatoes were thrown all over the kitchen walls and even the ceiling. Some of it dropped and fell on the floor. Making a loud SPLAT! West was holding Liam, who was squirming and trying to escape from his father’s grasp. “You’re back early” West joked, feeling relieved to see his wife’s return. “Hi mom!” Hope cried out with joy as she ran towards her to give a hug. Evelynn noticed that Hope’s hands were completely dirty with food. “What happened in here?” She asked, but before West could give her an answer, another piece of mashed potatoes had fallen from the ceiling and landed right on top of his head. He grumbled displeasingly. To which Liam let out a loud giggle.

Later that night after Evelynn prepared the largest and most delicious meal she could make, Hope and Liam were getting tucked in bed. The two were full from both having their favorite foods and from having so much fun with their father. Their chests slowly rising and falling with every breath they took. Losing themselves in their slumber and entering a land where dreams existed. “I don’t know how you do it, Evelynn” West said in a low, but quiet voice. He was trying to be careful in not waking their children up as he watched Evelynn pull the covers over them. “What do you mean?” She asked with a smile, still keeping her eyes on Liam as he slept peacefully. To think he had another screaming fit while she was gone. “Taking care of our children, especially when I’m out on my missions. I thought it would have been easy. Cooking, cleaning, playing with our children” He thought back to earlier in the day. The mess Liam made took quite a while to clean. “Now I wouldn’t know about that. You did make an adorable dragon if you ask me” She teased with a smile. West hoped that his wife could not see the way his cheeks flushed pink from embarrassment. She was the one who bought him and their children the costumes in the first place. But, when West looked to Hope and Liam, he started to feel pain. It was not a physical pain, but one that came from inside his chest. A feeling of guilt for all the missed time and his absence in their young lives. He wondered just how many important things were missed. A first word or a first crawl or even hearing Liam say ‘papa’ for the first time. “Evelynn, do you…think I am a good father?” It hurt West to ask of such a thing, but he could see that it pained Evelynn just as much. “What are you saying?” She turned to him with a shocked expression on her face. “You know of my past, Evelynn. I…I was lucky enough to be born and to have a kind mother and a father. But, I lost them both too early in my life and for a long time, I thought I was alone. I still don’t know what it means to be a good father or how to be a good father because mine…left” The last part was still hard for West to talk about, but Evelynn had already seen the sides of himself that he did not like. All the pain and the hurt and the anger towards his father. All of it which he had to forgive in order to move forward in his new life with Evelynn and their children. And yet, West could never forget it. The image of his father’s back as he walked further and further away from him and Willow. He wondered if that same pain could be felt by Hope and Liam whenever he too left on his missions. “I just don’t know if I am being a good father to them” He finally told the truth. It weighed so heavily on his mind and on his heart, but the fear continued to linger. It lingered and stayed rooted in his chest since the day of Hope’s birth and continued to grow by the time Liam was born. It was as if he was looking into a window of the past and saw a reflection of himself and Willow. “West, do not say such silly things. You are already an amazing father” Evelynn brought a hand to caress his cheek. She hoped her smile could put her husband as ease and reassure him that none of his fears were true. “You don’t have to worry about us. Yes, they are still young, but Hope and Liam know that what you are doing is just as important. You are protecting them and helping those in need. Just like hero Willow wanted you to be. Just like the hero they need you to be. Hope and Liam love you” Though Evelynn was not crying, West could see those green eyes he loved so much turn glossy. He sighed before leaning in to kiss Evelynn slowly. He swore to never rush things with Evelynn, especially with their moments together. “How come you know just all the right things to say?” He asked, pulling his wife closer in for a hug. Oh how he missed her warmth. Instead of answering, Evelynn embraced him back. Wearing a knowing smile.

Come the next day, the sound of a rooster cries stirred West from his sleep. He tried to shy away from the sun’s rays. Using his pillow as a shield to protect his face. Little did West know that he would be forced to wake up in the most odd, but familiar way possible. He was too far in his sleep to not hear the sound of his bedroom door creaking open. Sneaking inside was Hope, who had her hair made into two little pigtails. Wiping her eyes, it appeared Hope had woken from her own nap as well. She desperately tried to climb on top of the bed by pulling on the covers. It was not long until Hope finally reached the top and stared down at her unsuspecting, sleeping father. “Wake up papa” She first tried to wake him up by shaking him. West remained asleep. “Wake UP papa” This time Hope kicked her father. West mumbled something in his sleep, but his eyes were still closed. “WAKE UP PAPA” Suddenly, Hope jumped on her father’s chest. A loud, pained groan escaped from West’s lips. “OW…Hope, why?” He asked, letting out a cough after his lungs nearly got crushed. “Are you awake, papa?” She asked in a soft, low voice. “I’m awake, I’m awake. Ok. What’s wrong? Nightmares? Toilet?” Hope shook her head no. “A story! Me and Liam want to hear a story!” West smiled. Ever since he came back from his mission, Hope had been obsessed with story times and hearing the more innocent versions of his adventures. Liam, on the other hand, was still too young and preferred picture books or chasing after Milky, who had just as much energy as him. “Ok, let papa get dressed and I’ll pick a story for us. Alright? Go to mama” The aroma of food filled the air and West knew Evelynn must have been cooking. ‘How long have I been out?’ He wondered to himself. Still feeling somewhat drowsy and reluctant to get up from his bed. ‘Evelynn must have tried not to wake me up’ To Evelynn, she felt that West was not getting enough sleep. Saying things like how “every hero needs his naps!” and “if you don’t sleep you’ll get seriously hurt during a mission!”. Still, West was in no rush to go anywhere soon and he did want to spend more time with his family. Propping up and out of bed, West got ready for the remainder of his day. Looking to the shelf of books in the room, West smiled at the titles. Stories of princesses, princes’, knights, and dragons, and so much more. Tales of adventures that came in many different shapes and forms. All of which he had memorized by heart. Mostly due to the fact West had told these stories in the past as well. To a different young girl. His sister. Willow. When he thought of Willow (which he did often), West imagined a life of thrills and adventure. Going to worlds that no one had ever seen or given a name yet. Fighting dangerous villains and perhaps, finding love. He thought of her getting older. Much older. Older to the point where her body grew frail, but her heart did not. After all, she had the heart of a hero, who smiled and laughed at danger. Even when her personal villain had been the sickness she was born with. The kind that was no curse nor something to be viewed as a nuisance. No. Her sickness attacked her body from the inside out and made Willow’s own battles and adventures take place within a small room. West wondered and wondered. “…I wonder what you would have been like if you got older” Reaching for the framed picture that sat next to his bed side, his thumb grazed over the image of a young girl. Her smile forever frozen within the image as she remained squished between her brother and Evelynn. “Would you have still loved adventures, Willow?” West did not have the strength to remain standing as he sat back on the bed and kept his eyes on the photo of his sister. A tear had slipped out, falling on the glass frame, which had surprised West, who did not realize he was crying at all. He tried to will himself to stop by rubbing his eyes with his hands. “…Papa?” Startled, West found Hope looking at him with teary eyes of her own. “Are you crying?” She gripped onto her clothes, wrinkling them in the process. “Me? Why is my little hero crying?” West smiled and let out a laugh. His cheeks still felt wet from the tears he shed. “Because you were crying” Hope tried to brush away her tears as West picked her up and sat Hope on his leg. “I guess I was crying. But, they were not sad tears. I was crying because I remembered someone who I loved very much” He said. Hope tilted her head curiously. “Who?” She asked. Her mother watched from at the front bedroom door while holding Liam in her arms. Though she smiled, Evelynn shared the same longing to see Willow again, but that day would not happen. Not as quickly as Evelynn wanted to because life was precious and short. She did not want to leave Hope and Liam anytime soon, and she was sure Willow would come to scold her for making her wait a long time. For now, she enjoyed times like these.

“Well, let me tell you a story about her. Once a upon a time there was a young girl with Blonde hair and blue eyes and a love for adventure” West grabbed a book and opened it. He smiled at Evelynn and Liam, who got closer to listen.

“Just like me!” Hope shouted with hexcitment.

“Yes. She was just like you, Hope” West continued the story. Together with his daughter, they read the tale of another scarlet hero, who would always watch over them.

Note: Just re-uploading some old west scarlet and evelynn haven oneshots. Liam Scarlet belongs to @ankicacicero. <333333333

The darkness always seems to swallow everything up. Sounds, smells, and even touch. West could hardly make out his own hands, as he laid out here, floating somewhere. Or, perhaps nowhere? His body felt heavy, as if there were chains that only pulled him down. He lost the number of times he tried to endure it. To carry that weight, that burden, with him.

A protector was someone he wanted to be.

He didn’t know when everything in his life started to slip through his fingers. No matter how hard he tried to hold on, to keep that memory of her alive, it was now shrouded in red, scarlet blood. Oh, how he yearned to go back to that time. Just so he could save her this time around. To be a hero. To be the big brother she needed.

But he was too late.

West never minded fighting battles alone. He hated when people he cared about showed up or tried to help him. If they only stayed away, no one would get hurt. He could never understand why they would get involve. Sparrow and the Merry Men. Other villagers. His own sister. But, their bodies would sometimes end up covered in injuries. Bruises. Blood.

She was now gone.

His own pride got the better of him, and keeping a distance made the pain lessen. What was I training for? What was I…fighting for? His mind was always filled with questions that were left unanswered. Why do I keep losing the people I love? Why can’t they just stay? He tried to keep his mother’s smile stitched into his memory, but the darkness took that away too. Even the sounds of his father’s footsteps, once loud, had now begun to echo and die out.

He left.

There was nothing left for him. Losing Willow was too painful, and yet, that pain fueled a fire inside of him. It woken an ugly beast deep inside, that sought out revenge in the most gruesome of ways. There’s no going back. He had done things that surely would have made Willow cry. But, the minute her heart stopped beating, so did his own. While life continued, everything around him stilled. Why her?

She followed.

No matter how hard he tried, there was no escaping the wandering eyes of other travelers. His name created stories and rumors that traveled across other villages. Going into hiding should have made everyone forget about him by now, but it didn’t work. Someone remembered him. No, not just a random stranger. Her. She was far too bright, too pure for him to gather the courage to tell her the truth. I couldn’t say goodbye. Not to her. He would think about her all the time. Even when he tried to move on, to tell himself she probably started a new life, he could never forget Evelynn. Yet, their paths crossed, and she refused to leave. A pair of forest green eyes and freckles that looked like stars on her face. A smile that was always turned now formed a perfect circle from shock. He regretted not scaring her away or being more cold towards her. But he could not leave her alone in a forest that was less of a friend and more of a foe to those who didn’t know the feel of dirt beneath their feet. Those who didn’t recognize the different wild berries that each came in various colors, some edible, and some poisonous. Especially those who didn’t see a threat in men, who would gladly make themselves look like sheep and gaze at a wandering young maiden and attempt to make her scream. Wolves. He could have been one of them and yet, she trusted in him despite never fully knowing each other. She should have gone back. She would be more safe. A stubborn, but kind young woman, whose heart had broken like his did.

She cried for him.

He believed there was only one person who understood him, and she was now gone. It scared him to be proven wrong. To see someone else break down his walls, and love him regardless of the mistakes he made. She loved him. Loving all the broken pieces of him, and never running away no matter how many times she cut herself from his sharp edges. There was a twisted and dark part of him that wanted to hide her from the rest of the world. To protect Evelynn because…because I’m afraid of losing her.

He is in love with her.

Evelynn. She reminded him so much of her mother while at the same time being unlike anyone he’s met before. He had always been drawn to her. Before they make friends. Before he saved her. He came across her by accident. When he set out to look for clues of King John’s evil plans, there she was. Admiring a single red rose with such a tender and gentle look. “How beautiful” She reached out, wanting to pluck the it, only to get prickled by it’s thorns. “Ow!” The sight of blood made him to go to her. Made him question if the young and beautiful woman near him would come to dislike the very flower that hurt her. But, she didn’t. She smiled at it. “You’re right. It’s more beautiful if you bloomed here, little rose” For a mere second, he had forgotten how to breath. Regardless of the pain, she had not run or turned away from the flower in disgust. “Huh?” When she turned around, he hid. Something that that he never did. He didn’t know why he hid from her or could not explain the odd and new feeling coming from his chest. Unknowingly and secretly, she became one of the reasons he chose to work for King John. Yet, there was a part of him that was afraid of what that mysterious feeling meant.

He was a shadow.

He never meant to get too close to her. Attaching himself to others risked the possibility of losing them forever. Something that he was too much of a coward to face and sometimes, too prideful to acknowledge. Avoiding the memories of his mother’s death and his father’s abandonment had already deepened the hole in his heart. He did not want to feel anything for someone when he knew there was a chance of someone or something ripping them away from him. As a cruel, greedy prince had done and stolen his sister’s breath of air. Willow had always come to love adventure and being free. Sometimes her eyes lingered for too long at the birds that were perched on a tree branch outside her bedroom window. Her passing felt as though he would never be free from the darkness and now…now he did not mind it. Did not care as much for what could become of him. Did not mind that his eyes were slowly closing and welcoming the chains that pulled him further down into nothingness.

She was a light.

A light forced him to squeeze his eyes shut, as he tried hard not to open them. He didn’t want to open them. His body too tired and his heart too heavy with guilt to want this. Happiness. “Leave me alone” His throat dry, strained from crying out in pain for so long. “Why can’t you leave me be?” The intense light burned like a splendid flame, but never burned him. There was just warmth. A kind that enveloped him and made his body tremble in fear. “West” Her voice tickled at his ears. His favorite sound. “Stop” He begged, nearly feeling a sob start to choke him. He could not ask for this. Could not ask for her. If happiness was something that was given, he questioned if his hands were clean enough to grasp it. To deserve it. “West” His body betrayed him, as he opened his eyes to look at her. Her bare body now a glow of light, stretching a hand out to him and beckoning him to take it. She smiled at him, tenderly, lovingly. “I can’t want you. I can’t love you!” Even though he said that, deep down he knew his words held no truth. He wanted her. He was in love with her. But he was scared of what horrible tragedies could befall on her should he take her hand. A Scarlet curse. Death was always following him, loving and taking those dearest to him and leaving bodies to decay. She frowned at his words, but kept her hand out towards him. Until the darkness started taking her too. Coiling around her body like a snake ready to kill and yet, she smiled sadly at him. “I’m not afraid” But, he was. He didn’t want her to follow him into the darkness. It was not a place for her. Yet, she ran towards him, cried for him, and even one bled for him. Just as he had done for her. “NO! DON’T TAKE HER!” His body struggled to get up and break free from the chains weighing him down. Despite his fears and acceptance of his ending, he could not bare to see her fall. Not when he was still breathing and ready to catch her. There was still someone he loved. More than his own self. He could not save his mother, his sister, or even stop his father from leaving. But he could save her and this time, he was not too late. The chains broke as his hand grasped hers.

Moving Forward.

The darkness fled as the light gleamed brightly and when he opened his eyes, surrounding him was a field of flowers. Chirping sounds from birds and other animals echoed from nearby trees. All of it giving a strange, warm sensation in his chest. It felt like he could breathe it all in, and the weight on his shoulders slowly started to lift. But, Evelynn was no where to be found. Searching desperately for her, he spotted a small, but modest cabin. It looked familiar and even his legs brought him to the door. The laughter of children made his heart swell with an emotion that almost made him want to cry. “Tag! You’re it!” A young girl laughed and ran off excitedly, resembling so much of his sister. “No fair! You cheated!” Chasing after her was a young boy, who glanced back at him and instantly stood up straight. Mimicking him, which earned a soft chuckle. Seeing the child made him feel so proud, it was like staring into a mirror and seeing a bit of himself. While the child ran off after hearing his sister calling to him, a humming sound came from one room. Evelynn. “Back from your mission already? You must be hungry, wash your hands and I’ll give you something to eat!” She did not turn around just yet and West felt the back of his eyes sting. Warmth. There was only warmth here. “Huh?” She turned around and smiled at back. Oh how he loved her smile the most. “Silly! Why are you crying?” He could only sigh and kiss the palm of her hand when she caressed his cheek.

“Welcome home”

“I’m home…Evelynn

Note: Got inspired by the playlist @ankicacicero made for them! <333333333

1)Be with You by Mondays, Lucy 

2)Dance Me by Arilena Ara 

3)Belong to You by Sabrina Claudio 

4)Aphroditeby RINI

5)Gentlemanby Gallant 

6)New Love by Victoria Monet 

7)Come Move Your Body by Rendez-Voodoo, Andy Delos Santos

8)In Your Eyes by The Weekend 

9) Find Yourself by Before You Exit

10)Dance To This by Troye Sivan ft. Ariana Grande
