#a message to those who read


It has come to my attention that my art has been posted on Facebook and perhaps Twitter as well.

Which is all well and good, but I am worried about not being given credit. I have a friend who sees this and makes sure that I am credited, but one person cannot catch it all and I am not active on much social media besides here.

So, just to be cautious, I will be making sure to sign all my art so that it cannot go uncredited. And I will be going back and adding signatures to all my previous works. I just didn’t think any of it was good enough that someone would want to repost without my permission.

In a way, I’m flattered, truly. But I also do all of this for free and share it with everyone so that they can see it and possibly be happy, too. So it would be really discouraging for someone else to get credit for my works or for no one to be able to find more of my art if they see a piece they like.
