#5 sos imagines

Good Girls // 5 Seconds Of SummerGood Girls // 5 Seconds Of Summer

Good Girls // 5 Seconds Of Summer

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#5sosfam    #luke 5sos    #ashton 5sos    #calum 5sos    #michael 5sos    #5sos imagine    #5sos smut    #5sos preference    #5sauce    #5sos au    #5sos blurbs    #5sos official    #5sos ships    #5sos edit    #5sos fluff    #5sos one shot    #5 seconds of summer    #5 secs of summer    #5 stars    #5 sos imagines    #tumblr    #picture    #images    #imagine    #good girls    

It’s never easy dating someone who leaves all the time. Someone who just gets up and goes like it’s no big deal. Being so use to the fast life, new city every day, a new country every other month, new faces every single night. It’s a fast life, it takes all of your energy, you forget what day you’re living in, you forget what city you’re in. 

They say you get use to it, you get used to seeing them go, you get used to having to say goodbye but you never really do. You wonder every day if they’re coming home, you wait next to the phone for a call or a message from him. Every time your phones ring you pray that it will be him half the time it isn’t. You waste your nights waiting for a skype call from him, you waste your days waiting on something from him a simple text message saying ‘hi’ will make everything okay. You worry day and night, wondering if he is okay if he needs anything and most of all you wonder if he misses you just as much as you miss him.

Closing the door behind you, you made your way towards your bedroom. Tripping slightly over your shoes that were scattered around the hallway. Sighing you curled up in bed. Wrapping your arms around your knees you stared at the wall in front of you. Biting down gently on your lip, you closed your eyes.

“I think blue,” he said as he tilted his head to the left slightly, he turned towards you and raised his eyebrow “what do you think,” he asked as he walked over, crawling on the bed. He gently laid his head on your lap. His green eyes looking up at you, setting your book down you ran your fingers through his messy blonde hair.

“Blue is not really my color” you replied making him stick his bottom lip out.

“How about a really light shade of blue,” he asked, nodding you looked over at the wall and shrugged a bit

“We can go look at paint” you replied, he nodded his head and sat up, leaning over he quickly pecked your lips and stood up from the bed. Smiling you took his hand and walked out of the bedroom with him.

“Michael” you laughed as you looked over at him, an innocent smile on his face as he looked at you. Reaching over you ran your brush down his chest, he gasped as he watched your hand slowly moving down.

“Run,” he said, without thinking you dropped the brush on the floor and took off running, you could hear him laughing as he ran after you. Closing your eyes you giggled as his arms wrapped around your waist. He pulled you towards his chest, you felt the coolness of the pain through your white t-shirt. He rested his chin softly on your shoulder before he pressed small kisses to your neck. 

Opening your eyes, you stared at your wooden floor, your eyes focused on the blue stained floor. Running your hands up and down your legs, you took a deep breath and leaned against the wall.

“6 months, 25 days” you mumbled to yourself and closed your eyes tilting your head back. He had been gone 6 months, he had only called for the first 3 months and the calls soon stopped coming in.

3 Weeks later

Running your fingers through your messy hair, you flinched at the sunlight. Shuffling your way across the room, you closed the curtain and walked back to bed. Picking up your phone you sent a quick text message to your boss, saying you were still sick and weren’t going to be able to go in. 

You didn’t bother to wait for a reply, dropping your phone on the bed you curled back up into bed. Sighing you pushed yourself away from the bed and made your way to the kitchen. Rubbing your stomach softly you pulled open the fridge. Staring at the food, you bit down on your lip and closed the door again. Looking over at the clock, you frowned and walked over to the couch, turning the TV on you curled up. Looking over at the door when you heard a soft knock. Shaking your head, you focused on the wall in front of you.

Michaels P.O.V

Running my fingers through my hair, I made my way up the stairs. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out the key and walked to her door, reaching up I knocked on the door and waited for her to open. Sliding the key in, I pushed open the door. 

The whole placed was dark, turning the lights on, I bit my lip and looked around. She sat curled up on the couch, her arms wrapped around her legs. Her eyes focused on the wall in front of her. Her hair was messy, she sniffled before she looked over at me. Her expression didn’t change, she turned back towards the wall.

“Babe,” I asked as I closed the door and made my way over. Jumping over her shoes that were scattered around the floor. Sitting on the couch next to her, I touched her shoulder softly, she flinched and closed her eyes as she curled away from me. “Y/N” I whispered moving slightly closer to her “Baby” I added before wrapping my arms around her waist.

She curled up to my chest, her hands gripping my shirt her, her body trembling as I held her towards me. Sighing I leaned my head back and closed my eyes before standing up and carrying her towards the bedroom. Walking towards her closet I pulled out a clean shirt and slipped her night shirt off. She stared up at me blankly as I changed her. Reaching over, I ran my fingers through her messy hair and pulled up into the little bun she would do every morning.  

Looking down at her I ran my fingers through her hair. Leaning down I pressed my lips to the top of her head, she smelled like coconuts. She shifted in her slip, her hand gripping my shirt, her legs tangled with mine.

“Hey” I whispered as she opened her eyes, she looked up at me and nuzzled into the crook of my neck. “Do you want to talk about what happened?” I asked, she shook her head and gripped my shirt tighter.

 Nodding I sighed and rubbed her arm softly. “You need to take your medication baby” I whispered, her body tensed but she nodded slightly. Slowly removing her hand from my chest I slipped out of bed and walked towards the night stand grabbing the right bottle and walking towards her with a water bottle that sat next to them. She sat up in bed and grabbed the bottle from my hand. She seemed so broken, her eyes seemed so lost as she stared at me. Frowning I leaned down and pressed my lips to her forehead.

3 Weeks later

Taking her hand, she looked up at me a small smile on her face as she followed me. Slowing down I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and cuddled her into my side. She flinched at the flashing light. Kissing her temple I led her towards the holding. She squeezed my hand softly as she stared down at her shoes. Opening the door for her, she stepped inside and stood aside waiting for me to come. Putting my hand out to her, she took it. Leading her down the hallway I opened the door the studio.

“Hey,” Ashton beamed as he walked over and wrapped his arms around her. She giggled quietly and hugged him back before she walked across the room and took a seat on the couch. Walking over I sat next to her and pulled her closer to me waiting to the start the session. She looked down at her phone and bit gently on her lip

“Don’t worry we will be there on time” I whispered, she nodded and looked over at me

“I can go alone” she replied as she stared at me.

“I already talked to the boys” I replied looking over at Luke went into the booth “They’re fine with me leaving a little early” I replied smiling at her. She nodded and looked over at Luke watching as he started the song.

1 Year later

She took a deep breath as she pulled the suitcase from the bed. She quickly ran around the bed and grabbed the medication slipping them into her purse. Leaning against the door frame, she turned around and stared at me.

“Ready,” I asked as I made my way over and gripped the strap to her suitcase. She played nervously with her hands as she stared at me

“I don’t want to be in the way” she mumbled looking down at her feet. Shaking my head I set the bag down and walked over cupping her cheeks. Tilting her head slightly up I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers.

“No baby” I whispered “You won’t be in the way. I’m really happy you’re coming with me” I said wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her towards me “I don’t want to go on the road without you” I added, she nodded slightly and looked up at me.

She sat next to Ashton a smile on her face as he spoke to her. She giggled and nodded her head as she joined in on the conversation. She was slowly becoming herself. She was slowly starting to smile more, to laugh more. I was slowly seeing the light and happiness back in her eyes. Smiling she looked up at me and patted the spot next to her. Smiling I walked over and sat next to her wrapping my arm around her shoulders. Pressing my lips to the side of her head she cuddled into me.



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