#abraham gray


“although i could see where the confusion came from.”

“what? HEY!”

“you’re all too kind.”

“ok. i think i understand, however you may need to go over the part about the vomit again.”

“m-maybe i shall save the rest for later…”

“before you ask, cathy already told me what this meant. of course, these are all against my morals, however the situation we’re speaking of is purely hypothetical. probably.”

“although i had all of the correct paperwork, the lady behind the counter kept telling me to “please go away” and that “this is a pet shop”.”

“that probably wasn’t the answer you were looking for. nevertheless, i hope it proves to be somewhat useful to you.”

“if you want to play rounders with us so badly, i’m sure i could find you a spot on the other team.”
