#writing group


NaNoWriMo Kick Off! 

"NaNoWriMo 2020 Writer" - Facebook Banner - Design by Tyrell Waiters
I love the banner this year.

 Hey there everyone! How are we doing today? I didn’t do my normal NaNoWriMo kick off day post yesterday because it was a little hectic. I do want to say that I did my normal FirstDay10k! I actually ended up getting 15,000! So I was pretty pleased with my progress. Honestly though, I just love NaNoWriMo. There’s something so fantastic about a huge group of people…

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I’m busy wrangling my kids and trying to get them out of my hair for long enough to write. I’m gonna have to start waking up early to bypass the neediness. 

We still have some slots open in our writing group if anyone needs some buddies! Got several fanfic writers from different genres as well as a fantasy writer and we’re all lovely conversationalists. 

Happy NaNoWriMo! Looking for a mid-NaNo pick up and interested in a writing support system? Pencils to Paper is a year round writing group for young adults that participates in many writing activities and challenges together.

Pencils to Paper is a great place to get the motivation to keep writing your novel when you plummet in inspiration, or to get the extra boost you need to get started or figure out where to go next. The chat is always willing to give writing advice, opinions, or work to help you get through any writing problems you have! PtP is a welcoming group and offers each other support in all writing endeavors throughout the year.

Even if you aren’t participating in NaNo, feel free to check us out!

First Draft High

Check out how I finally finished my first draft! #finishit

The way Samwise looks was the way I felt!

Finally finished! For now…

On November 17, 2021, my birthday, I finally finished the first draft to my fantasy novel. This is the first time this has happened for me. Never before have I finished something longer than 35,000 words. The sense of accomplishment was satisfying, gratifying and brought on much needed relief. What a great birthday present to…

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Okay fantasy writeblr! I might end up regretting this, but I need your help. I am waist deep in world-building a new WIP right now and looking to get deeper and, while I’ve saved a lot of stuff to my blog over the years, I’m still in search of the following:

  • a map builder where I can specify the number of islands, continents, and mountain chains
  • failing that, advice on how to do that myself
  • that post that was going around that one time about unusual fantasy settings, that had, like, tropical rainforests and Socotra
  • your favourite world-building questionnaires
  • any tips and tricks

I mean, I know I can cobble all this together on my own and fudge the rest, but I’d rather not go through allthe effort, y’know?

These are wonderful questions!

Have you considered D&D world building websites for your map builder? I have not heard of any mapbuilders myself but I have heard that sights like Worldanvil are a great assest to the world building process of writing. Let us know if you find something that works!

As for how to build your own maps, I know many writers have drawn their own maps and then digitized them. Artists always gather skill and inspiration from others, researching other maps and practicing their techniques could help you learn a new skill!

Here are some of my favorite world building questions:

-What happens when someone dies? How do people mourn? What colors are used in mourning or funerals?

-Are there any coming of age rituals? What happens during a coming of age ritual? What age is considered adult? Does it very by gender? Is there gender?

-What jobs exist? What jobs are held in high esteem? What jobs are despised? Is it easy to get a job? What is the process? What jobs need magic?

-How has technology advanced historically? What is the latest bit of technology? Does magic affect technology? How do people view technology?

-How has magic advanced historically? How does magic work? How do people view magic?

-How do people prepare meals? How do they clean? What tools are used daily? How do they sleep? How do they court? How is their family structured?

For more tips and tricks check @heretherebewriters out on discord:

