


Hey folks! I wanted to make a post that served as a statement on my work related to NFTs.

I’ve been told by one of my followers (thank you again) that one of my artworks has been posted on an NFT website without my permission/any notice (as many other artists have by now, unfortunately), and sold as an NFT. I’ve submitted a form to have this image removed and hopefully, to have the link taken down altogether for infringement.

I’d like to make it clear now: I don’t sell and don’t support NFTs. Any of my artworks sold as an NFT has been stolen and I would really appreciate for you to notify me if you come across art of mine being sold as an NFT. I do not consent to any of my works, whether commissioned or not, to be used as NFTs, and this statement will now be a part of my TOS for artwork commissions moving forward.

On another note, if you come across a stolen artwork on one of these websites, here is a good resource to help you navigate through the process of having it taken down: https://mobile.twitter.com/NFTtheft/status/1475529168691466240

With that I hope you all have a good day <3


Commissions have finally reopened

It’s been a while but I’m opening up commissions again now that things have gotten much less busy, and since I finally got my PayPal fixed. You can request a commission through private message where we can discuss what you would like. There will be check ups throughout the commission process to ensure your pleased with the finished results.

(Complex background= anything that’s required to be in the background like scenery or location)

Half pay is required before a commission starts (or you can pay in full. That’s up to you)

I have the right to deny any commission as I see fit.


Just wanted to clear this thing up

Friendly reminder that if I haven’t answered your ask the same day, it means either: 

  • I want to treasure that ask forever
  • I dont feel up to social interaction
  • I didnt have time, and ended up forgetting about it

What it does NOT mean:

  • I dont like getting asks
  • You’re bothering me by sending asks


time for crab

today i summoned 7 crabs! look at them!

time for crab

today i summoned 150 crabs! i caught 150 of them. i became friends with 2 of them.

group picture!!!


Now some people think getting excited for and celebrating a fictional character’s birthday is cringe,

and they’re right.

I’m cringe.


@7goodangel thank you for blessing us with them
