#reading goals



Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading

Beauty and the Beast had me believing that when I grew up someone was going to fall in love with me and gift me a super library. Thus far, I have been wrong. But hey, this is beautiful and would make the perfect gift.

Well a 48 hour power outage in a snow storm has made me very productive with my reading.

I finished The Little White horse by Elizabeth Goudge. I watched and loved the movie as a kid and I can say they mauled the movie and the book was better. Despite the fact that she ends up marrying her cousin and having ten kids, it was an enjoyable kids book.

I also finished the Fellowship of the Ring and started Two Towers. It was wonderful as always

I started reading Pride and Prejudice but it was late, I had no light and that print is VERY small for such convoluted grammar, so I didn’t get very far.

I’m hoping to read more classics this year that I’ve been wanting to read for ages. So far I’ve got a strong start on 2020! I don’t read as much as most “readers” do but I don’t want to pressure myself and just read when I feel like it and read what I want.

Did you set new reading goals for 2017? So did we! Check out Jewish Book Council’s January 2017 staf

Did you set new reading goals for 2017? So did we! Check out Jewish Book Council’s January 2017 staff picks and see how we’re kicking off a new year of reading!

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April TBROther than my current reads: A Discovery of Witches by Deborah HarknessDEATHNOTE volume

April TBR
Other than my current reads:
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
DEATHNOTE volume 2
And Cruel Crown by Victoria Aveyard

I plan on reading:
Sapphire Blue by Kerstin Gier

The Time Machine by HG Wells

Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi

Titan’s Curse by Rick Riordan

Let’s hope I can do this!

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I did it!  Do you know what that means?  It means I can get back to reading and writing reviews!

I have personally declared December the Month of Reading Dangerously, which means that I will be setting myself all sorts of goals for the month.  Goals that I have already decided on include:

  • Average out at a book a day for the entire month
  • Two days, six books
  • Finish everything I am currently in the middle of, including A Brief History of Time, The Fall of Arthur, and Posthumous Keats.  (Yes, this is what I read for fun.)
  • Read Le Chevalier au Lion in French, preferably Medieval French, using Modern French as a guide when I get stuck.
  • Write at least four reviews.
  • Holiday review???

I would love it if you fabulous people joined me in my Month of Reading Dangerously!  Submit a review, or just tell me what you’re reading, and how you like it!  Let me know what your goals for the month are!

Love in Literature,



Update: This is now updated as of Spring 2022! I feel I like spent a good part of 2021 catching up and finishing series that I started in 2019/2020. Which was my plan (as you can see in the paragraph below). I’ve definitely been meeting my reading goals for the past couple of years, which is a good feeling!

2019 (and some of 2020) was a year of starting series, but not necessarily finishing them.  This is a list of series I want to read and finish, but haven’t yet (plus having so many unfinished series stresses me out a little) 2020 was also a year where I started series and reread a lot of favorite books from my teenage years and earlier.  I’m glad I did that, and I reread some books I’ve been meaning to for years. But i think 2021 will be a year of me wrapping up/catching up on series.  

Series I’ve started but need to catch up on: 

  • The Wayward Children Series by Seanan McGuire. Read book 1, need to read the rest. (it’s a crime that I haven’t continued yet, I know). Update: I’ve now read this first two books… still need to continue!
  • The Expanse series by James S.A. Corey. Read book 1 January 2021, need to read the rest. Update: I’ve read books 1-5 so far.
  • Castle in the Air andHouse of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones (companion books to Howls Moving Castle) I know, its a heinous crime that I haven’t read these two when HMC is quite possibly my most favorite book ever. 
  • Veronica Speedwell Series by Deborah Harkness. I’ve read books 1-2.
  • The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare 
  • The Dark Star Trilogy by Marlon James

Series I want to continue, but I’m waiting for the next book to be released/announced: 

  • Children of Blood and Bonetrilogy 
  • Crescent City series + the new A Court book
  • Ninth House series by Leigh Bardugo (Hell Bent announced)
  • The Book of Dust trilogy by Philip Pullman
  • Vespertineby Margaret Rogerson

Keep reading

Books/Texts finished: 9 - 3 fiction (John Gardner - Grendel, Natasha Pulley - The Watchmaker of Filligree Street, Jenny Offill - Dept. of Speculation), 1 poetry (Carol Ann Duffy - The World’s Wife), 1 non-fiction/memoir (Deborah Levy - Real Estate), 1 non-fiction/travel writing (Sylvain Tesson - Kurzer Bericht von der Unermesslichkeit der Welt), 3 short stories/novellas (H.P. Lovecraft - The Shadow over Innsmouth &The Dunwich Horror, Ursula K. LeGuin - Those Who Walk Away from Omelas)

Books bought & got: (Jeff VanderMeer - Authority, Katherine May - Wintering)

Books started/still reading:4(Victor Hugo - Les Miserables, Dan Simmons - The Terror, Terry Tempest Williams - Erosion, Hanya Yanagihara - The People in the Trees)

Yeah, I know it’s late April. This monthly wrapup is just one of the things that fell to the wayside while we packed up our lives and 800+ books. Better late than never, right?

(Ironically,allthe ‘currently reading’ books from the start of April are still on my currently reading shelf as of today.) 
