#a life supreme



A Life Supreme

*The end of the Unification War, however, was not an end to conflict at large. The leading Al analytics software predicts another hot war will likely break out by 2080 (74% confidence). 

-The Unification War… for Gonks! 

The Unification War has passed since the ceasefire treaty signed seven years ago, but the conflict never ends. Arasaka and Militech both compete for head of the market, and tension boils beneath the surface. 

Veterans beg on the corner, the wounds of war fresh in their minds. They’re missing limbs, cyberware, and dignity. Around them, the world moves on. 

But you? You’re far removed from that. And still, just like them, you’re nothing. 

Quit your job and move to Night City. Meet fixers, form relationships, rise the ranks of the city’s mercenaries, and keep your head above water. This city is known to eat people, and no one gets out without getting hurt. 

Kick, claw, and kill it all for A Life Supreme



  • Choosing your motivations (Fame, fortune, freedom) 
  • Character customization (your appearance, class, skills, and personality)
  • 3 female romance options
  • Multiple endings
  • Becoming privy to a plot… willing or not.

This story runs parallel to the events of Cyberpunk 2077, set in the same universe. This project will always remain 100% free. Rated 18+ for drug, alcohol, sex, and violence mentions.

Basically, I wanted more content in the world of 2077! But I would like this to be able to be enjoyed on its own, even with limited or no knowledge of Cyberpunk.

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