#about my reading habits


Books/Texts finished: 9 - 3 fiction (John Gardner - Grendel, Natasha Pulley - The Watchmaker of Filligree Street, Jenny Offill - Dept. of Speculation), 1 poetry (Carol Ann Duffy - The World’s Wife), 1 non-fiction/memoir (Deborah Levy - Real Estate), 1 non-fiction/travel writing (Sylvain Tesson - Kurzer Bericht von der Unermesslichkeit der Welt), 3 short stories/novellas (H.P. Lovecraft - The Shadow over Innsmouth &The Dunwich Horror, Ursula K. LeGuin - Those Who Walk Away from Omelas)

Books bought & got: (Jeff VanderMeer - Authority, Katherine May - Wintering)

Books started/still reading:4(Victor Hugo - Les Miserables, Dan Simmons - The Terror, Terry Tempest Williams - Erosion, Hanya Yanagihara - The People in the Trees)

Yeah, I know it’s late April. This monthly wrapup is just one of the things that fell to the wayside while we packed up our lives and 800+ books. Better late than never, right?

(Ironically,allthe ‘currently reading’ books from the start of April are still on my currently reading shelf as of today.) 


being a mood reader sucks because sometimes you want to read 6 books at once, and you have to pick just one and hope you’re in the right mood for the others sometime in the next hundred years
