

anyway i’m willing to wager that since both times mason has posted stuff it’s been on screenshot saturday, he’s got something to show on saturdays in general…. cool 


what is it that makes swords seem so unattainable? you can get one for like $20 on amazon. sure some of them are upwards of 300+ bucks but thats for the real artisan shit. if you just want a blade you can grind and swing around thats so cheap. replica swords arent hard to make. swords ARE a reality you can achieve. but they seem so lofty. like something beyond what any of us could ever dream of owning. and yet we can


Shirley Jackson, from The Haunting of Hill House

“My hand. In marriage. And all of its associated benefits.And you should know – I wouldn“My hand. In marriage. And all of its associated benefits.And you should know – I wouldn“My hand. In marriage. And all of its associated benefits.And you should know – I wouldn

“My hand. In marriage. And all of its associated benefits.
And you should know – I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t mean it.”

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