#707 fic



mystictober day 10: seven x mc + space station

seven x mc + space station

words: 638

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!! this i dedicate to jay, @galaxytastes, my one and only starboy. THANK YOU for bringing dear sev into my life.

You’re on the moon.

This, you know because of the view of Earth before you- an image you had only ever seen on screen was right before your very eyes. Below you were craters of moondust, and you stand to look outside the glass pane that separates you from the moon’s atmosphere.

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Alright, now that thats out of the way… Sophie, words can’t express how much this meant to me LOL. For those who might not know, this is based on an RP thread Soph had with my Seven, this time last year. So OF COURSE this means to world to me. Sophie’s writing never fails to sweep me up into the sky and slam me back down when it’s done. /pos

Please PLEASE read this and share the love of Sev x Soph aka canon Sev MC. Sigh, I’ll go reread this for the 3rd time now.

