#status wip




Lumintoile Academia is a prep school in the city of Delphinium that screams prestigiousness and elitism among its students. You happen to be a student there in your final year of Highschool, and trying to graduate with the cleanest slate you can ever manage. Well, too bad that’s thrown out of the window after meeting the Student Council. Hello, to your future in juvenile detention!

How fun.

Somehow, you’re now dragged into this weird mess straight out of a fantasy novel. Magic? Monsters? Spirits? Fae? Demons? The Council has to be joking. No way are those things real, right? Because if not, then why on earth are seeing flowers bloom when the Vice President is around? A cool breeze passing by whenever the Secretary waves at you? Windows shimmering whenever the Treasurer walks by them? Dogs following and randomly appearing wherever and whenever the President is?

This all has to be a coincidence, right?

With noises coming from empty classrooms and staff members found somewhere they shouldn’t, how can you not be suspiscious about everything?

Cheers to The Elites is an urban fantasy, mystery, thriller, supernatural, slice of life IF that will be written in Twine. The story takes place in the fictional country of Rosedale in the modern age, and is rated 16+ for heavy topics such as: abuse (emotional and psychological), violence, blood, graphic gore (specifically plant gore and mutilation), mentions and use of alcohol, mentions of death, body horror, self-harm, mentions of suicide, unhealthy coping mechanisms


•Customizable MC—appearance, sexuality, pronouns, and all that jazz!

•Learn magic? Maybe? If the Vice President allows it?

•Find out the secrets the Student Council and the academy holds

•Romance 1 of the 6 RO’s—3 females, 3 males—or form platonic bonds with all of them!

•Get your very own Familiar!

•Choose your history with two of the RO’s

•Leave highschool with a bang

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DEO is an upcoming interactive romantic visual novel about you, a soon-to-be former mortal who’s best friend is a god.

some time into your adulthood, they have you deified - and your life is completely turned upside down as you very quickly go from living a quiet village life to the dizzying world of the pantheon’s valley.

how well do you think you’ll embrace your new life as a god? do you get along with the others? who and what will you meet along the way?

you were raised in the city-state of Iestalle, a moderately sized village besides a tall mountainous ridge. it was known to everyone in your home town that beyond the mountain was a valley where all of the gods that are worshipped there reside. no mortal has ever made it into the valley and returned to tell the tale, but now…

you, one of the only mortals known be deified, would make the trek to the other side and take your place among the pantheon.

  • you make your character! you choose your own name, pronouns, appearance and backstory.
  • diverse cast full of different romantic options - regardless of your sexuality or gender, there’ll be someone for you (or lack thereof, if that’s what you like). polyamory and aroace options are planned to be canon.
  • different adventures for different love interests! with at least 10 potential partners, all with different stories and elements, you’ll get a chance to experience them all and get close to whoever you choose.

want to learn more? follow,share, and stay tuned!



Hello everyone! For people just discovering us, or for those of you who do know about us and would like a better summary of what’s to come, this is the right place! We are the It Lives Project, a fan team working in our free time to make the visual novel It Lives Within, the third and final book in the It Lives series. 

You’re finally ready to leave your past behind and move on. But apparently, moving on means enrolling at a community college in a supernatural town overflowing with monsters and dark magic…


Any bugs you find can be reported here. You can find the release schedule here, and our progress tracker here. Our ask box is always open, but make sure you read our FAQ first. To prevent our blog from being too cluttered and chaotic, we will delete any asks that are answered in our FAQ.

Download instructions:

For Mac|For PC|For Android

It Lives Within features:

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Play Demo>Will to Kill (TBA)

As an assassin you are not supposed to have any attachments. They could get you killed. At least that’s what the House of Felines taught me. However, their leader and I were already well acquainted before that organization came to be. I followed Frankie blindly; no questions asked. Yet when I want answers they try to kill me. Now I’m out for blood.

Inspired by Kill Bill


You will be able to fully customize the gameplay and your assassin. This includes:

  • Choose name, gender, pronouns, sexuality and appearance.
  • Choose your choice of weapon, code name, and the names of your two Rottweilers!
  • Plot revenge! Customize your hitlist and who you’ll be getting answers from first.
  • Build/break relationships. They can be romantic, friendly or a rivalry.
  • Choose between 4 customizable romance options.
  • Fight in combat but remember you can die.
  • Solve puzzles and find out secretsabout your past.


This story is mature and rated for 18+. There will be themes that are not suitable for underage people or people who are not comfortable with the following:

  • Explicit language
  • Depictions of heavy violence
  • Blood and gore
  • Optional sexual content

Romance Options

Josiah/Josie Foster, 25 (m/f)

The nurse that was determined to help you. They were the main nurse to take care of you while you were comatose. Ever since they heard what happened they were determined to help you no matter what. J is kind hearted and strong willed with the tendency to tease you. J is short in stature with a fuller build, blue eyes, light skin and shoulder length blonde wavy hair.

Winnie Takahashi, 23 (nb)

The weapons dealer who might be insane. Winnie is a very energetic individual who has a thrill for crazy adventures and explosions. They provide you with all the heavy arms you need with much enthusiasm and give intel about HoF. Winnie is of average height with light olive skin that is littered in tattoos and a thin and muscular build. They have their black hair in an undercut and brown eyes.

Anthony/Anita Benítez, 28 (m/f)

The assassin sent to kill you. A is a no nonsense kind of person. They only speak in a dry sarcastic tone. The only thing they seem to care about is getting their work done efficiently. Unfortunately, that work involves your demise. A has dark brown skin and a tall and muscular build. They have hazel eyes. Anthony’s hair is is shaved around the sided and back with the top is braided back into cornrows. Anita’s hair is braided back in cornrows into a low bun.

Sawyer/Sienna Wilson, 26 (m/f)

The adopted sibling of your ex. Not much is know about them. Frankie was always careful enough to keep them hidden. From what you could remember they always seemed shy and reserved and always avoiding eye contact. S is very tall with medium brown skin and a lanky figure. They has curly brown hair and brown eyes. Sawyers hair is to his chin, while Sienna’s is past her shoulders.

Francis/Francesca Reid, 27 (m/f)

The leader of HOF and your ex… Frankie is a wild card they do what they want, when they want, and how they want to do it. You’re relationship was cut short after you left but they still claim to love you. So why do they want you dead? Frankie is tall with light skin and a toned build. They have wavy red hair and green eyes. Francis hair is cut short while Francesca’s is past her shoulders.


Untether yourself, and slowly fall into this melancholic world. 

The continent of Empyrenea is broken into regions, each patrolled by the Twelve Zodiacs, primordial abominations enslaved by Ophiuchus. There are Seven Realms –Kingdoms, as the people who live under Ophiuchus call it– that have legitimate power. Five have been mysteriously felled.

Ophiuchus is the continental peacekeeper and overseer. He is the man you serve. 

He holds you dear to his heart, yet you know nearly nothing about him —and you, Jaan, are an amnesiac servant trusted with the task of an emissary. You are to go to the other domains and supplement a report of their internal affairs to him. 

This is a story of in-depth world-building that draws inspiration from real life religions, culture, events, and politics. 

This is a highly atmospheric and narrative-based novel of magical realism. Expect a slow-burn plot.

  • This game is character-locked: the biological sex, name, appearance, and core personality of Jaan is decided; however, you still have a degree of autonomy and can shape the outcome of the story with the choices you make for Jaan
  • For each decision you make, the game carves out a unique path for you to journey on according to the different pieces of information you receive from the fragments of the story’s lore – this leads to an interesting replayability aspect
  • Forge relationships – help the royals of the Kingdoms figure out and snatch back the past from their people’s collective amnesia, and be by their side navigating the political landscape of their nation
  • Indulge in some father-son bonding time with Ophiuchus


Ophiuchus & Jaan’s moodboard + character description

Outline of the Empyrenea continent



Current Wips

Okay so while I’m thinking about it I’m just gonna post links to both of my games and pin this post rather than just have Rott and CoI separate–it’s just kind of getting annoying. I’ll make update posts still but this pinned post will remain at the top for easier access to my games.

Just wanna have a look at them and not hear the sales pitch? RotT is here, and CoI is here.

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Rated 17+ for gore, strong language, child abuse, animal abuse, and possible explicit content. It may result change as I progress with the story.

NSFW asks are welcome.

You are a Séraphinical.

A being with long wings, able to fly high up in the sky, a being blessed with immortality,andfreedom. Thehumans admired your species from afar, until it became jealousy.

You witnessed it all. Your family was taken away from you, your friends, your closest ones, everyone, but the worst of all? Your freedom. The freedom your species fought the gods to gain, the many storms you have endured, only to disappear into dust, bloody dust.

You fought back, but despite everything you were captured, left alive for some shady scientific experiments. A question kept pondering into your mind, why were you left alive? You? The black sheep of your family? It remains unknown to you.

Many years have passed, they called you XVIII, your name ripped away from you. You are not just a toy, you’re an invaluable asset to them, you kill people you are tasked to kill. An ‘assassin’, you kill to live.

Will you be a puppet to the end? Or will you finally cut the strings that have been holding you down for all those years? Or perhaps… you will find someone that will hold dear for you?

• Play as a male, woman or non-binary.

A ‘fully’ customizable MC, except for the wings details, and the height which can be: average or tall.

Play as an experiencedsamurai, you have a deep black katana.

Magic is a thing in this world.

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There is so much blood on your hands and you can’t even remember your own name.

There’s a sickly feeling idle in the back of your throat. You’re far from home, in a desolate city filled with toxic air and nothing but a piece of cloth to hold over your mouth and nose as you try and make sense of your situation. You don’t know who you are, and the harder you try to remember, it feels like you forget more and more. There was a house built atop the remains of a tragedy, you feel angry just thinking of it, which scares you.

You’ve done something terrible, you think.

CORSAIR is rated 18+ due to sexual content and depictions of violence.

Set in the near future, Corsair is a story of remembrance, repentance and reconciliation. You wake up dazed and bruised on a street corner in the city of Bailey Point, a desolate wasteland of theft and murders. You can barely remember a thing about yourself, but an overwhelming sense of guilt floods your system when you think back on a life you can’t even recall as your own. You remember enough to know that this isn’t your home.

After a lose-call with death, you pass out and wake up in the confinements of a cold, white bedroom. There’s a pounding in your head and blood on your clothes, which makes the clean set on the end of the bed much needed. After feeling your room lurch to the side, and the sound of moving water crashing against the walls, you realise that you’re in a ship. Your captors? A small crew of military personnel that have been hand-picked by those high up to travel, search, rescue and destroy: the Corsair.

Their medic explains to you that they found you bloody and bruised when scouting Bailey Point in response to its air pollution: they were trying to see if anyone there was even alive anymore. They brought you onto the ship to get you away from the toxic air when you started rambling about being lost and ‘forgetting yourself’. She explains to you that they’ve taken a vote, and the consensus is that you’ll stay with them until you remember where home is, and then they will take you there. They have the go-ahead from 'back at base’ to keep you with them, warm fed and safe whilst they figure out how to get your memory back.

Everything seems to be going smoothly on the ship, they’re a few days from embarking back out onto the sea and you’ll be joining Corsair as their medic works on reversing your memory loss. All is fine until the day you’re meant to leave when a temporary member of Corsair takes you out to see Bailey Point in an attempt to spark your memory. The two of you encounter a manic stranger with their sights set on you: they even know your name, and they want you dead.

Now you’re facing the pressure of trying to remember your entire life when all you know is your first name. Your attacker is being kept in solitary in the ship, Corsairs medic working tirelessly to try and figure out whats going on. Corsair can help you, they insist, you’re safe with them.

[M] Nathan Meyers, Team Lead.

Nathan Meyers is burdened with responsibilities that cut deep into his bones and restrict him from true relaxation. Selected to lead Corsair through their endeavours due to his stellar and ruthless performance in training, Nathan has formed an iron and impenetrable exterior in an attempt to stay on task at all times. This has lead him to seem like the asshole of the century, Townes constantly cracking jokes about how both sides of his bed must be the wrong side. Never satisfied with their accomplishments and always aiming higher, Nathan isnt the most hospitable, and treats inconveniences like burdens. Unless you’re his twin brother, Charlie, you’re going to struggle to crack a smile out of him.

[F] Eiza Laine, Second-In-Command.

Eiza is the last person you’d expect to be second in command— as sweet as they come, she personifies flowers and summer evening under the new stars, Having originally trained for works in the field of medicine, her training results stunned her superiors, and she was rewarded with a place beside Nathan commanding Corsair. The only reason she wasn’t gifted full leadership is her inability to raise her voice when needed: her empathy too strong for such an unforgiving world. She doesn’t let the words of many get to her, however, and will always opt for kindness over any means of violence. She is warmth and comfort personified, and is happy to have you alongside them.

[F] Elenisa Steele, Team Medic.

Nisa Steele is like the changing weather: cold one moment and freezing the next. Every crack in her demeanour is frozen over in seconds, caging herself in like it’s a primal instinct for survival. She is Corsairs medic, though she would rather any other job— she was meant to be in Nathans position commanding the rest of Corsair and having first say on whether to shoot or spare. Unfortunately for her, an incident in her last year of training mixed with her tendencies to resort to violence damaged her chances at ever taking on a leadership position within the crew. Refusing to take an office job in comms, Nisa picked up medicine and has begrudgingly settled as Corsairs medic. At least she gets to fight when necessary.

[M] Charlie Meyers, Team Researcher.

The soft-worded contrast to his twin brother, Charlie is a welcoming spirit who finds his attention on the happenings of the world. He knows the ins and outs of almost everything, has valuable information on people and businesses that some would literally kill for. Charlie holds the key to the downfall of many people, but he would probably give it all up for those he loved. Charlie knows no bounds when it comes to his friends, and when he’s not locked up in his room with too many books to count, he’s always putting a smile on someones face. Townes jokes about how he was a mother in his previous life: its not hard to imagine with how he cares so deeply for the world around him. Him and his brother have a… difficult relationship.

[F] Amanda Townes, Communication Lead.

Townes is the relief of comedy and genuine understanding that everyone needs. She is no less of a member of Corsair than the others, but works in an office cross-country as communication lead. She tells Nathan and Eiza where to go, sends out any supplies and weaponry needed and is the first to ask when it comes to getting information and resources. She has eyes and ears all around the Corsair ship, although privacy is respected, she is only ever the press of a button away. Townes constantly tries to combat her boredom in the office by trying to get Corsair members on board with stupid jokes and pranks to pull (especially on Nathan)— she is also trained in counselling and moral support skills: available to chat anytime.

[M] Alys, Contracted Assassin.

Alys works with the shadows, slips between them without a trace and emerges like darkness descending on day. An assassin by trade, he has been contracted to join corsair on their mission to Bailey Point. The crew may be sent to examine living conditions, but he’s got a task to fulfil: eliminate the last living member of a historically merciless gang, who he has reason to believe has fled to Bailey Point. Alys may be on a mission of his own, but that doesn’t mean he won’t dedicate his spare time to trying to push the buttons of all his new companions. Someone has to be the asshole. Alys is a thief, liar and killer by trade, which means he already has the upper hand on Corsair— morals aren’t on his mind.

[F/M] Laiken King, ???.

What to say about Laiken? They’re out to kill you, and you dont know why— maybe they don’t either: they won’t say a word to anyone but you. Theres something wrong here, and no one can figure out what. For now they’re being kept with Corsair and, for your own safety, far from you.

  • Unravel your memories as you play, discover a story within the story: learn who you can and cant trust.
  • Form bonds with everyone on the ship. Interact with a variety of characters, from an arrogant leader to his sweet and gentle second in command, a kind researcher with many interests, a grumpy medic, an actual assassin and even the person that seems hell-bent on killing you.
  • Customise yourself, your personality, sexuality, pronouns, appearance and more! Choose how you interact with those around you, and see how it affects the story.
  • Fall in love in unconventional ways. You’re not supposed to sleep with an assassin, you know?
  • Go on adventures with Corsair as you regain your memory. Make new memories and experience the semi-futuristic world with fresh eyes.

Asks (both NSFW and SFW) are okay and encouraged! Apologies if I don’t reveal much about Laiken, I’m excited to keep yall on your toes!

<3 reblgs and likes are so so appreciated <3


A Life Supreme

*The end of the Unification War, however, was not an end to conflict at large. The leading Al analytics software predicts another hot war will likely break out by 2080 (74% confidence). 

-The Unification War… for Gonks! 

The Unification War has passed since the ceasefire treaty signed seven years ago, but the conflict never ends. Arasaka and Militech both compete for head of the market, and tension boils beneath the surface. 

Veterans beg on the corner, the wounds of war fresh in their minds. They’re missing limbs, cyberware, and dignity. Around them, the world moves on. 

But you? You’re far removed from that. And still, just like them, you’re nothing. 

Quit your job and move to Night City. Meet fixers, form relationships, rise the ranks of the city’s mercenaries, and keep your head above water. This city is known to eat people, and no one gets out without getting hurt. 

Kick, claw, and kill it all for A Life Supreme



  • Choosing your motivations (Fame, fortune, freedom) 
  • Character customization (your appearance, class, skills, and personality)
  • 3 female romance options
  • Multiple endings
  • Becoming privy to a plot… willing or not.

This story runs parallel to the events of Cyberpunk 2077, set in the same universe. This project will always remain 100% free. Rated 18+ for drug, alcohol, sex, and violence mentions.

Basically, I wanted more content in the world of 2077! But I would like this to be able to be enjoyed on its own, even with limited or no knowledge of Cyberpunk.

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The Hymn of Winter is a free to play interactive novel that’s set within the world of ASoIF (Game of Thrones). With the premise being centered around a simple question; what if the wall had fallen before?

Winter is here…

The Wall…

A marvel of construction that many don’t know the true origins of— besides what is written in legend— and the true purpose having been lost to time.

You were among the few chosen to guard it— the Night’s Watch— a task that you were never sure how to respond to; as you weren’t quite sure if the Wall needed any guarding to begin with.

That is until you step out beyond it. Until you come face-to-face with chilling blue eyes that you know, with complete certainty, that you weren’t there to guard the wall; you were there to guard Westeros and be the first line of defense against the monstrosities that lay beyond.

You were the siren that would kick Westeros into action.

You just hope that everyone will be prepared when Winter arrives.

  • This story is 18+ (as it is based off of GoT) for alcohol consumption, profanity, violence, gore, mentions of torture, sexual themes, and mentions of incest (again GoT).
  • THoW is set centuries before the GoT as you know it. So, don’t expect to come across any characters you may be familiar with. Though you may see characters with similar names.
  • Customizable MC: name, nickname, gender, sexuality, fighting style, and a smattering of other things.
  • Find, and rescue, a lost direwolf that will soon become a companion you never knew that you needed. A creature that history had also forgotten about.
  • Romance 1 of 5 possible choices (some from your favorite houses); as everyone deserves to find love. Especially when they think they’re not going to live past the coming year.
  • Sharpen your skills as you prepare for what is coming. Don’t let yourself forget about the incoming threat.
  • Demo TBA

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Welcome to An Invitation to Wellington Mansion! This project is intended to be a short but very much interactive fiction to help me learn Twine while also getting to use some of my favorite themes/genres!

An Invitation to Wellington Mansion takes place at, as the title indicates, Wellington Mansion, owned by one Drake Wellington, a man closing in on billionaire status with a proposition for a select group of individuals: survive a four-day stay in his mansion while performing a variety of tasks on each of the days, and $100,000 will go to each who makes it to the finishing mark.

You are one of eight participants who accepted the invitation and later accepted into the challenge. Your reasons for wanting or needing the money are your own, but you still have to survive the others also vying for the finishing line… which will grow steadily harder as the tasks set for you have their risks increased as each day passes, and Drake Wellington offers a new challenge: survive and earn your $100,000, but also earn an equal share of any… eliminated participants’ anticipated earnings as well.

What’s your plan to survive and win your $100,000? Will you sabotage or even doom your fellows? Will you try to work with them, and maybe get closer to some in a more complicated way? Maybe an even better question… will you even survive to see your earnings?

Demo: (Pending! Will be released once Day One is finished :) )

Things to expect and an introduction to other characters under the cut!:


- Ability to pick your pronouns, sexuality, and gender to your liking

- Ability to customize your character’s appearance

- Choices that will definitely matter, as nothing remains secret for long at Wellington Mansion, and everyone will have some input on any decisions you make that come to light.

- AIWM is meant to be inspired by House on Haunted Hill and puzzle-solving mystery games. As such, you will be able to explore each area you’re thrown into, and expected to solve puzzles. I will likely have a hint system placed in at some point, but it will not be readily available.

- Autosaving system! The thing we all longed for in COG games is available within Twine, and all my Twine games will feature autosaving. As such, AIWM will autosave at key moments, especially ones where you may meet a terrible fate… or another member of the group will.

- Four romantic choices (to start with). Given the game is expected to be quite short, it will feel a bit railroaded as you need to pick your interest within the first night, mostly likely.

- A relationship system with everyone, even if you do not choose to romance anyone. Your actions, attitude, and other things will influence how others perceive you… and what actions they may take with or against you.

- NSFW scenes. They are entirely optional and not needed to secure a romance; there will always be an option to sleep together or to do something still romantically-inclined but not so, hrm, passionate. Is that a good word for it? Hmm.

- Some potentially triggering content. There will be a trigger warning on the first page into the game and likely a spot somewhere on the UI bar to the left.

- TBA!

Romance Options and Other Characters:

Drake Wellington, Owner of Wellington Mansion

The owner of Wellington Mansion and the one holding the challenge. He is aloof, polite, and tends to only make his presence known at the beginning and end of each day.

Ms. Fia Delphina, Drake’s PA

Ms. Fia has been working for Drake Wellington for nearly 20 years, and has never disappointed him. She’s highly intelligent, observant, and there is very few things she won’t do for Mr. Wellington.

Fiona Campbell, Business Woman (Romance Option)

Fiona is a widower who used the finances left to her by her late husband to help her budding “toy” business flourish. In the last six months, however, things have had a bit of a downturn as she’s faced multiple spots of bad luck, and now needs the money from Wellington to help get her business back on track.

Age: Early-to-mid 40s, does not look it at all

Race: Succubus

Gender: Woman

Appearance: Champagne-colored hair that curls around her shoulders. Red-violet, heavy-lidded eyes. Lightly tanned skin that has a smattering of small moles and freckles. 5′9/175 cm with a curvaceous build and an F-cup chest.

Blue Antilles, Graffiti Artist and Activist (Romance Option)

“Blue” spent most of their early life learning to paint, which quickly became graffiti-painting as they reached their teen years, and yearned for changes in their desolate world. As they reached adulthood, they entered into aggressive activism and take the fight directly to large corporations with little fear.

Age: Mid-20s

Race: Partially Fae, but it’s such a small connection that it only gives them some of their “key” appearance markers, but Blue has learned to use their lesser abilities to a big advantage.

Gender: He/him lesbian or They/Them gay man, depends on MC’s gender

Appearance: Dark blue hair that curls to just past their ears. Shaved in the back. Hazel-green, round eyes. Bronze-colored skin with warm undertones, with some acne scars on their cheeks. 5′10/179 cm with a lean, lanky build and a B-cup chest for lady Blue.

Adelaide/Aidan Margot, Anarchist (Romance Option)

Ade is an asshole, point-blank and simple. They’ve seen plenty in their time on Earth, and if anything, it’s instilled a severe yearning to watch the entire world burn. They rarely find interest in the modern world anymore, but Drake Wellington has managed to pique their interest…

Age: ???

Race: Vampire

Gender: Demiwoman/Demiman, base is Adelaide.

Appearance: Mahogany-colored hair that Adelaide keeps in a braid down to her waist while Aidan keeps it loose and to his chin. Grey-green eyes, almond shaped. Fair-skinned with heavy amounts of freckles, along with a birthmark of an upside down heart covering most of their chin and its underside. Athletic build with a C-cup chest for Adelaide.

Felix Mosley, Genuinely A Good Person (Romance Option)

Felix is a man with a heart of gold, trying to get the entire group to work together and keep the peace… even if it may backfire on him more than help. He’s come to Wellington Mansion to try to win money to cover his younger sister’s cost of living while she tries to get an experimental treatment.

Age: Early 30s

Race: Human

Gender: Man

Appearance: Light brown hair in tight curls against his scalp, with sunbleaching to lighten his hair color more. Downturned hazel-blue eyes with evident crows’ feet. Darkly tanned olive skin. 6′2/188cm, large, muscular build. Has a scar that cuts through his left eyebrow to his hairline.

Harvey Lancaster, 9-to-5-er

Harvey’s come to the Mansion to try to win enough money to get him a nice trailer, a decent car, and help him survive while he looks for a better job. He is the very definition of someone entering a dangerous contest to try for a better life.

Hannah Bailey, Model

Hannah is at the Mansion to earn enough money to pay for her college entirely and allow her to get out of small-time modeling and move up in the world. She has very little interest in the other contests, and tends to antagonise everyone else.

Rizzy Poulos, Gamblin’ Man

Rizzy is no stranger to taking risks. He’s been a long-time gambler for nearly ten years, and it’s only recently that his luck has soured. He’s come to the Mansion to get a bailout from his pending debts. He’s rather charismatic and charming, with a big of a rotund belly he often balances his arms on.

And they’re all waiting for you to arrive at the Mansion. Don’t dawdle for too long… who knows what Mr. Wellington will have cooked up in the time you wasted?



demo|template credit 

under follows you (fida) a person who lived a life that isn’t theirs, until the night where the closest place you would call home burns to ashes and you’re forced to leave the only place you knew behind. Not knowing the reason to why things changed the way they did out of nowhere or why now you have to walk a different path.
their footsteps stray, their resolve dissolves, they sit under the crescent moon, months, years, centuries pass. waiting for a shooting star, that might open them a door. maybe only then the curtains fall, swallowing the darkness.

genre: fantasy, historical, mystery.

IF is rated 18+ for heavy topics and violence.

story takes place in city of raya, along other neighboring cities and villages, within fantasy based world. much of inspiration is based on arab, muslim and babylon culture.


— choose mc’s pronouns.

— customize how mc looks, hair color, hair texture, skin color.

— explore different places.

— meet new people. maybe make some friends or enemies.

— learn about different groups in raya.

update log

part one of prologue (24th april)

part two of prologue (4th june)

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Winter games: frostbite is my first interactive fiction game with twine.

You are the future of figure skating, or, so you can be.

You are one of the most promising rookies of the season, and your promise hasn’t went undetected. You are scouted to join the olympics team of top figure skaters, a team formed by the eccentric top figure skater Heidi Valentine. In preparation for that years winter games.

Form romances or friendships, train with figure skaters of legend, soar to the top of the ice skating world-or don’t.

  • play as male, female or nonbinary, as well as straight, gay, bisexual romantic portions.
  • build or destroy relationships with your teammates
  • find out your teammates origin, your own origin, or none
  • romance any of the four romance options; the prodigy, the perfectionist, the star, and the competition
  • choose your athletic background before figure skating (hockey or gymnastics)
  • the opportunity to stand at the top of the world of ice, or fade into the background
  • update your character journal/notes as the story goes on
  • a hopefully accurate depiction on figure skating


Heidi Valentine |m|


Description: 5’9. Long limbs, littered with various bruises. Dark brown hair growing out to his collarbone, caramel skin and eyes a light brown.

Heidi is the one who scouted you for his team, and to him, you are his muse.

People who loved him, called him…eccentric. People who hated him called him a raging lunatic. Either way, love him or hated him, you had to admit he was a living legend. His skill couldn’t be denied. At least, not in the figure skating world. He’d dominated the figure skating community at a world level, leaving a trail of gold medals in his wake. And yet, inexplicably, the day of his 20th birthday he’d retired. At 21 years old he’d already lived the life, figure skaters years older could only dream of. A life he was now offering to you, his muse.

Your notes: eccentric, chaotic, more than a little bit awkward, more than a little too excitable, and more than a little too eager to please; at times Heidi causes more problems than solutions


Sun Nari |nb|


Description: 6’3. Inky hair gathered in a small ponytail at their nape, aquiline/Roman nose. Big eyes and long lashes. They are long with knobby knees, and large hands.

It’s no secret they dislike you. After all, before you came along they were the one supposed to be scouted for the team Heidi was forming.

They will surpass you. They will do better than you, and they will never admit they watch videos of your skating at night with admiration. Never that.

Your notes: every time you run into them they start threatening to surpass you? Offered them a water and they told you your efforts to seduce them wouldn’t work, turned red and started stammering.


Wisteria Florian |f|


Description: 5’6. Hair in dark braids, usually tied up in a high bun. Upturned eyes and a full mouth. She has a small tooth gap when she smiles.

Wisteria was already scouted to play in the olympics two years ago, when she was 19. She trains under the same coach as you, and yet she was the one that was chosen, straining your relationship with her.

She’s arrogant and makes no pretence about it, she’s also loyal, supportive and more protective than someone who’s supposed to be your natural competitor should have been.

Your notes: she gave you a tray of food and other self care products, with the note; for your health. Not that you’ll be able to surpass me, even in top condition. You’re currently unsure if it was an attempt at kindness or if you should be annoyed and seek revenge.


Alexis Kimura |m|


Description: 6’0. Angular, upturned eyes. Dark hair, pale skin and pale lips. Sharp features that create an intimidating look.

Everyone knew about Alexis. Whe he was born he was already proclaimed the future of pro figure skating. After all, his mother was the famed figure skating icon, Suzuki Kimura, and from his skill to birthline, there was no doubt he’d be nothing short of a legend.

Your notes: a little emotionally stunted, more shy than he portrays, and with a good heart underneath, you think you could get along…if he stopped acting like socializing would give him a plague.
