

Happy NaNoWriMo! Looking for a mid-NaNo pick up and interested in a writing support system? Pencils to Paper is a year round writing group for young adults that participates in many writing activities and challenges together.

Pencils to Paper is a great place to get the motivation to keep writing your novel when you plummet in inspiration, or to get the extra boost you need to get started or figure out where to go next. The chat is always willing to give writing advice, opinions, or work to help you get through any writing problems you have! PtP is a welcoming group and offers each other support in all writing endeavors throughout the year.

Even if you aren’t participating in NaNo, feel free to check us out!


543 words. Time taken up by more transcription for my dad, done in time for him and potentially other deacon aspirants to study for the test on Tuesday.

Excerpt: Jillian adopted an overly-lovestruck expression. “There was this really cute senior last year that I had a crush on. If it counts as a crush when you’ve never even spoken to the guy. Which I didn’t. I basically just looked at him. But wow…” She looked at the ceiling as if he starred in a mural painted there. “…he was worth looking at.”

Writing supplies: laptop (story) Pilot Metropolitan with Pilot Iroshizuku Kon-peki (journal)

Progress: 125.618k/152day As of today I am 26k behind. It would be hopeless except I know where I’m going with the current scene of the story, so I can hopefully get back to 25k tomorrow. If not, it’s hopeless.

Today’s Lefty Lyrics were All my heroes are dead and gone but they’re inside of me, they still live on from Heroes by Shinedown.
