#a year in art


Before January of this year, the most I’d done as far as digital art was playing with photos in Adobe Fireworks 2003 in my spare time. This year was my first formal introduction to making digital art from scratch and I’ve really enjoyed it.

I’ve compiled some of my favorite/best pieces from each month here (though I cheated a little in June) just to have a quick look at how far I’ve come. I’m happy I was able to make all the art I did this year and I’m more than happy with how a lot of it turned out (thanks in no small part to some art tutorials and good advice).

I’m also very excited to see what the next year holds in store for me and what this might look like come New Year’s Eve 2019. I’ve got some ideas on what to make but more so I want to hone my skills and learn what I can really do with Photoshop. I made most of these pieces (at least the non-traditional ones) with like 6 or less default brushes so I don’t know if that makes these more or less impressive.

And thanks so much for everyone who’s liked, reblogged, commented on, and shared my stuff so far. I decided to start making/sharing art on a whim last year and I could not have wished to have gotten as much attention as I have. It’s been a real gift (pardon the awful, cheesy pun) to have made such an impact, as small as it is.

Hoping everyone had a great year and I’m sure I’ll be posting some more dinosaur schtuff soon.
