#absolutely brilliant




Art warmups of C3 characters + my favourite thing they’ve said so far

(In table order: Chetney, Dorian, Laudna, FCG, Fearne, Imogen, Orym, and Ashton)

[ID: a series of poster-style drawings featuring symbols and quotes from each current critical role character.
1: a wooden mallet and chisel crossed together, with “come correct or get corrected” carved into a piece of wood in front of them. the background is a pattern of blues and browns.
2: a dark blue lute with a swirling light blue pattern on it, with a strip of white cloth wrapped around it, which reads “joke’s on you.” the background is a gradient of orange and yellow.
3: a black rat with a bird skull over his head and black goop dripping from his hands and eyes, standing on top of a long thin hammer, which has the words “don’t tell pate” inscribed on the side. the background is a pattern of maroon, red, and orange.
4: “smiley day to ya!” written on a banner, over a brown backpack with a red potion and a small pile of coins sitting in front of it. the background is a metallic patchwork of yellow, blue, and gray.
5: a black and orange monkey holding onto a long wooden staff with flowers sprouting over it and a lantern perched on the top. a yellow banner flows from the top of the staff, reading, “don’t get on my ass about it!” the background is pale green.
6: a dark red storm cloud with purple lightning coming out of it, and a yellow banner which reads, “you done made me cuss.” the background is pale blue, white, and yellow triangles.
7: a shield and sword, both patterned with dark green accents and small etched leaves, with a dark green banner stretching in front of them, reading “come on, man!” with decorations of branches and flowers. the background is pale green, with some swirling designs in darker green.
8: a large hammer with a blue glass head, with a black leather belt draped over the handle, reading, “does no one crime?!” in purple. the background is green, with golden cracks coming from a point in the top left. END ID]


Zen X CMC Lea

Because the day can’t end without at least one surprise gift // Based on the charm @deermori drew into my birthday commission for darling Zen


Filming had been long today. With very little sleep even my birthday glow had started to fade. Stumbling back to my trailer deciding to start cleaning up because once my princess finally finishes work I’m certain we will head back to our hotel room. No haven tonight. Just sleep, eventually. Grabbing a tea from Saeyoung’s food truck on my way. Glaring indignantly at Jumin’s. By the time I reach it I’m looking forward to sitting down.

Collapsing in the chair in front of my vanity. Staring at myself in the mirror. Astounded how I can still be this handsome when I feel so exhausted. Settling my drink on the table I pause. Sitting off to the side near my bottle of makeup remover is a small box. Brightly wrapped in soft pink paper and tied up with a pretty silver bow. A tiny card nestled on top. A poodle with a blue ribbon tied around its neck on the cover. Inside in her neat handwriting my princess had scrawled: To my darling prince, from your cute princess.

Phone out before I fully process finding it. Snapping a couple of photos of my gift. Certain Lea had said she wanted to wait until we got home and could arrange a proper party with our friends to give me my big present. This must be a special treat just for me.

Carefully I tear at the paper. Heart fluttering in anticipation for what my cherub has deemed worthy of giving me. Always gracious and thoughtful, I’m certain she antagonized for days about whatever this was. Unsurprised to find a plain white box inside the wrapping. Greedy now I want to relish the affection I’m feeling from this surprise.

Slowly lifting the lid, I pause. Making a soft noise of pleasure I drop the top of the box on the table. Inside is a silver chain. Thicker and more masculine as I prefer. At the end of it is a square silver pendant. Gently lifting the jewelry I’m flooded with warmth to see the word lovecraved onto it. Flipping the piece there is nothing on the back and I’m confused because I know Lea loves me but I feel like she’d want to say more.

It only takes me a few moments more to realize the pendant opens. Gingerly but eager I unlatched it. Eyes devouring the contents. On one side are our initials today with a tiny date at the top. Being the ever astute boyfriend I immediately know it’s the day we met. As emotional as that makes me, it’s the opposite side that sets my pulse racing. It’s initials again only this time we clearly have the same last name. At the top was an empty space for an eventual engraving of our wedding date.

The promise is clear to me, I’m too choked up to even photograph it. I’d know Lea a week before I told her we should get married. It had mostly been in jest to Jumin telling us we shouldn’t stay together if we weren’t. The glow that favored her cheeks had enamored me. I’d known from our first date, she was the one that I would make my wife.

This small piece of metal in my hand. It was concrete. A pledge that when we were ready she wanted to say yes. Tears brimmed in my lashes. I would keep it with me forever now. This silent, secret promise. It was perfect because I could also drop my couples ring on the chain when I needed to. Our future right here. Etched in silver and shining with potential.

Banner and header by the woman Saeran is probably curled on the couch with hand feeding sweets while across the country Zen opens his gift. @luxielle

Oh my god Lea.

I knew the pendant fic was coming, and the box and wrapping were absolutely adorable, and I love the little picture of the poodle, and the word “love” being engraved on it was simple and sweet, but I knew there was something more coming (just like Zen did) and…

My god. When I read the bit about the empty space at the time I fully teared up. This feels like a callback to the couple’s rings, of course, but it’s like…something else. Something new. A gesture toward their future. A promise, and done in the most Lea way possible—because it’s incredibly romantic but also very gentle, and very serious but also a little bit playful, and extremely intense and passionate but done in this subtle, quiet, feminine, perfectly you way. And it shows your dedication, and your thought, and your care—and of course it makes him cry. It made me cry a little.

I’m now gonna get teary every time I look at those chibis, because I’ll know what the necklace says. A perfect gift, and a perfect sweet little fic to describe it, and a perfect ending to this day 

Okay but Phoenix acting like an enthusiastic baker is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time




This is my answer to the frustrating fact that John is demanding that Molly keep Rosie away from Sherlock as of the end of the first ep. I hate it and I want it to be resolved asap. And this is how I’d LOVE for it to happen.

Molly sat there on the couch bouncing her leg a little and wringing her hands every so often as she mulled over the feelings and words that were swimming in her brain. She jumped a little when John unlocked and came walking through the door.

“Hey,” he muttered quickly as he hung up his jacket. “Thanks again, I know this was short notice. But it’s been crazy with all the legal rubbish and at the same time trying to take some patients-” He paused when he got a look at Molly. “What’s wrong?”

Molly didn’t answer as she stood from the couch.

“Molly, what’s wrong?” John demanded more loudly. “Where’s Rosie? What’s the matter?”

“She’s fine, John!” Molly quickly clarified. “She’s sleeping for the night, don’t worry.”

He released a breath of relief. “Well then what is it? Why do you look like that”?

Molly shook her head slowly. “I just- I can’t do this anymore.”

Keep reading

YAAAASSSS QUEEN (both you and Molly)

Beautiful.  I think it’s John’s turn to be deduced by Molly Hooper. Throw some sense into that man, girl.




There was a brief but decisive evolutionary bottleneck of canines that begrudgingly allowed homo-chimps to live after sticking them in a corset.


the wolf started running backwards in circles trying to get out of Uncle Urg’s shirt and everyone is laughing so hard that the sleeping children and young mothers and old folk wake and come out of their hide huts and observe First Funny Dog galloping around in the moonlight, and a tradition is born


like were dogs even dogs yet or did someone manage to squeeze a particularly patient tamed wolf into a leather shirt and then howl with laughter as it trotted around the cooking fires dressed like Uncle Urg begging for food scraps


I’d like to know what the first person to put human clothing on a dog was thinking

“Will you flush game for me, Wolf, when I go hunting the wild things beneath the trees?” asked Human.

“I will,” said Wolf, “If only you leave me the bones and scraps of meat from your kills.”

“That is well,” said Human. “And will you use your ears and eyes and nose to guard me while I rest, and warn me when lions prowl too near?”

“I will,” said Wolf, “If only you let me lie in the warmth of your cooking-fires.”

“But of course,” said Human. “And will you do as I command, and follow me wherever I go, and love my children and grandchildren as you would love your own?”

“I will,” said Wolf, “If only you scratch me where my claws cannot reach, and pet me, and heal my injuries when I am wounded.”

“Always,” said Human. “And will you let me dress you up in funny clothes, and dance around, and do little tricks for me to laugh at?”

Wolf hesitated, and eyed Human warily for some time, weighing its choices. “That depends,” it said. “Will you tell me I’m a good boy?”

Human smiled. “The goodest boy,” it said.

Dog wagged its tail, and Wolf was no more.

I’ve reblogged it before, and I’ll say it again: this prose is right up there with Kipling’s Just So Stories. A modern literary masterpiece. I feel compelled to make an illuminated manuscript of it.
