#a court of silver flames


I guess I’m the only one who sees Gwyn being a best friend to Az.

Like she could become a little sister to him because she reminds him a lot to what happened to Mor so he would want to protect her. And what happened to his mother.

He’s the one who rescued her three years ago so he’s happy that she’s finally moving on from her nightmares and seeing her overcome her fears and become a warrior must make him feel proud of her.

But that’s all. I dont see them romantically involved. Everyone is making a big fuss because his shadows danced with her. Yes, they dance with everyone they’re curious about, we know that his shadows can sense people’s emotions and tell him who’s friend and who’s foe. Hence why he’s a goddamn spy.

His shadows act as an entire entity. They report to him, they whisper to him. They are his friends, his companion. Sometimes said shadows act as a buffer and he uses them quite a lot to hide his feelings and emotions. (Hence why he’s so good at playing card games). They always appear when he’s angry, or want to hide his feelings or he’s about to get into fighting mode.

Let’s remember that he wasnt born with them, but being in that dark cell during his childhood… they were born out of necessity. They were his sole companionship, the reason why he didnt go mad. The shadows helped to take care of him, to nurture him and I think they act as protector. They will always keep him company, specially when he feels alone.

I feel like Gwyn might be the friend that would make Azriel grow from his shadows… to make him realise he doesnt need them anymore and give him the realisation to fight for Elain.

Is funny because it’s mentioned all the time throughout the books how his shadows dont like bright sunlight, how they tend to disappear when light surrounds him.

“In the blinding sun off the turquoise water, his shadows were gone, his face stark and clear. More … human than I had ever seen him”.

“His shadows lingering in the archway, as if fearful of the bright sunlight in the ring”.

Also… Azriel’s shadows do show up in front of Elain. But they dont do it often because he doesnt need them when he’s with her.

“Shadows gathered around Azriel, Elain at his side, wide-eyes at the spymaster’s display.”

“I saw the painting in my mind: the lovely fawn, blooming spring vibrant behind her. Standing before Death, shadows and terrors lurking over his shoulders. Light and dark, the space between their bodies a blend of two.” (I dont think we talk about this scene enough. When Azriel gave her Truth-teller. Not just the fact he gave her his most priced dagger but how the picture of them together looked like).

Also… this little pearl here. During the last battle with Hybern, Rhys speech to the Inner Circle. Towards Cassian he said: “If I had not meet an Illyrian warrior-in-training, I would not have known the true depths of strength, of resilience, of honour and loyalty”. After reading ACOSF, we know that was the main theme of the book. We know now not only Cassian but also Nesta showed that to us.

And then he said to Azriel: “If I had not met a Shadowsinger, I would not have known that it is the family you make, not the one you are born into, that matters. I would not have known what it is to truly hope, even when the world tells you to despair.”

Which is funny because this is how Feyre describes Elain: “Elain had always been gentle and sweet —and I had considered it a different sort of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had been always so full of light.

“What now?” Elain mused. That smile grew, bright enough that it lit up even Azriel’s shadows across the room.

Elain is not afraid of darkness or shadows. She works and is best friends with Nuala and Cerriden who also have their own darkness/shadows powers and use it wuite a lot in front of her.

Let’s also not forget that his shadows literally burned when he walked to Elain to wish her “Happy Solstice”.

“He still wore his Syphons atop either hand and shadows trailed his footsteps, curling like swirled embers, but there was little sign of the warrior otherwise.”

Not adding the little detail that Azriel has indeed kept for more than a year that little glass bottle Elain gifted him, without using it just so he could look at it every night before falling asleep.

Also.. he literally told Clotho, “If there’s another priestess here who might appreciate it, give it to them. But I’m not taking that necklace with me when I leave”. So he gave the necklace to Gwyn because he knew her more.. but he couldnt give two shits who the necklace ended up with as long as he didnt have to take it back.

Let’s talk about the necklace though. He gave her a necklace with a small, flat rose fashioned of stained glass, designed so that when held to the light, the true depth of the colors would become visible. A thing if secret, lovely beauty.” Am I the only one who thinks this describes him? That once he’s not under the darkness of his shadows, his true beauty would show up?

Also but excuse me… you dont go to that depht of detail for a gift just for a simple night stand. Just because you’re horny for someone.

And just in case you missed it:

Feyre painted little roses on her drawer.

Elain’s father gifted her a small rose carved since it was winter and she missed the flowers. Which Nesta found before the solstice events. Which makes me wonder if Azriel might have known of it and took inspiration by it. Or maybe not and it was his own mind working to find the the perfect gift.

Azriel’s book would be about his healing, his journey. How he overcome his guilt, his actions, his past events. And I have the feeling by the end of it, we will see a side of Azriel where he wont need to hold onto his shadows anymore, where he wont depend on them because he finally walked towards the light.

Would Elain help in his journey? Perhaps… I just find such coincidence the whole build up between them. How we had zero scenes between her and Lucien and yet we had all these breadcrumbs between Az and Elain.

When Azriel asked why the cauldron chose three sisters and two of his brothers are mated to them but yet the third was given to another.. I dont think he spoke like he was entitled to her. More like sad… and frustrated because if he was Elain’s mate.. they would have been together already. It would have been so much easier for him to take the mating bond and say “She’s my mate and no one cant say we can’t be together”.

I think it was sad because things never come easily for him… he always thinks he deserves nothing. But, wouldnt be just fucking great if Elain breaks the bond and chooses him!? That someone broke the most holy thing for faes and chose to love him, to be with him, CHOSE HIM above everything!? Instead of just giving him a mate, someone to just be thrown at him? I’d personally find that fascinating. That Elain chooses him. She didn’t accept him because he’s her mate. But she chooses him despise everything, she chooses to love him.

Elain’s mother said to Nesta “Elain shall wed for love and beauty, but you, my cunning little queen… You shall wed for conquest.” And I can’t erase from my mind that the first time she saw his hands she called them beautiful, the first time she heard him talking about flying, she called it beautiful. And when his POV talked about the necklace “A thing of secret, lovely beauty.”

So yes, I thought it made sense his claim. He loves her… from the moment he met her as human he was curious about her, he liked her company. This is Azriel we’re talking about, if he doesnt want to be there.. he won’t. If he doesn’t want to talk to you, he won’t. He doesnt give a shit about ranks and he doesn’t give a shit who you are.

We have seen from Acowar and Acofas how he gets annoyed at Lucien… and Greysen. He hates it and he try to stay away but he cant avoid it because he likes her. And he knows she likes him too which makes things worse.

With Mor it was easier.. he loved her but she didnt. So he never tried, he never confessed his feelings, he was happy to stay in the shadows and let his love burn.

With Elain is a different story. She wants him too, she cares about him, she likes to talk with him, to spend time together and she’s reciprocate his feelings so that makes the whole thing dangerous. Because he knows if he goes to her… she would be there waiting for him.

But unfortunately… Rhysand had said no. One on side I understand his motivations:

If Azriel killed Lucien, it would give ammunition to Beron to declare war, for Vassa and Jurian to break alliances but mostly.. if Helion finds out Lucien it’s his son and someone from the Night court killed him, he won’t hesitate to declare war. And we know Helion is somehow now Rhysand’s best friend. We know that only Feyre knows about Lucien true paternity.

However… as Rhysand like to always boast about.. I thought the Night Court was all about having choices. But it seems choices are only accepted when they benefit him.

So I gess we will see what happens on his book.

But please dont tell me all of this will be simple erased after one conversation with a stranger. Come on now.

Nesta: “You’re an arrogant bastard.”

Cassian: “And you’re a haughty witch. We’re evenly matched.”

The Cauldron, fully aware why they’re mates:

Rhysand, every time someone dares to speak ill or treat bad Nesta from now on.

People freaking out with Azriel’s thoughts of Elain like….baby, did you miss the memo where ACOTAR serie is turning into adult books?

Because if you didn’t get that hint with ACOSF, then I suggest you to get out of this train now because his book is going to be dirty, dirty, dirty.

The guy has been thirsting over Elain for over two years now. And I can bet you my soul that Elain is not as sweet and innocent as everyone thinks. Considering she has already slept with Greysen. You think she hasn’t thought of Azriel that way too?

I can tell you now, by the way she was turned on by Az… she has.

But we havent been in her head yet.

You all out there looking like clowns talking shit about a guy who has been into a woman for over two years and when he finally got the chance to be so close to her, to the point where she gave him permission to go ahead because she wanted it too, he let his imagination fly.

Cant wait to see you all after his book is out, clutching your pearls.

How it started:

“Sit down,” Rhys snarled. The raw command in that voice, the utter dominance and power … Nesta froze, fighting it, hating that Fae part of her that bowed to such things.

But Nesta held Rhysand’s gaze. Threw every ounce of defiance she could into it, even as his order made her knees want to bend, to sit.

How it ended:

Then Rhys fell to his knees and took Nesta’s hands in his, pressing his mouth to her fingers. “Thank you,” he wept, head bowed.

Cassian knew it wasn’t in gratitude for Rhys’s own life that he knelt upon the sacred tattoos inked upon his knees.

One thing that seems to go unnoticed in ACOSF is the little detail of having “Lightsingers” existing as well as “Shadowsingers”:

“There are lightsingers: lovely, ethereal beings who will lure you, appearing as friendly faces when you are lost. Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces, and they aren’t fair at all. The horror of it is the last thing you see before they drown you in the bog. But they kill for sport, not food.”

Now… who wants to bet we will see them appear in Azriel’s book?

And it makes me wonder… will Azriel shadows recognise them? Because some snippets from his POV made me think a lot:

“Her breath curled in front of her mouth, and one of his shadows darted out to dance with it before twirling back to him. Like it heard some silent music”.

“Do you sing?”

“Why do you ask?”

“They call you Shadowsinger. Is it because you sing”

“I am a Shadowsinger —it’s not a title that someone just made up”.

“Do you though?” she pressed. “Sing?”.


She opened her mouth to ask more, but he didn’t feel like explaining. Or demonstrating, since that was surely what she’d ask next.

Azriel entered the warmth of the stairwell, and as he descended, he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. Could have sworn his shadows sang in answer.

This makes me think that Azriel could have possibly found a fellow “singer” wether is another shadow or light singer, only time will tell.

Azriel giving away the necklace has the same vibe as Cassian throwing away the box to the Sidra. I said what I said.


Cassian in Wings & Embers: “Every instinct in his body came roaring to the surface, so violent he had to choke them with a brutal grip or else he’d find himself on his knees, begging her for a touch, for anything”. But he leaned in, and grazed the tip of his nose along the side of her neck.

Azriel:“Her arousal drifted up to him, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the sweet scent. He’d beg on his knees for a chance to taste it.But Azriel just stroked her neck again.”

Dear Nesta:

I’m so proud of your journey.

Of your healing, of your fighting.

Seeing you overcome your traumas, step by step was so powerful.

And I’m so incredibly proud of your happy ending.

You deserved that and more.

It was an honour to witness your incredible strenght, but mostly… your journey to self love.

Rhysand bowing to Nesta is a sight that will forever live rent free on my mind.

If anyone is kind enough to please share AZRIEL POV, I will be forever grateful.

In exchange I can share Feysand bonus scene. Which I dont mind at all. Unfortunately I do not live in the USA so like many others, Azriel’s bonus scene was impossible to get.

Wait until Nesta finds out that Rhys is the reason why Elain is miserable because she cant be with Az. Thinking all the time that she has been rejected by him instead of the real reason.

Rhysand:Takes the bride of a rival court on her wedding day, forces her to spend a week with him every month, end up being her mate, getting into a war with Spring, and therefore Hybern.. end up marrying and mated to said Bride.

Also Rhysand: Sorry Az, I know it took you a while to move on from Mor and I’m proud of you, I want you to be happy…… However… you can’t be with Elain. Would be bad for politics. Cant have another war starting, you know? Can you not choose someone else?

For everyone out there…. whether you like or hate Feyre, Nesta or Elain for whatever past aggressions….

We can all agree that the root of their traumas and troubles is their parents.

That’s it. I said it.

If they had a “safe” childhood … there wouldn’t be any discourse between them.

If Papa Archeron did what he should have done… the three sisters would have gotten along much better way before the whole Fae mess started.

How you still blame Nesta or Elain or even Feyre instead of the parental figure still amaze me.

Once the three of them finally heal and get along… is game over. They will be so fucking powerful.

I just need everyone to fucking back off in the IC and let them fix their problems alone.

I get that Rhys and the Ic are now “Feyre’s Family” but they’re not Nesta’s and they’re not Elain’s.

And neither sister should have to be attached to their hips.

I need Rhys, Amren and specially Mor to shut the fuck up and let Feyre, Elain and Nesta resolve their issues alone. They definitely dont need third parties adding more fuel to the fire. And yes, I excluded Azriel because he’s the only one in there that knows how to mind his own business.

I’m still indecisive towards Cassian.

Why I think Mor is problematic:

Now hold on to that… if you like her character, that’s fine I respect everyone’s choice but this is my personal opinion and I dont think I will ever like or accept Mor. And here’s why:

She comes from a wealthy family, raised as noble, she knows nothing about what being hungry and struggle through life means.

She was sold by her father to Eris in marriage, a proposal that was made by both Kier and Beron, for which none of them had a choice.

Mor was 17, so was Eris. No one seem to remember the little fact that he was a kid too, and go ahead and try to say no to Beron or go against his wishes. We all know what happens then. (If not, please ask Lucien..or his mother)

Mor, consciously, chose Cassian, a simple bastard with no family, no power to back him up, to lose her virginity with. Fully aware the consequences that will bring upon her. And not just herself, but Beron and Kier could have demanded Cassian’s head for it and no one would have been able to reject them. Not even Rhysand, considering he was not a High Lord back then, and his father had no reason to be in bad terms with either Beron nor Kier over a simply bastard.

Mor knew exactly the feelings Az had for her, her power is truth. Or she keeps saying. Meaning, she can identify when people lie or hide something. Despise his feelings (previous to her sleeping with Cass), she never made him aware that she doesn’t feel the same.

And before you go ahead and tell me “It’s been 500yrs, he can let it go, blah blah”. He had never ever ever confessed his feelings, he tried once and she shut him down before he even started. And that’s it. He never tried to push her, or pressure her as you all want to make it seem.

And I know for sure, by the way she acts with Cassian… that if Azriel makes any show of having feelings for Elain or any other female… Mor will not take it well.

But I know… she has been using his feelings for her for her own advantage. She keeps Cassian and Azriel tied on a leash… giving them a little taste here and there to make them think she can still be with one of them. She’s keeping her options “open”. All to conceal that she doesnt like men, for whatever reasons she prefers to keep it private, dont think for a moment that her “family” aka Inner Circle will judge her for it… specially considering Velaris is a “heaven for people like her”.

“But then she’d walked away, and Azriel hadn’t made a move, and… Mor was still there between then. Somewhere between friend and lover. Dear to him as family, but… Cassian had hated himself for that look on Azriel’s face afterward.

He’d had lovers, some for a night and some for months, and Mor had never cared, but…

This woman standing before him like a pillar of steel and flame… Cassian didn’t want to tell Mor about her. About how he’d touched her neck.”

Mor and Azriel:

Now Mor thinks that the problem is not with her, but with Az. That if she felt the same, he would never try to be with her because he doesn’t feel worthy of her. Now hold on a sec.. so you let your friend that you care about so much to really believe that? Instead of actually giving him a reason of why you cant be with him?

Mor and Cassian:

This is a weird ass relationship because previous to Cassian meeting Nesta, he really tought she could be with him. That there was a chance… and we know Mor has been using Cass as a buffer to cover her own sexuality. We know she uses him so she can never be alone with Az, as if he would jump into her or something.

But I really hate how she fucking poison his ear when it comes to Nesta. How she keeps following around to talk shit about Nesta, like girl.. why?

I get that you want to protect your friend… but he’s not a damn child? He’s a grown ass man? Capable of making his own choices?

I just fucking hate how she goes around telling people how nice she is, how lovely she is… how she wants to protect women, and girls over bros, blah blah but then treats Nesta like shit only because Cassian shows some interesting in her?

And btw.. Nesta has never ever ever said or done anything to Mor. She had one conversation, in which Mor fucking deserved that answer, but the moment Nesta showed some feelings for Cassian, Mor went straight to her throat!


is when Mor suggested to Cassian to drop Nesta in the Court of Nightmares. Like girl, knowing how they treat women there, knowing the shit that happened to you, knowing how much you love to show us that you hate it… you’re really that type of bitch to suggest that? What the fuck?

Another one is her, telling Nesta straightway behind Cassian’s back while rubbing her stomach to point out her old scars (which Nesta had nothing to do with) “I’ve met a lot of people like you, you dont deserve him”. And then when Cassian approaches them, she put on a smile on her face like nothing happened. Like how you gonna compared to what was done to you by YOUR OWN FATHER, to Nesta not wanting to be with Cassian!!??

I’m sorry but I hate that type of behaviour in a woman. I hate the “pick me girl”. And I hate sneaky bitches.

Everytime I picture Mor, this is what it comes to my mind:

Wings and Embers:

“Every instinct in his body came roaring to the surface, so violent he had to choke them with a brutal grip or else he’d find himself on his knees, begging her for a touch, for anything.”

A Court of Silver Flames, two years later:

i don’t have any plans on reading the new book anytime soon but the only thing i really care about in the acotar world at this point is lucien getting a happy ending because his character deserves so much more than he got in the first books but i don’t trust sjm to do it so i’m holding off.

“I wish for us to have the courage to go out into the world when we are ready, but to always be able to find our way back to each other. No matter what.”



Underrated moment in ACOSF

A warm hand clasped her shoulder and squeezed. “I like this idea, Nes.” His hazel eyes shone bright. “I like it a lot.”

And for some reason, the words meant everything.

The music was no longer the most beautiful thing in existence. He was.

Nesta couldn’t stop it then.

The answering smile that bloomed through her at last, stealing across her face, bright as the dawn.

