#aai spoilers


Speaking of gumshoe I think he puts up with a lot of bullshit from the von karma siblings? Not (just) because they’re scary or whatever but willingly because he feels sympathetic towards them, and knows a lot of the hitting and the yelling and the strictness is learned behavior and it’s all they know. Gumshoe has seen the man that miles and franziska were raised by and decides to let a lot slide because they themselves have had it very rough


Important to note that they are having this conversation over the dead body of a murdered world leader.

speaking of lang i noticed the…diction? of how his table of contents are phrased out on the wiki is very distinct from the other characters. like compare this to franziska’s:

 aai spoilers // for yatagarasu week day 6: legacy

aai spoilers // for yatagarasu week day 6: legacy

Post link

there is an imposter. perhaps even among us.


So I uhhh, made a girl group with the aa villains :) it’s what they deserve


HAPPY FATHERS DAY to one of the greatest found fathers : Miles Edgeworth ❤️❤️

[Image description: a digital drawing of Miles Edgeworth and Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney Investigations, set during Turnabout Reminiscence. Miles is blanching in horror, sweating as a menacing lightning bolt strikes behind him, as Kay blows her nose on his cravat. End image description]
