
It’s March already and this month’s theme is genderqueer women in honour of Women’s History Month.OrIt’s March already and this month’s theme is genderqueer women in honour of Women’s History Month.Or

It’s March already and this month’s theme is genderqueer women in honour of Women’s History Month.

Orlando by Virginia Wolf

Orlando has been called ‘The longest and most charming love letter in literature’ and it lives up to the name, spanning over three hundred years of immense political and social changes. During a political uprising Orlando, a young man living in the Elizabethan Era, turns into a woman and sees the world change and evolve over the years. The use of irony and farce in Virginia Wolf’s Orlando highlights many of the issues women faced for several centuries leading up to the early 20th century.

We’ll be reading this throughout March, make sure to tag your posts with the hashtag #aborlando

Wandering Son, Vol. 1 by Takako Shimura

This beautiful Japanese Manga follows fifth graders, Shuichi and Yoshion. Shuichi is new at school and befriends Yoshion, but both have a secret. Shuichi is a boy who wants to be a girl, and Yoshino is a girl who wants to be a boy. We follow them as they both question their identities and learn how to be comfortable with their true selves. It is a sweet and loving story about friendship and identity.

Still unsure? Why not try out the first chapter here! Discuss with us and post on social media with the tag #abwandering

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