


This is a birthday gift to my beloved @captainshakespear

I hope you enjoy Joe, Nicky and their daemons Noor and Aurelio are having a nap on the train. Love you, hope you have an amazing day <3 <3


This is for @firefly-party 

Teen. Warnings: none. 1,500 words.


Eskel has been tight-lipped about their destination, and Jaskier can’t help but be a bit suspicious.  It’s one thing to shack up with someone during the cold winter months, but now that spring is blooming all around them, his witcher’s mood might be changing.  Perhaps Jaskier can meet up with Geralt?  They’d talked it over in hushed tones after Jaskier started spending most nights with Eskel.  Geralt wishes them well, and will be there to take him off Eskel’s hands if the need arises.

Jaskier just didn’t think it would arise so soon.

Keep reading

I’m truly the luckiest q_q thank you so much
