#x daughterreader


Getting Your First Period

Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!reader

Requested By: Anonymous

hey can you maybe write about reader getting her first period and dad hotch taking care of her Yk like explain it to her?<3

i think someone already did this but Aaron x reader and she got her first period and while he is explaining everything he feels bad because Hayley isn’t there to explain it?

A/N: I got two similar requests so I just combined them

Warnings: Period talk, missing parent

-It happened in the morning

-At first, you didn’t want to tell your dad since he was already rushing to work but you didn’t have anything

-You nervously approached him and told him

-At first, Hotch thought you were joking but he noticed the scared look on your face and knew you weren’t

-He had been expecting this to happen soon so he had asked JJ and Emily for some tips on what to do

-He had supplies stocked up and he knew what to do but he didn’t know if you did

-Hotch had to walk you through what to do since you had no clue

-Since Haley wasn’t around, you had learned nothing about periods or anything in that area

-The school’s sex education class didn’t help much either

-As you were in the bathroom, Hotch got Jack ready for school and sent him on his way. He called you in sick so you didn’t have to worry about school for the day

-You came back downstairs and your dad was willing to make you anything you wanted for breakfast

-Hotch was in the kitchen and you were in the living room lying on the couch

-Your cramps were getting more intense and you had already taken more than enough pain meds

-Hotch came back to the living room a few minutes later with the pancakes you had requested earlier

-He stayed with you on the couch the whole day



Criminal Minds



Unexpected Visitors

Newt Scamander x Daughter!reader

When two strangers show up at you and your father’s home, the night turns very eventful

Word Count: 1,319

A/N: This takes place in that one scene in Crimes of Grindewald and reader is about 15/16

You had been downstairs finishing up some of your chores with your father’s creatures when you heard the crash from upstairs. You knew he was home so you decided to let Newt deal with the problem upstairs. You figured it was just one of the Nifflers causing problems. You went back to finish feeding the Diricawls when Bunty stopped by.

“Your father asked for me to send you up to him when you’re finished here,” she said.

“Okay thanks,” you said, looking up from your work and smiling at her. 

She nodded at you and waved goodbye, you returning the favor. You quickly finished up and then headed upstairs into the house. 

Keep reading

Unexpected Visitors

Newt Scamander x Daughter!reader

When two strangers show up at you and your father’s home, the night turns very eventful

Word Count: 1,319

A/N: This takes place in that one scene in Crimes of Grindewald and reader is about 15/16

You had been downstairs finishing up some of your chores with your father’s creatures when you heard the crash from upstairs. You knew he was home so you decided to let Newt deal with the problem upstairs. You figured it was just one of the Nifflers causing problems. You went back to finish feeding the Diricawls when Bunty stopped by.

“Your father asked for me to send you up to him when you’re finished here,” she said.

“Okay thanks,” you said, looking up from your work and smiling at her. 

She nodded at you and waved goodbye, you returning the favor. You quickly finished up and then headed upstairs into the house. 

You heard voices and some giggle that didn’t belong to your father. As you reached the living room, you saw your dad talking to two other people.

“Father?” you asked, hoping he could answer some questions about the strangers in your house.

Newt turned around after hearing your voice to look at you, “Oh Y/n,” he said, pulling you to stand next to him. He faced back to the others in the room, “Uh Y/n this is Queenie and Jacob. I met them in New York.

You looked at them and gave them a small wave.

“Oh this is the famous Y/n yo told us about,” the woman, Queenie said, “It’s very nice to finally meet you,” she smiled brightly at you.

“You too,” you mumbled. Like Newt, you were an awkward person, especially around people. You smiled at her again and then looked at Jacob, who did not seem to be acting very normal, “Is he alright?” you asked.

“Oh yes he’s fine,” Queenie responded, helping Jacob stand up straighter. She then turned to your father, “Shall we have dinner?”


You and your father were now sitting across from Jacob and Queenie. You could hardly eat because you were so focused on what Jacob was doing. He could barely eat and Queenie had to do almost everything for him. You could tell your father was trying hard not to notice either but it wasn’t working.

“Tina and I aren’t talking to each other,” Queenie explained.

“Why?” your father asked her, watching her tuck a napkin into Jacob’s shirt and sit in her own seat.

“She found out about Jacob and I,” she said, “And you know the laws. Not allowed to date or marry No-Majis.”

“I always thought that was ridiculous,” you said. It was the first thing you had contributed to the conversation tonight.

“Y/n ,” your father said softly. While he agreed with you, he didn’t need you chastising the person who was giving him the details he wanted on Tina.

“Sorry,” you mumbled, going back to eating your dinner.

“And anyways,” she continued, “She was all in a tizzy because of you.”

“Me?” your father asked, shocked.

“Yes you!” she exclaimed, “It was in Spellbound Newt.”

He looked over at you, confused and hoping you would have an answer for him but you were just as confused as him. You looked over at Queenie and gave her a confused look.

“I brought it for you to see,” she said, using her wand to pull the magazine out of nowhere and flip to a page with your father, your uncle Theseus, and Leta.

“Newt Scamander and fiance Leta Lestrange and brother Theseus with an unknown woman.”

“No that’s wrong,” Newt said quickly, “Theseus is marrying Leta.”

You had to suppress your giggles at the scene unfolding in front of you.

Queenie smiled at the realization that her sister’s crush wasn’t engaged, “Oh.”

It took her another second to realize that it wasn’t necessarily a good thing, “Oh dear.”

“What?” your father asked again.

“Well see, Tina read that and so she started dating someone else,” Queenie said quietly, “He’s an auror. His name is Achilles Tolliver.”

“I’ve heard of Tolliver,” you said, “He was mentioned in one of my classes at Hogwarts.”

Jacob started laughing and wheezing, causing you all to look over at him, “Tolliver?” he asked, in between laughs. He was wheezing so hard, you thought he might stop breathing.

“Are you sure he’s alright?” you asked, repeating your question from earlier.

“Of course he is sweetie,” Queenie said to you, wrapping her arm around Jacob who was already starting to calm down, “Anyways, we’re real excited to be here. It’s a special trip for us.”

She began to pour herself and Jacob a glass of wine, “You see, Jacob and I are getting married!” she exclaimed while giggling.

You looked over to your father, who seemed as surprised as ever by the news. You watched him look over to Jacob as he began to raise his glass.

“I’m marrying Jacob!” he said loudly, throwing the liquid on himself, making you gasp lightly and jump in your seat. Queenie then pulled out her wand, shooting confetti from the end.

Newt looked over to Queenie as she pulled the napkin from Jacob’s shirt and began to dry him off, “What? I have not,” she said.

“Will you stop reading my mind?” your father asked out loud.

You looked at the woman sitting next to you, “You’re a legilimens?” you asked. She nodded while continuing to read your father’s mind.

“That is an outrageous accusation,” she said, wiping off Jacob’s face more, “Look at him. He’s just happy.”

“So then you wouldn’t mind if I,” Your father started, standing up from the table and pulling out his wand, Queenie matching his actions.

“Please don’t,” she said, moving her arm in front of Jacob, who grabbed on to it.

“You’ve got nothing to fear if he wants to marry you,” Newt explained gently, “We can just lift the enchantment and he can tell us himself,” he continued, raising his want up to the other man.

Queenie slowly pulled her arm away from Jacob and he continued to look at her. She backed away from him, causing the man to look at you and your father’s directions. You hadn’t moved from your seat at the table but your father was ready to remove the enchantment Queenie put on him.

“Whatcha doing with that?” Jacob asked, chuckling, “Whatcha doing with that Mr. Scamander.”

Newt flicked his wand, “Surgito,” he said.

Jacob shook as the love enchantment was removed and he was back to normal. He took a deep breath before looking around the room.

“Congratulations on your engagement Jacob,” your father said.

“Wait what?” Jacob asked, clearly not knowing he was engaged. He looked at your father confused before he noticed he was looking up at Queenie, “Oh no,” he said.

You looked to the woman who was already packing up her stuff and heading for the door, too upset to stay and listen to Jacob begging her to. She grabbed her jacket and left the house, letting the door slam shut.

Jacob went after her but stopped and turned to your father, “It was nice seeing you,” he said to Newt. He glanced over at you, not realizing you were there before now, “And it was nice to meet you kid.”

You gave him an awkward smile.

“Also, where am I?” he asked.

“London,” you answered.

“Oh!” Jacob exclaimed, “I always wanted to go here!” he yelled as he left the house, following Queenie.

Once the door was shut, you looked over to your father, “So those are the friends you met in New York?”

He looked over to you, “Yes although, they weren’t that out of sorts when I met them.”

“Interesting,” you replied. You stood up from the table and pushed your chair in, “This has been a very eventful evening so I should be going to bed.”

Before Newt could respond, you were already running upstairs and to your room. He heard your door open and close shut. He sighed and plopped back down in his chair, shaking his head.




Scamander!reader: Oh no, “Y/n” in b-flat.

Scamander!reader: You’re disappointed

Scamander!reader: Am I in trouble?

Professor McGonagall: Take a guess.


Professor McGonagall: Take another guess.

(Quote from an incorrect quote generator)


Bedtime Buddy

Newt Scamander x Daughter!reader

You decided to take a sick Bowtruckle to bed with you, without your father knowing.

Word Count: 524

A/N: Uhh this is my first HP fic and my first time writing for Newt! Hope you enjoy! Reader is about 15/16

Earlier in the day, you noticed that Poppy, one of your father’s bowtruckles, wasn’t feeling well. You suspected she had the same cold that Pickett had gotten over a few days ago. You had heard your father say that Pickett just needed body warmth so you decided you would just keep her with you like he had done. Before you got ready for bed, you snuck back downstairs and grabbed her and brought her back up to your room. You got into your pajamas and into bed. Newt was still up but since you were “sleeping” he wouldn’t disturb you.

Keep reading

Bedtime Buddy

Newt Scamander x Daughter!reader

You decided to take a sick Bowtruckle to bed with you, without your father knowing.

Word Count: 524

A/N: Uhh this is my first HP fic and my first time writing for Newt! Hope you enjoy! Reader is about 15/16

Earlier in the day, you noticed that Poppy, one of your father’s bowtruckles, wasn’t feeling well. You suspected she had the same cold that Pickett had gotten over a few days ago. You had heard your father say that Pickett just needed body warmth so you decided you would just keep her with you like he had done. Before you got ready for bed, you snuck back downstairs and grabbed her and brought her back up to your room. You got into your pajamas and into bed. Newt was still up but since you were “sleeping” he wouldn’t disturb you.

You pulled Poppy out of your pocket and she climbed up your arm and rested on your shoulder. You carefully leaned over to grab the book and your wand resting on your nightstand. You opened up the book to the page you left off on.

“Lumos,” you said, using your wand as a reading light so you could read aloud to Poppy and so you didn’t strain your eyes. You kept your voice quieter so your father wouldn’t hear.


Newt was finally on his way up to bed himself when he passed by your door and noticed a light coming from underneath. It didn’t look like the normal lamp or candle light that you would forget to deal with if you were extremely tired so he knew you were still up.

You heard the footsteps walk by your door and then stop. You knew you were about to be caught reading late and with one of the creatures so you quickly tried to put Poppy away and extinguish your wand before your father came in. The doorknob turned and the door opened before you had a chance.

“What are you doing up?” Newt asked, stepping into the room.

“Reading,” you said, trying to block Poppy from his view.

“I see you have a friend with you,” he said, walking over to the bed and sitting next to you.

You shrugged, “She has a cold,” you explained.

Your father nodded slowly, “So you were keeping her warm right?”

“Yes,” you said, “And I thought I could read out loud to her. She was actually enjoying it.”

Newt looked at the small bowtruckle now trying to hide under your pillow.

“You are too much like me for your own good,” he said, resting his hand on the top of your head.

“Well I am your daughter,” you said back, giving him a cheeky smile.

“Sadly yes,” he joked, ruffling your hair.

“So can she stay with me then?” you asked hopefully.

Your father looked from you to Poppy, and then back to you, “Just for tonight you two,” he said.

“Thank you,” you said, throwing your arms around him and hugging him.

“Just go to bed now it’s late,” he said, kissing the top of your head.

He got up from your bed and walked to the door. He stepped out of your room and then closed the door behind him.

Poppy poked her head out from under your pillow so you tucked her in before cuddling under the blankets yourself. You fell asleep shortly after.



Okay so two newt scamander x daughter!reader fics this week (and two incorrect quotes) and then requests for the next two and then probably three Witcher fics after that. Then I might open up requests again
