#abdi nazemian



“Maybe experiencing death once doesn’t prepare you for experiencing it again. Death isn’t something you can practice.”

-Abdi Nazemian, Like a Love Story

books I’ve read in 2022 no. 030

The Chandler Legacies by Abdi Nadezian

“The most important four-letter word in our history will always be LOVE. That’s what we are fighting for. That’s who we are. Love is our legacy.”


Like a Love Story made me cry and made me angry, and made me smile. It’s a book about the 80s HIV/AIDS crisis and how it affected life in so many aspects. People were losing their loved ones, there were many protests, young people were coming of age afraid of their sexuality, the anxious wait for some medical development, and the blatant homophobia. 

The characters of this book feel alive in their flaws and desires, and unexpectedly, my favorite character was Stephen, the Queer mentor I wish I had and I’d love to see in more YA books. Above all, this book is about love, romantic love, platonic love, and love for your community.

thereadingchallengechallenge:trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian“‘Like a Romthereadingchallengechallenge:trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian“‘Like a Romthereadingchallengechallenge:trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian“‘Like a Romthereadingchallengechallenge:trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian“‘Like a Romthereadingchallengechallenge:trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian“‘Like a Romthereadingchallengechallenge:trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian“‘Like a Rom


trcc’s wednesday edits - Like A Love Story by Abdi Nazemian

“‘Like a Romance,’ he says.
‘Like a Love Story,’ I add.”

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