#abandoned churches


A Guide To Exploring Abandoned Churches

  • If you go alone, don’t bring a flashlight. You’ll see things you don’t want to.
  • Don’t bring groups bigger than 12.
  • Bring water and some snacks, but no wine.
  • If you have to sleep there, sleep in the sanctuary, but not on a pew.
  • If you try to read the hymnal, the words won’t be english anymore.
  • The Bibles will be blank until you confess.
  • Don’t go into the confession booth. The man talking to you is not the priest, and you don’t want to know what he really is.
  • The cross on the wall changes locations, don’t look at it for too long.
  • If you see someone praying at the altar, don’t approach them. If they approach you, don’t talk to them. Leave immediately.
  • If you hear the organ playing while you’re in the basement, know that your time is running out.
  • If it plays while you’re in the sanctuary, your time is up.
  • Take whatever you want, but if you find that one of your possesions is missing, don’t look for it. Let them have it. It’s not worth your life.
  • If you find a rosary, don’t put it on. It won’t help.
  • The water isn’t holy anymore. Throwing it on the demons in the shadows won’t work.
  • Drink the wine if you wish to never leave.
  • Don’t get seperated from your friends.
  • If you spend the night, leave at sunrise otherwise you’ll enter another plane of reality with no way back.
  • If you don’t spend the night, leave through the doors you came in.
  • You might look behind you after leaving and see that the church isn’t there anymore. It means that they took what they wanted.
  • Never enter the same abandoned church twice. Even (especially) if you forgot something inside. That’s a lure. On your second tour through, they will know enough about you to keep you there.