#aaron hotchner x daughterreader


Getting Your First Period

Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!reader

Requested By: Anonymous

hey can you maybe write about reader getting her first period and dad hotch taking care of her Yk like explain it to her?<3

i think someone already did this but Aaron x reader and she got her first period and while he is explaining everything he feels bad because Hayley isn’t there to explain it?

A/N: I got two similar requests so I just combined them

Warnings: Period talk, missing parent

-It happened in the morning

-At first, you didn’t want to tell your dad since he was already rushing to work but you didn’t have anything

-You nervously approached him and told him

-At first, Hotch thought you were joking but he noticed the scared look on your face and knew you weren’t

-He had been expecting this to happen soon so he had asked JJ and Emily for some tips on what to do

-He had supplies stocked up and he knew what to do but he didn’t know if you did

-Hotch had to walk you through what to do since you had no clue

-Since Haley wasn’t around, you had learned nothing about periods or anything in that area

-The school’s sex education class didn’t help much either

-As you were in the bathroom, Hotch got Jack ready for school and sent him on his way. He called you in sick so you didn’t have to worry about school for the day

-You came back downstairs and your dad was willing to make you anything you wanted for breakfast

-Hotch was in the kitchen and you were in the living room lying on the couch

-Your cramps were getting more intense and you had already taken more than enough pain meds

-Hotch came back to the living room a few minutes later with the pancakes you had requested earlier

-He stayed with you on the couch the whole day



Criminal Minds

