#just some thoughts


This is not really a criticism, but I can’t help but feel like “Raine was pretending to be mind controlled all along!” is not the most interesting narrative direction the Owl House could have taken there?
I love me some competence plot twist, don’t get me wrong, I love heist movies, but in this case it barely works because we don’t really… know Raine? They’ve shown up a whooping three times, including TTBK. The entire flashback was needed to (re) set them up as this magical badass because without it, the plot twist would have fallen absolutely flat, me thinks.

And now that Raine is trying to keep Eda out of the rebellion by not communicating, which, as many people have pointed out parallels Eda’s behaviour about her curse, it feels like the plot is leading up to this non-communication causing problems for Eda and Raine, if not on the DOY directly then at least in an important episode leading up to it. And it’s definitely a thing of personal preference, but I’m rather tired of such miscommunication plots used for drama, never mind that it feels redundant with Eda chewing herself out for not letting Raine in all those years ago about the curse. Like, the two have been there, and sure, now it’s Raine’s turn to do the thing, but…

Call it trope preference, but Eda maybe being forced to decide to try to keep reaching out to a mind controlled Raine, versus just letting them go (for now), but ultimately deciding to pursue them anyway and help them fight past the mind control, be that via magical-shared-memory-adventure or Raine simply thinking about what she said at the parade, maybe starting to find holes in Terra’s story on their own, or realizing the EC treatments are all wack and should be stopped, and therefore breaking out of the mind control because they still trust in Eda even after all these years apart, or Eda finally reaching out and not letting go, having to make herself vulnerable and open to reach Raine because she’s let them go once and is not willing to do it again and watch them destroy everything they’ve built for themselves that’s… yeah, Imo just way more dramatically satisfying long term than the short satisfaction of “Haha, fooled you, I had a plan all along!”

(Especially because now the EC barely feels like a threat anymore. It’s Belos + Terra + maybe Kiki, as seriously as she can be taken these days vs Raine + Darius + maybe Eber + Owl House crew + plus Hunter at some point later and uh, yeah, one of those sides is clearly outnumbered. Idk what about the other coven heads. At the conversion rate we’re looking at, I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out half of them are also rebelling and the other half turn coat as soon as the whole Draining Spell is revealed to them. I’d be disappointed about that, however. Either way, until the other Coven Heads get lines that indicate any narrative staying power, I’m not considering them for these kind of threat assessments.)


Gender roles were created based off of biological needs. Women birth the child, women stay home with the baby. Men are physically stronger, men protect and provide. My gosh, it’s so simple yet this generation loves to complicate things. You don’t have to vigorously follow these roles to perfection either. Of course some gender roles are ridiculous, but the core of it makes a lot of sense. Gender roles aren’t just about the individual, they help the child as well. To me, these roles are about sacrifice, and submission to nature. Everything that the ego isn’t.

Will not explain. Those who get it, get it.

One of the fundamental problems with the pro-life/pro-choice debate is that the two sides aren’t actually opposites. They’re not on opposite sides of one issue, they’re just two different beliefs. And they’re not on the same level, either, because one of those beliefs is shared by everyone, and the other isn’t.

You’ll see pro-choice arguments that agree, for the sake of argument, that the pro-life belief is true. You won’t see pro-life arguments that agree, for the sake of argument, that the pro-choice belief is true. Because pro-life advocates don’t actually disagree with that belief in principle, in fact, they share it. The idea that people have bodily autonomy is already something we all agree on. It’s why we’ve outlawed things like slavery and assault.

Take away the pro-life belief that a fertilised egg is a full human being with full rights, and you’re out of arguments for banning abortion. Take away the pro-choice belief that everybody has the right to decide what happens to their body, and you’re out of arguments for allowing abortion, but also for banning rape, assault, enslavement, and a whole host of other awful things. Whoops.

The problem that pro-life has is that while they certainly share the underlying belief of the pro-choice stance, their own belief is not shared by everyone else. And in order to “win” the argument, they need to somehow prove and justify an exceptionto a principle that we all agree on, without getting rid of or invalidating that principle itself. And ultimately, the only way to do that is by bringing the pro-life belief into it and taking that as fact - which, since it’s a belief, you can’t. And since it’s not shared by everyone, they won’t accept it, so you’re back to square one.


idk I wanna write odes, psalms, fuckin sonnets to the Never Have I Ever driving scene aka the most perfect distillation of filmic yearning I’ve seen in like half a decade. I felt that shit from the tips of my fingers to the roots of my hair, you know, that hyperawareness of exactly how close another person is to you down to the millimetre and you’re both looking at each other but not quite full-on cause it’s fragile, all the anticipation and possibility, so you gotta let it breathe, but you’re fuckin drowning in it and when Paxton takes his hand off the steering wheel and Devi fuckin notices and he fuckin notices her noticing and his leg is shifting and his fingers are restless and she sees it and he looks at her looking at it and then they’re looking at each other, again not quite full-on It is so quite new a thing Muscles better and nerves more I can’t believe I just fuckin quoted e e cummings but truly one of the greatest moments of poetic hand cinema second only to 2005 Joe Wright Mr. Darcy’s hand flex

anyway, when I feel like I’m dying and my body is ascending with excruciating memories of what it feels like at the most heightened point of having a crush right before anything actually happens, I like to go to the youtube comments of the song and vibe with all the other people going through the same thing


I find it extremely amusing that while Vyn does have red flags it’s literally just a perfection complex like he’s manipulative so you think he’s fucking cool and that’s it. This man’s worst fear is tripping in front of you I think he’d literally cease to exist afterwords

posting art on newgrounds would be a lot better if you could post multiple images for one art section…. sometimes a work has a necessary second piece to it. yea yea you can post it in the description but it lowers the quality and you cant click to see the full image -_-

So I’m not sure what happen but I’m so bummed that old tags that use to be seen with tag reader are missing some of the older tags. I was going back through some of my likes that I saved becuase I really enjoyed the tags people wrote and only seeing the first 3-4 makes me sad :(

It has come to my attention that my art has been posted on Facebook and perhaps Twitter as well.

Which is all well and good, but I am worried about not being given credit. I have a friend who sees this and makes sure that I am credited, but one person cannot catch it all and I am not active on much social media besides here.

So, just to be cautious, I will be making sure to sign all my art so that it cannot go uncredited. And I will be going back and adding signatures to all my previous works. I just didn’t think any of it was good enough that someone would want to repost without my permission.

In a way, I’m flattered, truly. But I also do all of this for free and share it with everyone so that they can see it and possibly be happy, too. So it would be really discouraging for someone else to get credit for my works or for no one to be able to find more of my art if they see a piece they like.

I’d like to mention a propos Nothing in Particular that you don’t have to be a tall, willowy, white and button-nosed Instagram model to be a witch.

Witchery is first and foremost about taking your power back from the world.

The frills and the crystals are Optional.


I know I’m pretty new to 911 & buddie but I’ve been enjoying the ship in silence for a couple months & I have a question…

Why in the fanfics & headcanons does the fandom insist that Buck is loud & open but Eddie is the one who fails to express his feelings?

I can see where you get confused, Eddie is catholic (to an extent), was in the military, has a panic attack over a new relationship that results in a doctor calling him “repressed”. All those surface level point to a man who is terrible at expressing himself I get it.

But I wanna talk about Buck & Eddie here & how canon shows us this isn’t TRUE.

Buck may be loud in his love but only with other people who aren’t Eddie.

Like with his sister, when he first starts his friendship with Eddie he goes on & on about what a great father he is & how he needs some help. She even calls it a crush before giving him advice. He doesn’t talk about this moment with Eddie of course.

Then we have off screen to think about. Where he calls Carla to ask for help on Eddie’s behalf. Because we KNOW the conversation was probably similar to the one he had with Maddie. Where he rants & raves about how great Eddie is as a father & how adorable Chris is before explaining that they need a little help. Carla, well she probably thinks about the time Abby’s mom went missing & Buck rushed over to help find her even when him & Abby hadn’t even MET yet because that’s what he does for people he loves. He tries to fix the problems for them & Carla probably gets it. Understands before Buck might even that he loves Eddie & doesn’t hesitate to meet with this mystery person with the amazing son.

If you think Eddie is quiet you are mistaken, he is private. Also he can express his feelings very well you just may not be able to translate them yet.

Because Eddie doesn’t say things in a way people can always understand but if you do than you can hear Eddie screaming his love for Buck & you wouldn’t call him quiet.

Eddie “you can have my back anyday” Diaz isn’t quiet.

After the tsunami he looked Buck in the eye with his hand on his shoulder & thumb on his pulse & said clear as day “Buck, there’s nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you.” Thats pretty freaking straightforward if you ask me.

Lets go to the well now. Where as soon as that dirt fell with Eddie under it Buck screamed & sobbed & yelled & tried to dig Eddie out with his bare hands in front of an audience of strangers some other firefighters & some not. And no one probably told Eddie how insane Buck went with grief. They probably never talked about it once he got out because under the water Eddie was passing out & Buck’s voice was the first one he heard when things started to go black. But then Eddie swam out & the first thing he did was go to his lawyer about changing his will.

Then we have the lawsuit & the grocery store argument. Where Buck is stumbling & stuttering & failing to make his team understand, to make Eddie understand his point of view because Buck isn’t actually SAYING anything. Then we have Eddie. Eddie who is PISSED Eddie who calls Buck exhausting & says how much he wishes he can talk to Buck & how much Chris MISSES Buck & yeah it hurts like hell to hear but at least Eddie is SAYING something when Buck isn’t saying much of anything.

Then we go to the make up. Where Buck is quick to make a joke about ghosting & Halloween because he fails at communicating well and Eddie doesn’t laugh because nothing about this has been funny to him. Then Buck gets serious & begs Eddie to talk to him even if its to yell & say he’s still angry like he did in the grocery store. Because Buck knows anything is better than this silence because Eddie normally isn’t this silent, not with him, not with Buck anyway. Then they are okay again or at least on their way.

Don’t get me wrong though Buck still fails at interpreting Eddie speak too, even if he’s the expert. Like in that kitchen scene (you know the one) where Buck admits his failure to see Eddie was in pain & needed help. He even says he understands that Eddie probably wanted to beat the crap out of him & Eddie laughs it off like “I wouldn’t do that… you’re on blood thinners” & Buck doesn’t fully grasp that’s Eddie speak for “I would never hit you no matter how pissed you make me.” It doesn’t matter though because their son is in the living room waiting for a round of video games so they just fall back into their routine.

Then we get to the shooting. There’s so much blood, so much so that Eddie gets confused & asks if Buck is hurt because he thinks he may have been shot too & that would probably kill Eddie before the bullet does.

Then we have Buck being asked if he’s okay by a fellow firefighter & him answering an honest “no”, then he’s shaking in front of Taylor, & breaking down crying in front of Chris & all these people GET it. Get how much Buck loves Eddie but Eddie doesn’t SEE these moments does he? He may get a second retelling by his son but by then Buck already mentioned the crying & its been downplayed & washed of any romantic subtext. And Buck says how he should have gotten shot instead of Eddie & you can SEE the tears forming in Eddie’s eyes because how can Buck casually say such a heartbreaking thing like that? Doesn’t he GET it? How much he means to Eddie? Hasn’t he HEARD Eddie over the years? Then Eddie realizes once again that even Buck isn’t an absolute expert on Eddie speak yet so he doesn’t know giving him his son to watch & love is the equivalent to Eddie ripping out his own heart & saying “here its yours.” Or that “you can have my back” isn’t a proper way to ask someone out. Or that “Chris misses you” doesn’t exactly translate into “I miss you” automatically.

Then they talk & Eddie says that Buck is legally in charge of his child in the result of his death because Buck is important & loved & not expendable like he thought because how could he have ever thought that? And Eddie did this a year ago right after he almost died & the first voice his heard in his head was Buck’s & its crazy to me that you guys say Buck is louder in his love & better at communicating when Eddie is out here getting legal documents filed out signed with Evan Buckley on them without hesitation.

Maybe you guys just aren’t an expert at Eddie speak yet.

Whitebeard a.k.a Edward Newgate has some yandere potential. Particularly Platonic Yandere.

In canon, he basically kidnapped Ace to become his son and be part of his pirate family. He wore Ace down until the fire dude finally submits and accepted to be his son


sometimes the whole premise of Rapunzel seems ridiculous (who trades a baby for a head of lettuce), but then again who hasn’t had a snack craving so bad they’d trade their firstborn child

Trading a firstborn child seems like a pretty good deal if you don’t want kids. It sounds heartless, but if you’re not gonna have them anyway, might as well get some good shit for free.

But also it makes me think about the loopholes. And I can think of a major one, as somebody who’s planning on adoption(if I even decide I want kids). If you adopt a child, they are your first and oldest child. But they weren’t your child when they were born, couldn’t be taken at that point in time. They also weren’t born “from” you, so it seems like that would muddy the waters quite a bit. After all, if they’d take your adoptive child as soon as the paperwork’s signed, what’s stopping people from adopting children just to use them as payment?

Thing is, even if your next kid is your biological child, they wouldn’t be your firstborn; that’s your adoptive child. They’re your firstborn, even if they don’t have your genes.

idk, I’d love to hear somebody else’s thoughts on this. Would witches/fae/etc. invalidate adoption by saying only biological children are yours? Would they try to take your first child no matter their adoptive status?

I am incredibly bored of the “everyone is so easily offended” thing. People are allowed to be offended. Complaining that you have to grow by learning ways to be a better person seems like a very backwards way of thinking.

Folks who were previously walked all over have now found their voice and are speaking up against the invalidation and gaslighting they’ve experienced. But instead of learning from it, some people are behaving like petulant children who were told off for hitting. All because they can no longer be a demeaning bully and get away with it.

“I don’t have to be mindful of other people’s feelings,” is basically how this sounds. We should all be accountable for our actions, strive to a better person and stop expecting everyone to have a thick skin just so people can continue to be rude.

On the Glass Closet Again

Okay so I talked about the “glass closet” strategy before, but another benefit of this tactic occurred to me recently.

I was talking to my mom about my identity (kind of coming out but like in a chill way). She was wildly unsurprised since I had been doing the glass closet thing for a while.

But she said that when she first started to suspect that I wasn’t straight, she had a classic “Oh no what if my kid is gay?!” thing going on in her head.

But then she had time to think about it on her own and come to terms with it so that by the time I finally came out, it wasn’t like a bomb was dropping.

As a result, she was able to sincerely say she supported me and ask questions out of curiosity rather than panic, and it was just an all around good conversation.

That wouldn’t have been possible if I had sprung this on her. Sure, she would’ve come around to it eventually, but there would have been a period of hurt and confusion on both sides that probably would have taken a while to heal from.

Anyways, I say this not to say that it’s wrong to come out of the closet “suddenly” or that it’s always best to slow roll your coming out process with a “glass closet” approach. This is just another way of looking at it that I had never considered before.

Just like it takes a lot of us a while to come to terms with our identities, it can take our loved ones a while to wrap their heads around it too. And in some cases the “glass closet” gives them that time.

Then if/when you decide to come out, you’re able to get a reaction from them that’s coming from a more thoughtful place instead of whatever their knee jerk might be.


I think why that part of Young Justice (2019) was such a flop was because it tried to make Young Justice into a “big tent” type of superhero team, like the Teen Titans is. Like if you asked “who’s in the Teen Titans” it’d probably just be easier to ask “what superheroes that have been a teen at some point haven’t been in the teen Titans.” The Teen Titans has (with a conservative estimation) at least 50+ members across many generations. But if you ask “who’s in young justice” (not counting the TV adaptation) you can count the number of characters with your hands. And if you’re talking about who’s in the “core” of young justice, you can take it down to 4– even 3 (although you probably shouldn’t). I think the difference is that the Teen Titans started as a superhero team but Young Justice just started as 3 friends hanging out. Even when it grew, Young Justice was more of a friend group than a super hero team. That’s why making it into a big superhero team doesn’t really work. It fundamentally misunderstands a core aspect about of Young Justice’s identity. It’s always been “just us.”

I really appreciate the ways in which I’ve grown when it comes to loving and embracing judaism

like when I was a kid, I wasn’t excited about judaism. it wasn’t something I was passionate about or particularly interested in. it’s just something I was, something everyone around me was. I grew up orthodox and judaism was just my way of life. like yeah if you would’ve asked me I probably would’ve said I was proud to be Jewish but I don’t think I fully understood what that meant.

now as an adult, I actually feel so much closer to judaism. I know there are people from the community I grew up in who would look at me in pity now, because I wear pants, because of what I do for a job (theater), because I’m openly queer.

but you know what? I’m happier now. I love being jewish now. I know now that it doesn’t have to be all or nothing, and I can keep a fully kosher kitchen and make shabbat and keep all of the traditionally orthodox things that I always did growing up, but this time do it while being fully myself.

I feel closer to my culture and religion now more than I ever did in my childhood. it’s no longer something I either did because it was forced on me or because it was what everyone else was doing. now I choose it every day.

now, more than ever, I feel like I can honestly say I’m proud to be jewish

Trying to apply to some apprenticeships made me realise just how differently people think of my art, my skills, my ideas,…

I’ll bet all Pearls look different. Actually I bet all high class gems look different. Cause we saw a bunch of Rubies that looked the exactly the same except with different gem placement. Gems like Sapphire and her ability are probably rare and that’s why she was aristocratic. And we know the Diamonds have their own Pearls, but Peridot said there are hundreds of Pearls sent all across the galaxy so I wonder if generals or such get a Pearl too. Just how big is the Gem empire?

side note- why are Ruby and Sapphire so short compared to everyone else? Peridot’s pretty short too. Is height part of the hierarchy? Are common gems shorter? Rose, Blue Diamond, and Yellow Diamond are really tall so maybe. Pearls are technically common but they’re a high class common so that’s why she’s tall. Fusion increases height so maybe that’s another reason it’s looked down upon. It’s seen as gems trying to subvert the system.

I don’t like thinking of certain characteristics of the signs as “developed” or “undeveloped” because we’re all constantly changing, evolving, and developing. The binary developed/undeveloped language makes it seem as if you’ll one day reach some perfect manifestation of the placements and aspects in your chart when in reality that can never happen. There is always room for improvement.
