#60 day art challenge


Day 22: Poison and Butterfly

Part of a 60 day art challenge with friends on Gaiaonline.

For this day I chose to do two of the prompts presented to us and combined them. It was fun designing the skull in to the butterfly but I do need some practice on designing potion bottles.

Day 20: Practice Day

Part of a 60 day art challenge with friends on Gaiaonline.

For this day I chose to practice a very very quick animation sequence of some hair blowing in the wind. It’s very rough but I wouldn’t mind diving in to other simple animations of things. Just to start me going.

Gaiaonline freebie for snaggIetooth in the event thread I’m in called Paint Parade. It’s a 60 day art challenge. I’m hoping to post some of the finer art I do for it here. Here’s on of my first pieces.

Day 11: Naga

Day 12: Video Games, Winter, Fantasy

I had to look up what a Naga was when looking at the prompts for Day 11. They’re snake people I guess you could say. She was both fun and frustrating to draw.

Day 12 I tried to include all three of the days prompts. My fiancé recommended I do an Ice Wraith from the game Skyrim since it encompasses all the prompts instead of just doing one. So I draw my own version of an ice wraith.

Day 8: Gem

Day 9: Princess & Bear

Day 8 I followed a tutorial I found on Pinterest for coloring gems. Unfortunately I can’t find it. If I do I’ll put it in my post on tumblr.

Day 9 was also referenced. Not the character herself but the angle and her coat were. Again, link to the reference will be on tumblr.
