






absolutely loving the daily dracula idea let’s do lord of the rings next

my guys (gn) i’m not kidding when i tell you i’d be absolutely ready to organise this if it wasn’t for copyright laws so as it is

screenshot of a google search saying: "when does the lord of the rings enter public domain", with the first reply reading: "In the US, Tolkien's works will enter the public domain 95 years after they were published. So, 2032 for The Hobbit, and 2050 for LotR? In the UK and other “life+70” countries, Tolkien's works will enter the public domain 70 years after his death."ALT

see you in 2044

(id in alt text)

okay but what if I said fuck it and just did it anyway

im gonna say fuck it and do it anyway I just need to find a newsletter tool that won’t pay too much attention to copyright! so if anyone has any info to help me with research that’ll be much appreciated

it’s all still a few months away anyway

definitely do research into how to protect yourself with this before you get started though! the tolkien estate is going a bit nuts in trying to control everything related to lotr (pretty sure they’ve threatened lawsuits at some point too)

oh yeah, absolutely, I mean I’d love to organise it and I don’t think non-commercial use could cause much trouble, but I’m gonna do very solid research because I know they tend to get crazy about the copyright
