#absolutely unreal











nearly 90,000 ppl signed this petition to get a college to stop raising sheep on their sustainable solar farm and its such a fucking joke ppl are sending the people who work for this program death threats like- 

When vegans attack the meat and dairy industries indiscriminately they never manage to shut down the big factory farms; they shut down the small farms like this that are doing the right thing. They are actively sabotaging efforts to make agriculture more environmentally and socially sustainable while removing competition for the factory farms that have profit as their priority. If they directed this much attention at farms growing plantproducts unsustainably they might actually achieve something.


they literally don’t even know if this handful of animals actually got killed after living well on a small farm and they’re “keeping up the petition in memory” like a dead child gkcbffjcncnn

Not gonna mention how some woman used her dead child as a tool to try and get the place shut down? Like she used her child as a prop in her argument.


yeah ……..

I hate to tag you in stuff because I’m sure you have much better things to do, but….


I’d like to make sure you and anyone else thinking of taggin acti in my posts knows that I have them blocked. Mainly because my mentions were 50% people tagging them to fight their battles for them and y’all seem unable to even defend your own morals yourselves. Leave me out of it please! It’s creepy. 

Might as well tag Alex Jones to back you up in a debate lol
